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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    We shall see

    Debbie: I am so happy with Bruce's Progress. Its great to see Bruce wants more out of his life & ready to work for it. Asha
  2. Donna: please don't make same mistakes I did assuming how life will be in few years looking at his condition today, I know I did that mistakes & spent valuable time depressed about my situation rather enjoying love my family & friends showed towards me in my difficult time. I now walk unaided for miles & hours every day, gained new perspective on simple joys in life. yes I can not use my left hand but being rightie never used my left hand much anyways. I have learnt great ways to compensate for my left hand. I can walk, talk & take care of my family single handely. so for me today life is still great just little different. I am still here to enjoy every every moments with love of my life. best advice I got from my husband when I felt overwhelmed & ready to give up. he was always just hang on little stay above water for little while & tide will change. I am glad I did cause things did change & life has become more meaningful & enjoyable. Asha
  3. Donna: welcome to our wonderful world of blogging. Debbie gave you real great advice, hope you can use some of it. I know stroke affects whole family & life changes for everyone onvolved in an instant. first few years are hardest for everyone involved. but I am here to tell you there IS life post stroke & things change. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side in 2004. but with support of my friends & family I am back in game of life & having fun again. Asha
  4. Fred: this are so funny, might use some of these lines to explain to my family. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    Jerry to surgery

    Leah: you & Jerry will be in my thoughts & prayers for successful surgery & better outcome. I am glad you have great friends support during your trying times, though I think you should visit Jerry in hospital since it will give him ton of comfort knowing he is not alone in his fight. as you should also know along with God we all are there for you mentally praying for your strength. when you feel weak just remember & remind yourself"only change is permanant" & things will turn around for better. hugs, Asha
  6. Julie: bad & good things happen to every one. though its blessing that even when lady swiped your car you were able to note license number & your car will be fixed & you won't have to worry about paying for car damage. don't worry about it car will fixed. lot of time things go wrong in our life ask yourself is his disaster or inconvience, as soon as you ask that question, & your frustration level will go down. Asha
  7. Fred: thanks for sharing this great story for a minute my damaged brain thought you were sharing your story then realize it was story of tommy Dorsey. Asha
  8. Babz: I am glad you found fun activity to do with your friends, I bet thats quite relaxing. I hope you keep on doing this every month since this could be your me time which you enjoy & has nothing to do with stroke. I am sure that should refresh you. Asha
  9. hey Christine: you got great attitude, with attitude like that only positive things are possible. For me personally OT was nothing, since I didn't have any movement in y hand though due to movement in shoulder & elbow I use my left hand as a fist in lot of my ADLs. I feel wit stroke recovery repition is a key, more you do, easier it gets. Now I feel can trust my ankle while walking on any surface. I also feel integrating your exercise into your daily routine will also make you feel much better about yourself. keep up the good work & atay active on board too that will help you battle your depression. Asha
  10. Ruth: I am so happy for you that you are able to integrate your workout in Williams therapy session, that way it become joyful for both of you & not just chore to do for wiliam. Asha
  11. Sue: you are strong woman & love Ray dearly to hang on in this difficult journey by his side & wants to bring him home. I am so proud & honored to know you. I guess good people like you & my hubby strengthen me to believe in goodness of human heart. you both will be in my thoughts & prayers for easy journey ahead in your life. Asha
  12. HostAsha

    Update on Jerry

    Leah: thank you so much for updating us on Jerry. I love doctors who have great bedside manners. I feel they know what they are dealing with & their comforting words gives peace of mind I am glad you guys got good both are still in my thoughts and prayers for all favorable outcome. hugs, Asha
  13. Ruth: make it routine that days u go to Y u have to exercise rain or shine & it will happen. I love Panera too when I was working we would always go there from work with my collegues. So somehow don't go often with family. is william walking little on treadmill? if yes then I feel doing treadmill often will help too. Asha
  14. hey Barbara: I am so happy you had great time with your family 4th july celebration. I have done lot of fireworks in my childhood growing up in India while celebrating our indian new year. Though here I enjoy watching firework display in our town with my family. Though sometime brother gets sparkle & simple fireworks to do from PA & our kids enjoy lighting them on our Indian new year here in US but its peanut compared to fun we used to have in India while growing up. having this kind of gatherings with family does break monotony of life & gives you strength to go on. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    Not a Good Week

    Leah: I have been trying to leave comments on this blog but its getting disappeared, I don't know just want to tell you you both are in my thoughts & prayers for favorable outcome & please try to stay in present & positive about all this upheavel in your life. please update us as soon as you can. hugs, Asha
  16. HostAsha

    Not a Good Week

    Leah: oh my god you both are in my prayers, I pray its nothing to worry about please pray & stay in NOW. I pray that bipsy will come out negative so please don't waste your energy by worrying I know its easier said then done. Just know you have us in yor praying corner. please update us as soon as you find more. hugs, Asha
  17. Fred: this is so silly. can't believe VA would spend their time & energy in passing this kind of silly laws. Asha
  18. Bruce: wow I am glad you are doing well now & home again. take care of yourself friend Asha
  19. hey Babz: I m glad you resurrected your blog finally. as I told you blogging & chatting has help me deal with my depression. I used to be vey disorganized person too & hubby is very organized. trick I learnt which has helped me immensely is I take care of bills immediately if I keep it for later day then might will forget mailing & end up paying fine so I pay them right away. Also I have made lot of bills direct deposit so that I don't have to worry about them. only our credit card bills I do personally since I want to check that bill completly. for my son & our family activity small pocketbook calender has helped me immensely. actually that pocketbook calender initially gave me feeling of control when I felt so much was out of my control. hope to see you around more often, this could be your metime. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    IM home again

    hey Jo: welcome back, oh wow I am glad you are home now & healing in comfortable home environment. with diabetes you should start being careful on what you eat. I feel best give you can gift to yourself & your family & friends is taking good care of oneself. Asha
  21. I love watching oprah in my retirement & now that she has her own "OWN" channel I get to see her more. I find her very spiritual person. she quoted my title line " luck happens when opportunity meets preparedness". when I started inspecting this line deeper I realize how true is that statement. Yes in my life I have gotton lucky breaks but I have worked hard with help of God to convert those opportunity into lucky breaks. I realize networking has helped me land job interview but after landing job have always worked hard to retain & prosper in it. & ofcourse I loved my new AHA lines choices in my life created my own destiny & no one is responsible for my life but me. I also like what Maya Angelou says is "when you know better you do better" so in my life I have made some good & some bad choices which created my destiny. I believe in life good & bad things both happen to you, its your attitude towards it will make you either bitter or better person. ok now I will end my spiritual session lol Asha
  22. Lenny: can you please link to the brace here so that we can explore & do our research on it. Thanks, Asha
  23. Jeannie: your garden looks beautiful & breathtaking no wonder it keeps you busy, entertained & happy. flowers does have that calming effect. Asha
  24. oldman57: thanks for the update we were all worried about you, your daughter first thought it was stroke we were so scared for your whole family & your daughter. make sure you don't allow your nephew in your home again, it could have been so much worse, though hopefully you all learn lesson from this episode & integrate in your life. join us in chat whenever you can. Asha