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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha


    Leah: thanks for detailed update. you are sounding much better you got good outlook, just take one day at a time. I am glad you have friend coming over for thanksgiving sounds like fun plan. For us we will be celebrating thxgiving our own way by spending time with each other & eat good meal together. Asha
  2. HostAsha

    Hunting Day

    hey Judy: recovery doesn't stop just because therapy came to end. Actually real life post stroke begins where its joy to find new normal again. We have gone to vacations every year just after my stroke & that includes going on cruise to Alaska & Europe. I have found more I do for myself & my family easier it has become over the time. So encourage Oliver to do more for himself inside & outside house, he is just differently able now. Asha
  3. Dyan: :congrats: I know its huge milestone I know I had shed lot of tears when kido won't go on toilet for poop & only poop in diaper. & found out his reason when he was able to talk properly. he was afraid that toilet will get dirty lol. kids are funny that way. When I used to stress out over it, my hubby used to calm me down saying have you seen any grown man in diapers. let him take his time, its not end of the world. so have patience you are very close to reaching important milestone in cayden's life. Asha
  4. Lydia: Every stroke is so different & so is every survivor. I never felt like what you are describing. I guess we all have different journey & how we all deal things in our life. Asha
  5. Judy: reading your hospital ordeal I remembered mine. I don't know how my hubby kept his sanity that crazy time in 2004. He was amazing husband & great dad during that rough period. he would stay with me in hospital & leave only after I went off to sleep & will be in the hospital before I even opened my eyes in the morning. first year was hardest for every one involved, but I am living proof to tell you, it will get easier & you will find your happy & comforting new normal. After my stroke I never thought I will be happy again. but I m greatful that I found joy in living again. Asha
  6. Dyan: I think it will help & give some kind of small presentation to his class about how developmentally delayed kids behave, maybe talking with those young kids infront of their teacher might help. I don't have any good idea about explaining to 2 year old what is right behaviour. Asha
  7. HostAsha

    Happy Camper

    hey Bill: thanks for updating us about your life, glad things are looking up for you. enjoy your special lady & Bud. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    A great day!

    Judy: I am so glad you both enjoyed your outdoor together with your beagles.I am glad you did not get rid of them. It will be good goal for Oliver to chieve & I am sure he would love to reach that milestone sooner. Asha
  9. HostAsha


    hey sfmason: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. with family & love like yours, I know your husband will do great in his post stroke journey. Stroke affects the whole family, but having young family at home is great motivator to reclaiming his or her life back. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side in 2004. Even though I spent first 2 years crying over my spilled milk. I am now enjoying my life to fullest & ofcourse it was all thanks to my amazing hubby & lovely son. Asha
  10. Debbie: Every stroke is different & so is survior. I am sure I must have grated on my hubby's nerves differently than how Bruce did, but important thing is you stayed by his side like my hubby, & allowed him to pick up pieces of his life & reclaim joy in his life back, just like my hubby. & I thank all of you caregivers for sticking by us when we need that strength to go on when we thought we don't have that inner strength to fight on, we could cling on to your strength till we found our footing. Thank you, Asha
  11. Lydia: that's what I was afraid of for you. I know I suffered in the begining for not having routine in life. post stroke after I came home from hospital & all rehab visits were done, I was in more chaotic state. why get up in the morning if I don't have to go to work. it was height of my depression. once I set routine for me, I look forward to getting up & do my exercises & my motherly & wifely duties. hope you realize this sooner & start having routine for you& you will see life is joyful again & will look forward towhat new day will bring today. hope you have great time with your family members in PR. Asha
  12. Fred: :congrats: you have great attitude towards your recovery & life. I bet with that attitude you will be dancing with your wife in christmas party. Asha
  13. hey orlando: welcome to wonderful & therupetic world of blogging. With great attitude like that you are going to do great only. Asha
  14. Dyan: kids r so innocent at that age, enjoy it they grow up too quick & become cynic. Asha
  15. MC: you are in my prayers. I am sure your brother will be watching over all of you. I feel he played significant role in getting you back in family dynamics again. I know as a mother how hard you have prayed for his day to happen & I am glad it's going to happen. you and your whole family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Asha
  16. Dyan: people who are scared of thinking what would they will do had they had that disability & that's what makes them pity disabled person. Its their insecurity which needs to be pitied. Cayden is enough & perfect the way he is & you as a parents will be forefront of that message. I know right after my stroke I used to think people pity me, not anymore. now I know how strong I have become & I must inspire them to do better in their life. I don't know is it my perspective that has changed or people, I know I can not control what others think of me, but I can control what I think of myself. & I know I have become amazing & resilient person post stroke. I never knew I had that strength within me. hugs, Asha
  17. lenny: thanks will get it from our library as soon as possible. Thanks for the tip Asha
  18. Dyan: hopefully more interactions he will have, better he will become with parties. Asha
  19. Katrina: I feel the same way about botox, never tried baclofen, though for me acceptance comes in handy. I refuse stroke to take away anything more than it has already done. I would not allow it to take away my happiness from me. I am enough & great without my left hand & I m not defined as a person without my left hand. I can't choose t o get happy when my left hand comes since I don't want to waste this precious present time with my family. if you constantly looking at something else to make you complete & happy you are missing rest of things which r making you such a special person as you are. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    my grand daughters

    ao cute jamie. no wonder they call you pumpkin & can get away with it Asha
  21. HostAsha


    hey rehab: welcome to wonderful & therupetic world of blogging. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side in 2004. What I have learned if you are able to laugh on yourself this post stroke journey is not very difficult. life is just different post stroke no good or bad just different. for me funny story was in rehab hospital while pulling my pants up. my sister pulled my pants hard up by wiggling me & ofcourse down I went lol scared the hell out of her & ofcourse in walmart once a fat associate bumped into me & down I went, though those were initial years, not anymore, now I take my hubby down if I go down lol Asha
  22. HostAsha

    Just a hug

    Debbie: I know what you are going through, just hang on & do things one goal at a time & list will go down. I am sending you ton of hugs for you in the meanwhile. life is hard sometimes but don't forget to pat your back when you accomplish things from your list. Asha
  23. Gorge: I agree with you 100% that's why I loved your blogs since you were never complainer & always focused on what is working in your life. I know & I have also tried to do the same. I am so happy for your friend Mike I am glad he found a lovely lady to share his journey with. but as Sue says stay in touch with your buddy we all need friends in our life. Asha
  24. Lenny: thanks for inspiration. I will integrate in my life as it is I go to bathroom million times, it will be good retraining of my brain to realize left hand exist & not as only fist, but as a palm. thanks I will try it & see maybe it will decide to open up after million washings lol Asha
  25. Lydi: I agree with you fully. I think you are amazing with what you are able to do & don't let any one's opinions about you define you or make you more worthwhile. you are enough the way you are today. I know from time to time I struggle with same things, slowly I have realized I need to show kindness to myself & love myself the way I am today & it does not matter what other think about me. you are amazing wife, mother,friend & that's what matters. Asha