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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    More than ever

    Jamie : whatever you can do for your friend cake & dinner sounds wonderful. its thought that counts even if its store bought. Don't try to be perfect or perfect day, striving to do our best is good enough. Asha
  2. HostAsha

    new frustrations

    nancy: hope & pray you get good days soon. yes there is time in life when everything goes wrong one after another & we notice, but boy when things are going right one after another we never notice, thats why I feel keeping gratitude journal has helped me big time. Asha
  3. Debbie : under great caregiver Bruce is flourishing & doing more for himself you you, which translates to better new normal. Asha
  4. Lynn: I am so happy that you did not break anything & just bruises that will heal. always be careful & listen to that inner voice. happy birthday. Asha
  5. As many of you know I love reading spiritual books & that's why I love watching oprah's super soul sunday series which is TV program to make you think & inspire. It is very uplifting TV program. Last sunday she had spritual teacher & stroke survivor Raam Daas. There was documentary on Raam Daas which lot of us can identify with it. you can watch it at . Raam Daas calls his stroke as fierce Grace of his Guru & today I can identify with that statement & feel the same way about my stroke. I would have never imagined in past that I will ever view stroke as just speed bump in my life's journey, but thats what I feel about my stroke experience. It made me slow down & enjoy the scenary on my life's journey which is in abundance thanks to amazing family & friends. hope you guys can check out this documentary & find that inner peace which is within all of us. documentary is at
  6. Elondie: Tootie & all of her family will be in my prayers for succeesful surgery & ood recovery. Asha
  7. leese : that's what I am afraid of after my stroke that I have my acceptance so strong that I don't want to keep on trying out some unproven therapies which could impact me negatively, I guess that means I m okay with my post stroke life & don't want to jeorpadize my new normal. Asha
  8. Sue : I love the lovely wedding picture of you & Ray. In life we all go through some good times, some not so good times, some bad & some ugly times. I just pray God will give us all strengths to go through all times, good, bad or ugly. I pray for your strength. hugs, Asha
  9. hey Fred : I am glad you are getting help from your neurologist, what I have learned over time that you can't control others specially your spouse's actions & reactions , only things we can control is how we hoose to react to their behaviour. Only person we can change is ourself. Just by having this mindset I don't have any expectations from him specially on romantic front, he is man of action shows his love by doing service where as I would prefer flowers & hugs. but I know he loves me since he is still here by my side every step of the way. so just learn to accept the differences & appreciates their other plus points. Asha
  10. Fred : Its fun to read your blog. I am glad you are volunteering & helping others that keeps person busy & away from feeling sorry for themselves. I have realised having routine in life helps person. I am glad you have your granddaughter & her puppy to keep you entertained. Asha
  11. Ruth : I have made my own routine monday,tuesday is my exercise day, wednesday is lazy day means no exercise but I catch up on my housework like laundry & bathrooms cleaning, thursday friday is exercise days & saturday, sunday is also break day from exercise & its family time. I love my this simple routine life & look forward to even my exercises. Asha
  12. Fred: ofc being married to CPA is great thing, he took care of it for us, no refunds for us this year, but ofcourse it's his domain so I don't worry about it Asha
  13. HostAsha

    Lazy Day/Jammin' Jamie

    Jamie: start building your stamina, slowly start increasing your time increase your endurance. I know more I do around the house better I feel about me. Asha
  14. HostAsha

    And, a 'nother

    hey leese: I was geographically challeged prestroke too & now post stroke GPS is my best friend & I feel smart lol. Asha
  15. Tammy : that's what all we can do, live life to fullest one day at a time, & be greatful for what we can still do. Asha
  16. HostAsha

    Heart Surgeon Update

    Jamie: that's great news, you were fortunate to have good doctor, maybe wear the sign on your next visit lol. Asha
  17. Jamie: I am glad you realised it & tighten that screw since I felt so incomplete no where to put this expert's comment, felt such a waste of my wisdom lol. Asha
  18. I have to write in my blog again since I want to relive joy of our india vacation. This is my 3rd trip to India after my stroke. & as they say 3rd is the charm. I shiver thinking about my first trip I was huge mess at that time & hated getting pity of every one around me at that time. I just suffered fall right before our second trip & I was hugely in fog during that trip so did not enjoy much, but this time was exceptional. I didn't look or feel the poor me part like my first trip so felt difference in how every one treated me like old times, actually had blast, hear people commenting how good I looked & lamenting why do we have to live so far away since they can't spend more time with us. hubby saw first time me in action post stroke that how tight I am with all of his family ofcourse that made him very happy too. Great thing was that every one treated me like old Asha & no different. Even though kids have grown up &has family of their own, when we were together we were bickering like old times which is 20 years ago when I had just came into their family. ofcourse for kido it was all bit unusual, but for me it was best time again, felt like 21 year old again when bickering specially with my 2 of my nephews who are now big shot businessmen. In this trip we visited hubby's village by train one way since I wanted our kido to experience train ride,though it was more luxurious than plane ride. we had asked my sister-in-law to accompany us in this journey & we all had great time during our train ride. we played cards for few hours & it was so much fun, kido & I made sure hubby & sister-in-law was taking turn in loosing. It was so much fun teasing both of them whole time & every one taking it in good spirits. I still smile thinking about that ride. Asha
  19. leese: I am glad you are reaching to that acceptance where life becomes serene once more & there is no more struggle. Stay in present & enjoy your life to fullest. Asha
  20. Fred : I am so happy for you, life is great when you are at serene place of acceptance & make best out of cards you are dealt with. Though I feel after you are done grieving your loss you can choose to become great survivor than victim. Asha
  21. Fred: I think its better to let him to know ahead of time than leaving bad taste in every one's mouth & spoils the relationships. Asha
  22. We are back from our world-wind vacation. We usually go to India every two years to meet our family members and keep tie alive for our kido who is born here, and does not understand he is loved by ton of family members. As he is growing old, he has his own reservations about going to India, he did not want to miss his friends & his sleepovers this vacation, but ofcourse he listens to his dad & agreed to come this time. We all had blast. I love meeting my in-laws & their family. Since after marriage I stayed with my in-laws for a year without hubby before coming to US. I am very close to every one, and enjoy their company a lot. I see huge difference in India from our last visit. India is Emerging market and booming in economics. you see malls,residential towers, cars every where. most of our family members are doing very well, every one has few cars & nice big houses. I had asked every one to boil the water even if it's filtered water & we avoided eating salads & fruits with skin, this simple precautions made our trip more memorable. all of us stayed fit which made trip more fun, kido is already planning 1 week biking/hiking trip with his cousins to ladakh in his summer vacation, Mom is supposed to make sure his summer is open for this vacation. I am glad kido came & saw the abundance of love which he is missing by being here. Now taking him again will be easy for us. Spring break is short but our objective gets achieved, weather is also pleasant at that time. Though now we have to get back to our normal life again. So I better go and start my day. Asha
  23. HostAsha


    hey Leah: baby & blanket both look very beautiful. I amglad you are keeping busy, empty mind is devil's workshop so better be busy. Asha
  24. Lydi: wow, you inspire me, I should give a try to small jog too. you are doing right things. Asha
  25. Lydi: I am so happy for you, you are finding yourself again. Asha