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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. lenny: you are quite an inspiration. have you thought about doing motivational speaking Asha
  2. HostAsha

    The Year Ahead

    Fred: you are fancy & advanced all eqipped with new gadgets. I keep on debating whether I want t get ipad for me & learn whole new things of doing things or stick with my nice laptop which is all equipped with my needs, so don't feel like changing any thing. anyway happy for you & your wife. Asha
  3. Debbie: I understand where you are coming from, I faced the same thing in our life, I used to feel I m contributing in our house dynamics by making money, cooking & taking care of our son's activities when stroke entered in our life suddenly I felt useless since I stopped contributing in household like before, I hated change & fought hard with kicking & screaming & getting depressed. Finally got tired of it & realized hard way if I stop resisting this river of change & flow with life flow something better & different will come out of. & I am so glad it has. I contribute different way in our life's dynamic is better today, yes I m retired, but that does not stop me contributing any way in our life. I feel my stroke made me better mom & wife, it woke me up from sleepwalking through my life. what I am trying to say just because change comes in our life does not mean everything will be bad, its just different & we will have to work on making it smoother for us, I realized as a survivor I needed help of my caregiver at first to get adjusted to this different(not necessarily bad life). anyway what I m trying to say stop fighting change & have faith in God's goodness. sorr rambled on Asha Asha
  4. yesterday while talking with caregivers we were talking about change. I know none of us like unpleasant change in our life, but I think when something unpleasant change comes in our life, if we just wait a little & let life of river unfolds at its own pace sometimes something better will come out of it. I know I am still young but by handling stroke in my young age I feel more confident about myself of handling anything life will throw at me. I admit I am scared silly of changes, but looking back at my own life I feel confident in my ability. I feel life is like river of change, and when we flow with current of change in life, life becomes much more pleasant, instead when we keep on resisting change in our life, we become tired & depressed. So I feel now I am going to practice this as my meditation, any time something I don't like happen in my life, instead of resisting & hating, I am planning to remember how my past changes in life has made me today who I am so proud of today. & anyway we don't know what lies in our future & without knowing it, it will be silly to assume it will be bad only. So it helps to stop fighting the changes happening in our life. looking at life it feels like we are constantly changing from infant to young to adult, getting married, having kids, falling sick, kids growing up & flying from the nest. I realise in all this life journey only change & yourself are constant companion, so better be kind to yourself & change & stop fighting with both of them & enjoy life. Asha
  5. Fred: I am so glad christmas at your home is nothing like that song. congrats on new SUV & suits, you both are lucky to have each other in their life Asha
  6. HostAsha

    I had a beautiful Xmas

    MC: I am so glad that you had great time at christmas with rest of your family, hopefully your kids will be able to join in next year. hope you have great new year with love of your life. Asha
  7. Julie: I love reading your blogs, it feels like update on my virtual friends life, blogs like this shows to newbies there life after stroke just little different but still great life. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    Happy New Year!

    Bruce: Same to you Asha
  9. Katrina: Happy New year to you too, key to stay happy is keep busy & having routine in life even when you are not working, once I realised that, life has become so much more fun now. Asha
  10. Dyan: you will be in my prayers for Cayden to get that therapy. Asha
  11. lenny: thanks a lot for great tip. I never thought of that great idea. might try to integrate in my life. Asha
  12. I want to wish every one happy, healthy & prosperous New Year ahead. As I sit here & type my new year to wish every one. I was reviewing my 2011 year through my blogs, and realised I am greatful for everything in year 2011. It was year of all emotions like every year. Yesterday to celebrate our holidays, hubby & I decided to go to NYC & check out Christmas tree like every year. This year kido didn't want to come so we decided to go alone, it turned out to be great decision we all had great time, hubby & I had great time roaming NYC hand in hand & kido had great time with his cousins here at home. So fun had by all. I wanted to visit world trade center memorial & museum, but it was closed yesterday so we will do that as my stroke anniversary & valentine date in feb. hubby usually takes day off for my stroke anniversary. its best romantic date we have with so much meaning attached to it. Anyway I hope you have great New year filled with lot of joy & happiness. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    PT - so discouraged

    Judy: just because Oliver is released from PT does not mean his recovery will stop. PT stopped because of insurance limits, but recovery never stops & its lifelong. I feel actually recovery starts when you come home & start to live life again. yes ofcourse with some compensations. but life does go on after stroke. it maybe little different but it does go on. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side, I never thought I would find joy in living again. but after 7 years in this post stroke journey I view stroke as just bump in our life's journey. My life is still great just little different. agreed I achieve things differently in our household, but important thing is that it gets done. For me blogging on this site & chatting with other survivors made me feel less alone & adjust to my new normal sooner. Asha
  14. Karen: I was so happy to see your blog & so happy to hear Bill is doing good considering what he has been through. I am so happy that you are enjoying your time with him. you got great attitude & amazing strength. happy new year to both of you Asha
  15. Sue: I am so sorry you are going through rough time during holidays. hopefully in few days everything will iron out. When going gets tough, leave everything on God to sort it out for you. Debbie gave you great advice. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers to get adjusted to this new change in your life. I know none of us like changes in life. but believing that whatever is happening right now in my life is going to bring out something good even though it does not seem that way right now, helps me leep my sanity. keep that faith in higher power & hold on tightly when you feel like drowning say a prayer, leave it on God & let him worry & solve it all. hugs, Asha
  16. Leah: I know it's easy saying grieving after loss of loved ones is normal. but always keep in mind you survived for a reason & not as punishment &Jerry is now looking over you as your angel watching out for you. please accept help of friends & family to get through this difficult time in your life. We are all here cheering you on in our cyber world. hugs, Asha
  17. Debbie: It was so nice to read about your xhristmas holidays, you are amazing & loving caregiver who knows how to keep their survivor involved & active participant in this life's journey. you are doing amazing job. We are doing our normal every day things but at the leisurely pace, doing things it comes along watching movies, relaxing at home, eating out, thats our vacation so far, now next few days might go to NYC to see the christmas lights. Asha
  18. George: great to see your blog & your new gizmos luckily I live in NJ so never that cold, wool socks does the job for me, but from you we always learn something new, could you tell the product name which helped you mentally & physically. I can check it out too. Asha
  19. Happy Birthday New lydi. Soon you will realize life is still good just little different but still good. :congrats: lydi, first year is the hardest of all but it will become better now. enjoy your life's rides. Soon you will realize like I did that stroke was just bump in your life's journey to slow down & enjoy goodness still left in your life. Asha
  20. Julie: your christmas break sounds wonderful, spent with your loved ones,kids bring in so much joy & energy in the household its fun to be surrounded by them. Asha
  21. Debbie: I am glad Bruce is alright after his falls, isn't this site wonderful you learn so much from other caregivers & survivors blogs alike. I remember long time reading Sue's blog & realizing oh God I do the same thing at home, must drive my hubby crazy, though that blog made me do more for myself like setting up my own appointments so having phone numbers of every one, so that I am able to do all of that. guess what now hubby asks me to remind him to do something, so survivor has become better spouse thanks to Sue's blog. Asha
  22. HostAsha


    Leah: thank you so much for sharing such a great blessings with all of us. I know for all of us some days are harder than others, but that faith in God provides great strength to go on, & we are all there for you. hugs & blessings Asha
  23. Sue: thank you for your heart felt update about Ray & Mum. I know it is hard to be separated from love of your life, but you took care of Ray till you could. now you are being different kind of caregiver where someone else is doing heavy lifting work. I love the idea of having christmas lunch with Ray in the afternoon & then have family dinner with rest of the family sounds lovely. want to wish you Merry Christmas to you all from Chandra Family Asha
  24. Fred: well said. I am not christian I am Hindu though I feel hinduism is more like way of life than religion. I believe in all religions & I feel they all are different path leading towards God. Somewhere I read man asking why there are so many religions to find you. God replied everybody is different & so will be their understanding, so whatever appeals to them, they can follow those guidelines & reach it to me. I love that rule & that's what I follow. For me different aspects of different religion gives me peace & I follow cocktail of all religions. hope it does not offend any one, but I consider myself more spiritual than religious person & I respect every one & their views. Anyways have Merry Christmas & enjoy this holiday break with your family. Asha
  25. MC : I agree with Debbie, don't try to dissect too much, just go with flow, your love & forgiveness will melt him too. As a parent & elders we love our children no matter what, there is no point in holding who was right & wrong, you have to do what is right thing to do now, don't dwell on past, hopefully this new year will bring lot of joy & happiness in your life. you will be in my thoughts & prayers. Asha