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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Fred: thank you for informative blog about Lent, learnt something new about chirstian faith. Asha
  2. HostAsha

    Time for bed

    Debbie: I love your updates. you come across as very organized person like my hubby, no wonder survivors under their care flourished. as a survivor I admiredthat trait in my husband & I am trying to integrate in my own life. Currently I am incharge of my son's activities & our house. Asha
  3. Lydia: you are so fortunate to be surrounded by caring women like your mom & sister, both has great ideas, implement in your life & you will see great improvement in your life. check caller id & let his phone calls go to voicemail, listening to uplifting music always gets me out of my funk mood. & please come to chatroom as often as you can. Asha
  4. past weekend we celebrated our kido's 15th birthday. My baby is growing up so fast. he is turning into great young mature adult who makes his parents very proud. We were asking him what he wants for his birthday & he says I have everything I want, made me so happy & proud of him. I feel so blessed to have survived the stroke to be able to enjoy raising him well with my soulmate. can't believe in few years he will be off to college & only two of us will be left. I know how difficult life was right after my stroke & my homecoming as newly disabled person who had lost her footing in life, but thanks to hubby's strength & love I got out of that dark tunnel & enjoying this second chance with my family. I have grown up great deal in my wisdom, that sometimes I am even thankful to stroke. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    Moving forward

    Debbie: I am always so happy to read your blog, you & Bruce are making great post stroke recovery & creating & adapting to your ne normal comfortably. I feel because of great caregivers like you all survivor is able to make best lemonade out of their life. Asha
  6. hi there: :congrats: on your first stroke anniversary. first year is the hardest emotionally & physically. rest of the years will be easy, enjoy every day, things are only going to improve with positive attitude & mindset. Asha
  7. Lydia: I don't think I can give any better advice than what God sent you. I have never planned anything in my life, just keep on doing your duties & God has created wonderful path in my life. yes sometimes it does come with pain, but God has provided enough support & strength in the form of friends and family when I needed one. So just flow with life. Asha
  8. Julie: I am glad Larry was not seriously hurt, just shaken up, falls do happen, all we can do thank God that nothing bad happened, & move on with our life. hope you got to enjoy nice weather & your cheeseburger. Asha
  9. Leah: thanks for updating us, I am amazed by God's grace & your strength to go through all this hurdles one day at a time and keeping your sanity. you are in my thoughts & prayers for contineous strength. hugs, Asha
  10. Lydia: person grows up immensely when they step out of their comfort zone, once you start socializing people at the church, you are going to attract friends, so go for it. I know you are brave woman, you are in my thoughts & prayers Asha
  11. Lydia: you are blessed to have great kids, I am sure with the support of your family & friends you will come out of this stronger than before. keep routine to your new life it will help you adjust to new normal sooner. Asha
  12. Debbie: we recently changed it to FIOs from cable company & it has been painless though it took me fe days to get used to new remote & new channel numbers, but I m doing much better with changes nowdays, though I found out after changing had we talked to account manager of our cable company they could have done something about it, but anyways they lost our business for 2 years now. good uck with ckeaning, I feel it brings in lot of positive energy in the house & gives good sense of accomplishment when things are organised. asha
  13. hey Cheryle: Happy valentine's day to you. you have a great attitude which I am sure attracts lot of great love in your life. Asha
  14. lenny: wo sounds like big renovations, but I am sure when its done it will be beautiful & relaxing place to spend time together for whole family. ours is new house so our kitchen, dining nook opens up to our family room & I love this space since even if I am in kitchen & cooking, I don't feel away from family. As you know as a family we spend more time together in kitchen & around it so going to be great idea. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    She Said Yes

    Dave: :congrats: do your exercise & eveything in moderation. not every one recovers from the stroke so well, so do it in moderation. your life is more important than those exercises. Asha
  16. Ruth: Its amazing how much william has progressed in 3 years. I feel worst is first few years now things are only going to improve. by looking back from time to time you appreciate your gains & life more fully. Asha
  17. Lydia: thank you so much for sharing your secrets. I see I use some of the rules already, though need to work on some others. need to work on my patience Asha
  18. lenny: you have great attitude towards life & with attitude like that only positive things are possible in life. I m glad you are enjoyingyour new life & working towards recovery. Asha
  19. Lydia: this blog made me cry, man you have raised your kids very well. I wish you can part with me your parenting tricks. our Son is his dads boy & loves & respect him more than me. though I am happy that he adores his dad. I m so touched by Logan, I bet he oves you the most & was hurt that you cant remember him. with kids like those & loving support of your family you will do great I am sure of it. hugs, Asha
  20. Lydia thanks for the update, you made my day, you are one tough cookie to break & I m sure man like Sam can't break it, I feel that housing arrangement sounds great, have a faith now that something better than what is now is going to come out of this heartache. God works mysterious way. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    Son's Attitude

    hi Perino: I feel & have seen in my own life with great family support person can bounce back in life. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side. but today after almost 8 years life is great once again just little different on how I achieve things around the house one handedly. Asha(now 41 year old survivor).
  22. Lydia: you are survivor & you will come out of this stronger than before. I am glad you have your kids & family by you to support you if you ever need actual support, in virtual world we are all here for you. sending you lot of hugs. you are strong woman. Asha
  23. Sue: I am so sorry to hear about Ray's another setback. you both will be in my thoughts and prayers. Asha
  24. Julie: congratulations to you & larry. first few years are the hardest, but it does become easier. once you start celebrating it, that particular mile stone don't feel bad at all. Asha
  25. at our household Febuary is month of extreme emotions. once we started celebrating my stroke anniversary as our valentine date, I look forward to my stroke anniversary & don't feel sad any more., hubby takes a day off & we enjoy our day together. I love going to NYC so this year we are going to NYC again & this year we are planning to visit 911 memorial & museum & reflection pool. For me 911 museum shows the strength and resilience of human spirit. it shows we are stronger than any adversity which strikes in our life. I know that is true for us. & now most of the days I feel thankful to stroke. I am thankful that it made me better mom & wife. I enjoy my new normal to fullest. This year we will be celebrating our 8th stroke anniversary. I still remember how tramautized we all were after the aftermath of my stroke. Though with hubby's strength we came out of that fire unscathed. yes first year was hardest we ever dealt in our life, but I am so proud of our family that we came out of it stronger than before. Today I can look back & feel proud of the person I have become. though I feel God provided tools & right people in my life when I needed them most. I know I was at the end of my rope when I found this support group & have never left it since then. I have learnt hard way that ordinary things in my life brings me the greatest joy. hope you all are having great day today Asha