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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha


    leese: I know how you feel, I felt same way first 2 years right after my stroke since there was no point in gettinh up & doing anything. what I realised minute I started having routine in my life I look forward to even my laundry & exercise days. just remember you survived for a reason & not as a punishment. for me blogging & chatting with oother survivors also helped me deal with my new normal quicker Asha
  2. Jeannie: I am so glad it was just first degree burn, it could be so much worse, hopefully learnt your lesson without major damage. I like Lin's broiling idea. I m so happy you are alright. Asha
  3. Sue: I am so sorry to hear Ray's new ordeal, you both will be in my thoughts and prayers for things to settle down. I personally feel having Ray & Mum both at the same facility will be much easier for you to manage care of both of your loved ones. you know the staff, its close to your house. so I feel you should keep both of them in one facility, as it is you have lot of headaches, keeping them at one will help in your own stress level. Asha
  4. Lenny: you are so right about all the caregiver who stuck by us in our hard times I feel that makes it possible to enjoy our good times together now. Have s great thanksgiving holidays. Asha
  5. Fred: Enjoy your mini vacation & trip. when my sister's family visits from India they love to go to casinos, I could care less. I use to love the sound of tokens falling so enjoyed those slot machines since they stopped those things I stopped playing slot machine & enjoy watching my sister sweat on table games lol Asha
  6. Sue: :congrats: on becoming grandmother again. I am sure new baby will bring so much joy in all of your life, & I feel you all need that joyful distraction from all the pain you are going with Ray & Mum right now Asha
  7. HostAsha


    hey Jillian: Welcome back, I was so appy to see your blog. :congrats: on your healing & also wishing you many happy returns of the day. life is what you make out to be, as I say happiness is a choice. I am glad you are having great time with Charlie & Trinity. Asha
  8. HostAsha


    Debbie: wow I am impressed. I usually buy things on sale. Bruce is inspiring me to start looking at coupon business. Where do you guys get your coupon from? Asha
  9. hey Kim: welcome back, you came after long time, I am so happy to see your blog & I m so happy you met somebody to share your life dreams & pain with. I am sure chris will be so much happy to see you happy. I am also happy that your brother is doing well after his stroke. hope to see you more often on the board. Asha
  10. Lydia: don't worry about things you can't control. just flow with life, as it is you are surrounded by so much love, your trip will turn out to be great family party & don't worry & enjoy the party & relatives. when someone says something stupid in party remember they mean well, just don't know how to say it. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    Life Without A Mate!

    Fred: I am glad you are feeling better, at our house certain things I am dependent on him & for certain things he is on me. Asha
  12. HostAsha

    Fresh Start

    hey Dave: that's great news, I am glad you started your contract at the old job, I think that will help you big time in your confidence 7 will make you better equipped for your next contract. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    Summer is gone

    Mike: things do change in life. we are all life survivors. as we grow old we can't expect to do same things we were able to do in our youth. Though I feel as a survivor of stroke & heart attack life changes in an instant, so it becomes hard to accept new reality. but by accepting your life today you are able to make best out of your life. I feel nothing in life is permanant youth, beauty or wealth. only change is permnant. & let me assure you change in life does not mean bad, its just different than life you were so used to before. So accept change & move on with life. Asha
  14. Mike: I am glad catherization went well & they found a reason & have solution for your condition. I agree with Julie I am glad you got to wait so that your body gets time to heal & be ready for next procedure. Asha
  15. Lydia: thanks for updating your blog, I seem to wonder & worry about my friends. I don't have any grand idea of how to handle short term memory loss. I use pocket book calender for my son's activities & our appointments that keeps our household running smoothly. I use yahoo calender to remind me of things has to be done in future date. so that works for us. Asha
  16. Kelly: acceptance is hard & ongoing journey. though It took me long time to realize by accepting what your today is you are not giving up, you are just making best out of what you have today. Another thing I learnt in my post stroke spiritual analysis you can not change situation or any one, only person you can change is you, we don't have control over lot of things but we do have control over our attitude, how we would react to situation. as a human being none of us are spared from difficulties in life but it will be our choice it to make it full blown suffering. happiness is a choice so choose wisely. Asha
  17. Leah: I know what you are going through right now is very hard. I pray for your strength to get through this difficult time in your life. I know it's not easy, but you have all us in your corner praying for you & sending you ton of virtual hugs. Asha
  18. recently from comments on my blog another light bulb went on in my head & I realized when you do your job (could be anything mom,sweeperor engineer could be any job, when you do your duties with right reasons behind it, It will bring fruits to your labor. in this new age we are all so used to instant gratification, so when you don't see fruits of your labor right away it seems like what's the point eh. on our walk after dinner hubby was telling me interesting facts about book he is reading. he is reading book on churchill & gandhi. & we both can see how much trouble ghandhi went through while trying to get independence from British to India. one would wonder how come things all worked out for ghandhi was he lucky that everything went in his favor? I think he did what is right for country with right heart & without giving up & things eventually worked out for him & country got benefited. thats where light bulb went on in my head that hey when you do right things with right reasons behind it, things eventually works out in your favor. when you feel like giving up just keep faith & do the right things in life. In short do your karma(your duties) without any expectations & then trust on God. Things will eventually work out. that's something good thing to ponder on. Asha
  19. hey Pat: I am so happy to read your blog, I remember in your last blog you were quite upset of all the changes in your life, but change seems to working out for good. keep the positive attitude & things will get easier. I have realized having routine has helped me immensely. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    Trying Again

    Katrina: I am glad you are going to use your blogging for encouragement & not complaining. you are on right track kido complaining only creates negative energy, praying & working hard towards your goal is only way to go. you are in my thoughts & prayers. Asha
  21. Lenny: we missed you yesterday night in our chat, but I am so happy that you had great time at the party. Asha
  22. Jeannie: use timer in microwave which reminds you that food is done & turn off the gas. Asha
  23. mycroft: to every individual their deficits are the biggest & worst problems in the world. but I am glad you are looking around & finding u were fortunate. Though I feel you still need to find acceptance & new normal for your new life. TIA or stroke changed your life in an instant, but you are still here & have to make best lemonade out of your lemons. For me counting my blessings every day has helped me deal with my new normal. I feel your attitude towards your experiences will make you either bitter or better person. & ofcourse happiness is a choice, so have to choose wisely over your thoughts. Asha
  24. HostAsha


    Debbie: I m glad chris has you in her side like you had her in your side in your hour of need. I feel person who is more busy can actally get work done better Asha
  25. Shelly: :congrats: more you drive alone, more confident you will feel. I first drove alone to go to library, it felt so great Asha