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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    prayers for friend needed

    lynn : I am so sorry to hear all the news specially accident. I will keep all of you in my prayers for good outcome. accidents are so sudden and hard to accept. I just pray you all get strength to get through this trying times for all involved parties. Asha
  2. Lydia: I hear pet are great in giving unconditional love. No human can possible give that kind of love not even parents or kids. I am glad you have that kind of love in your life. Asha
  3. Debbie : I am firm believer in supporting others(volunteering), when you are helping others atleast during that time you are not focusing on your problems, but focusing on helping out others.& I feel it helps every one. that is the reason I am still actively involved in this site. I would still like to give support & I know in turns it helps me too. Asha
  4. Sue: thank you for update on Ray, from your honest blogs I get to see other side of living with survivor. you have great coping skills, staying in the moment & not blaming any one. Asha
  5. MC: thanks for update even though you updated late, I am glad you all had great time together. your Dan is smarty pants bringing his girlfriend was great first start, hopefully slowly you guys will have more lunches under your belt with Marc & will be back to old times again. Asha
  6. Lydia: I love your stroke of insight. it feels great to see we all have that inner strength within us to get through the difficult time, though it's great to depend on support of family & friends till we find our strength back. Asha
  7. Debbie: :congrates: on 3rd stroke anniversary. you both have come out of it so far & I can see rebuilding newnormal one activity at a time Asha
  8. Susan: love your blog, you can see happiness flowing from this blog. Asha
  9. Debbie : Being long time survivor I am now done with all my therapies & have created my new normal routine & I am now comfortable with my recovery. I am ok having just one hand at my disposle since I have learned to compensate & do almost every thing with just one hand. I think you need to find out from Bruce what brings him happiness & contentment. therapy has to end at some point in life & living to its fullest will do the required therapy. Asha
  10. Lydia: I am sure with winning personality like yours you ill attract lot of new friends in your life Asha
  11. Lenny: :congrats: every marathon starts with one foot infront of other that's how you finish the race. I am so happy for you. Asha
  12. Sue: I love reading your blogs, as loving caregivers I know what my hubby must be going through at our house. life is never easy & follows what we want it to follow, we just have to relax and go with flow & trust in God's goodness that something good will come out of this even though we don't see it right now. I am sure soon you will get busy in being new grandma. I bet your ministry work will bring lot of joy & peace of mind. Asha
  13. Ruth: its scam, I m glad you did not fall for it.I have heard about this kind of scams in news. I guess watching depressing local news has helped me be aware of all this kind of scams. Asha
  14. Lydi: be very careful. don't forget or chatrooms too. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    My Bionic Man

    Debbie: thanks for the update, man you got your hands,legs whatever you can hold into is full. My hats off to all caregivers who stood by their survivors in their trying times till we got pieces of our life put together. hugs, Asha
  16. Lenny: I am so happy for you, as a parent you both have to be very proud of him & yourself too. you both have raised fine young man who is so caring, & loving. I know as a parent we all feel so happy when our kids do well. I am always here bragging about my kido. I love reading your blogs. Asha
  17. I love my husband dearly, due to strok his great assets came into my attention. he is fabulous caregiver & provider. kido & I are lucky to have him in our life, due to stoke I learnt his valuable strengths which were hidden under nonromantism. hubby is never into showing his love through flowery words. he shows his love through his actions, by being there for us any time we may need him, & ofcourse he is the one who enabled me post stroke to reach it to my highest potential. he was the one who encouraged me to do more for us by learning new subjects & taking over financial things to do in our household, which ofcourse increased my confidence in my ability & made me happy. Though he is not perfect, he will not say or do things to please other person if he don't believe in it which ofcourse it used to make me very unhappy about it though ofcourse post stroke I realized what matters & I learnt only person you can change is yourself so by changing myself & not having any expectation of romance in the form of flowery words from him life is great. Anyway I enjoy this tidbits of wisdom I get every day and through my blogs you also learn if you choose to read my blogs lol. Asha
  18. Sue : I have learnt that valuable lesson from my husband whom I constantly used to ask him doesn't he regret marrying me. he was always like God does not do mistakes, you are the best the way you are. he is great enabler. He is always like this is what has happened to us & we have to make best out of this situation, & I am so glad I listened to him. because of this simple acceptance my post stroke life is so much joyful & relaxing. I am actually thankful to my stroke it helped me made the person I am proud of. I am glad you are reading good books which is helping you forgive & move on. hugs, Asha
  19. lydia : you got amazing wise mom, I loved her line like learning to find peace with oneself somewhere between your expectations & your limitations. I think its true for every one survivor or nonsurvivor. I had told you in the begining be mindful of ego it has tendency to find its head wrapped against work titles & make us feel worthless. you are more than what you did. we all are unique & have purpose to fill in. BTW lydi start having routine in life even though you don't have to go anywhere, wake up on time have breakfast, lunch, dinner on time & you will see life will feel great one more time with different routine, Asha
  20. mc: I am so hapy for you, slowly & steadily your family is coming together. parents always have to keep bigger heart & forgive their kids. we will be waiting eagarly for your lunch update. Asha
  21. Fred: thanks for update on your life. I have married accountant who uses turbotax for our taxes, I always feel I should be doing our taxes, but since he is accountant, he takes over & I back off. I also love my retired life since I have created my new routine which involves doing exercise,watching tv & taking care of my family. life is good. Asha
  22. Lenny: I am so happy for you, I know with that kind of attitude only positive things can happen in your life. recovery never stops. more you try to do things for yourself easier it gets & its less hassle for loved ones in your life. Asha
  23. Katrina: taking ani depression meds was the best thing I did for myself after stroke, it allowed me to look past my sadness & enjoy life again. though after on them for couple of years I weaned myself off them. what I learnt is happiness is a choice & some days are harder than others specially my PMS days. but I have learnt to cope with them. For me blogging good things of my life which brought me great joy & reading great spiritual texts, chatting everything has helped me stay away from those meds now more than few years. Asha
  24. Lydia: you are truly amazing survivor & with the steps you are taking I know for sure you will do great in your post marriage journey. you rock Asha
  25. HostAsha

    thanks for the prayers

    lynn: I am so happy surgey went ell & he is home already. tell him to take it easy for a week & then he can tackle all his duties. Asha