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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey Jennie: I usually love to post comment when I feel my comment will help them see a story of their life with different point of view. I feel on their down days, I feel like telling them hang on it will get better. for me it is paying it forward. what I received it here when I needed it most I am giving it back. Asha
  2. Lydia: that's what life is all about some great moments & some not as good, but we all march on with tune in our head. you will find routine once you retire & settle into new rhythm of life. I worry about what will I do when kido goes out to college, but when I do that, I have to remind myself enjoy the current teenage moments with him cause I am going to miss those moments when he will no longer need us as much , but right now we all are team together. Asha
  3. hey pheonix: I am sorry this crummy wet weather of NJ is getting you down, hopefully your period hormones are not playing part in it. For me those PMS hormones makes me angry at people I love the most like my family. but someone once told me once unless you have down days how will you appreciate good day & even size 2 model also has bad days, so you are allowed for sad days in your life. If it gets you down too much then start making list of things you are greatful for in your life & read good spritual book or do exercise, whatever helps you beat the blue. hope for better tomorrow. Asha
  4. Sue: I am sure Ray took out his frustration on the person he loves the most. I know I have done it in my moment of frurstration. I am glad hubby has bigger heart & don't hold grudges against me. I am like you on my down days list things I am greatful in our life luckily we still have many hope you feel better soon. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    Difficult Survivors

    Lisa: I can't stand people like those, in the initial stage of my post stroke recovery those people will drag my mood down too, so I will rather stay away from them. Maybe you can make her look at positive sides of the same experience. though people like those make me appreciate my attitude towards circumstances. Asha
  6. Dorean: I agree 100% with Fred. first & foremost realize this bad things happens to everyone good or bad people. As a human being no one is spared from pain in life. when you feel bad about your condition just look around & you will find people far worse off than you & still making most out of their life. The day I realize only control I have is how I react to any situation in life was most liberating one for me, so sooner you realize that better you will feel about your life, as I say to everyone who will listen happiness is a choice, so choose it. I understand some days are stuggle, but realizing this shall pass too also brings lot of comfort. Also start gratitude journal & write atleast 5 things you are greatful in a day. remember unless you have seen dark days how wil you ever appreciate good days, so enjoy the journey. hope you feel better soon. Asha
  7. Lydia: I am sorry you are going through this difficult period, I guess being caregiver also adds jealousy that how come this survivor recovered so well while hers is still under her care. Just let it slide for next 2.5 months & don't take her behaviour personally, when she acts like queen B with Itch just remember everyone is fighting some kind of battle in their life, so forgive & forget her. When something bothers you just ask yourself will this thing you are sweating over will it matter in year time that will help you keep the perspective on the problem at hand. hugs, Asha
  8. Kelly: I don't have loss of memory, but I don't remember everything, but I do know I m still me with or without memory, & when my hubby says you are still the same, I am more than happy. Since I know my stroke made me better person in compassion & patience department. I agree with debbie all marriages have issues, be comfortable & happy with who you are now, & that's the only choice we have. So make a gppd choice. Asha
  9. Lydia: don't be so hard on yourself. I think stroke aged us atleast 20 years in an instant. Since we are not dead yet, we have to start getting used with new change & this new body which aged 20 years in an instant, so get used to your 60 year old body at 40. we can only adjust to that by being kind to ourself. pace yourself & appreciate the things we can still do even after such a big assualt on our body. Asha
  10. hi pheonix: could you please send me or give me contact info, so that I can sign up for this study too, I am in NJ & NJIT Computer science Alumni. Thank you so much, your blog has given me so much hope for my left hand which is very spastic, so even though I have movement in shoulder & elbow because of my hand, I can nt use my left hand. Asha
  11. Leah: I was so happy to read your blog, you are on right path. focusing on what you can still do & having gratitude for that, is recipe for happy life. I am glad you are slowly creating new normal for you. & enjoying the life the way it is. Asha
  12. Wayne: :congrats: on your successful surgery. your guardian angels were there for you & that will get you through this throat healing too. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    Lion and the sheep

    Kelly: you should do what is best for you & I think not going there is the right thing to do why aggravate your health. you already have lot in your plate & you don't want this additional emotional stress in your life at this point in your life. Asha
  14. Lydia: since you have other business plan in place, I know you will do just fine, I went into major depression since I was not ready for my forceful retirement, though slowly I have created newnormal for me which does not include going outside for work. I am glad you now have timeline for your retirement & you have so much to look forward to with your new business plan. Asha
  15. Sheryl: :congrats: on your first achievement of picking up marble. I feel like you I also need cheerleader cheering my every move & when I don't get one I get discouraged. though slowly I m learning I am good enough because I am God's child & god loves me & I don't need anybody else telling me how good mom or wife I am. I am good enough for my family. Asha
  16. Katrina: just because your therapy stopped does not mean you have stopped living. you can still try to achieve those goals inside your house. try going up & down without holding like baby one step at a time. for me taking food upstairs for my kido serves two goals, It allows me to show my love for my son & I also get therapy while doing the job I love. Don't feel discouraged because your therapy stopped since you can include those goals in your daily living & life will become more fruitful. hugs, Asha
  17. Lynn: I too love spring. It feels great after harsh winter if those tree can bloom flowers so can we pick up our life after adversity. Spring always gives me strength to plug on when I think my journey is becoming tough. Asha
  18. I hope you all had great mothers day with your family. I did with my family. After my stroke I have learned to appreciate every ordinary moments with my family since I know first hand how fragile life is sometimes, that this are the moments you miss the most when you are stuck in hospital. I remember how I missed hugging our kido when I was in hospital. though now he is taller than me & has moved into his own room. So this mothers day we did our standard eating out & chilling together playing cards. simple things which brings so much more joy to me. We are blessed to have great kid who is great on most of the days. I feel very rarely he gets those teenage horns, but I am also blessed to have great hubby who knows how to deal with those horns lol. I feel as a parent we are perfect combination of ying & yang. I am doing much better after my fall. Last week I used my fall card to get out of early morning shift, this week I am feeling much better so taking over my duties which I enjoy. Thank you all for your good wishes. Asha
  19. Lydia: I hope you didn't allow one ignorant woman's behaviour your good time. In world there are all kind of people, some are rude, selfish & inconsiderate, but don't allow their view to cloud your judgement of other 99 people you meet who are kind & considerate. just forgive that old lady & move on, you have raised your kids well, they handled her pretty nicely. I wish you better day today & forever. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    How it all happen

    Doreen: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. Blogging has helped me reach my acceptance stage much faster. my blog is usually focus on joy of my family life, writing about it made those ordinary moments very precious to me. having young family gives good kick in behind to pick up our lives pieces & move on. keep on blogging & chatting & you will see life is wonderful one more time. Asha
  21. Julia: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. your blog reminded me our initial days when I just came home from hospital & how our whole life had changed in an instant. I feel first year is the hardest of all adjusting to your complete new reality I mourned loss of my old self for first 2 years. I could not stop crying, I am sure he is mourning for his loss different way than we women do. It took me solid couple of years to pick up pieces of my life & make best out of my every new day. Today I can look back at my life & see stroke as just bump in my life's journey to slow me down & enjoy the scenary & my life ride with my family. Today I feel my life is still very good just little different, but still very good. Though for me blogging regularly & chatting with other stroke survivors have helped me reach to my acceptance stage sooner. Julie give some time to yourself and your husband to adjust to this new reality. love of your life is still there just in different form, give him some time to bounce back into his new world. I am sure together you will create this whole new normal for both of you which will be good too just little different but still good. Asha
  22. HostAsha


    Lavena: :congrats: on your graduation. I agree with Debbie & Sue tell your parents to sit close to exit, so if your dad is feeling edgy he can go out quickly & then come back again so catch up on the ceremony. Enjoy your day & don't let any outside event ruin your day, enjoy your day to fullest Asha
  23. HostAsha

    Animal Haven

    Debbie: I am glad you & bruce had great time together at shelter, maybe I should take your lead & involve kido in volunteering at animal shelter. Asha
  24. Lynn" welcome back. technology is awesome when it works without any problems or it can frurstrate living daylight out of you. glad you are up & running now wirelessly. Asha
  25. Lydia: thanks for wonderful blog. you put my anxiety about my son not needing me soon to rest. I get comfort knowing that even though he won't need me as much in his daily needs, still he can always count on his parents to be there for him at all stages of his life. happy birthday Logan, you have great mom. Asha