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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Patty: sorry you are going through diffiult tie in your marriage. I feel Marriage is all about adjustments to one another's needs. how about when he is having his down time with his friends, you chill out with book or come on strokenet & chill out with your friends here. hope you have better day tomorrow. . Asha
  2. Lydia: I loved your mantra & going to make it mine too, I am still working on love unconditionally, I still have trouble with that from time to time, but I atleast know who I love the most in my whole life. click on my profile & you will se how to add things in your signature & so on. Asha
  3. Lydia: awwwww so sweet memories thanks for sharing those romantic moments of your life. I also worry about what will I do when our son goes off to college & then moves out, but I am sure like you we will also find new way to keep us busy & involved in life. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    Spring Time

    Bill: thanks for updating us about your life, as a old friend I always wonder about you & Bud. glad you both are doing good & you are taking care of Bud's dental problem. You both are fortunate to have one another in their life. Hope your convertible bring in great, caring person in your life. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    Happy Stuff

    leese: :congrats: to your amazingly caring kind daughter. you have raised her well so take the too. Without loving caregivers support we would not be at this better place in our life today. Asha
  6. hey Lydia: :congrats: you are on great path to find happiness again in this different path of your journey. I started driving in college parking lot too & drive local roads only but that is more than enough for me to take care of needs of my teenager son & my volunteer needs which gives me feeling of useful again to society. I am so happy for you since I know you are on right path to happiness. hugs, Asha
  7. Lydi: Leese nailed it, I am glad at our house I was the lazy one before stroke & post stroke realized how much hubby did it without me ever asking or noticing it. So post stroke I try to do whatever I can within safety & start appreciating how lucky I got in marrying my hubby. Stroke affects the whole family, and just realize that Sam is not being lazy to annoy you, but that's how he is & prestroke you were able to compensate & now its harder for you to do it, so he has to pick up the chores & he is slowly realizing it, how much u were able to do before without he ever noticing it. So maybe give him list of chores need to be done in the house. expectation brings unhappiness in life, so just tell him & let go, try to focus on things he is doing right to keep you away from unnecessary stress. Asha
  8. Leah: I think all choices we make with right heart turns out to be good choice, and bad choices in my life was made by bad thoughts like greed,jealousy turned out to be bad choices so now know what leads to good choice is when it is made with right heart & attitude. Asha
  9. this is what I believe Some of you will disagree with me completely, but this is what I think about my life, and gives me ton of peace in where I am today in my life. I feel I am responsible for my own destiny, choices I made in my life some very good, some bad created my destiny. One of the best choice I made was study hard & finish my graduation & then marry a person my parents handpicked for me. I am so thankful & greatful for making that choice I am so glad that my mom was so strict that I was so afraid of doing anything against her wishes & bring shame to our family. I am glad that because of her strictness I didn't do anything stupid & ended up marrying my husband who is the best thing happened to me in my life. Because of him & our son I am at a better place in my life today & able to enjoy my present moment fully even with my disability which I view it as bit of inconvience on how I achieve things in my daily life. so life is still good just little different. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    cognitive orts

    leese: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. If you keep at it I have found blogging very therupetic for my soul. I give 100% credit to my blogging to reach at my accetance stage faster. There is life after stroke but you have to work hard to reclaim your life back
  11. Lydia: I am so sorry to hear about your new stroke, but you are handling it pretty well. I am glad it was mild one. you got right attitude about all this. why get upset if you can't do anything about. just flow with life with faith that all will turn out in your favor. hugs, Asha
  12. Jeannie: thanks for update on your life. I am glad no pain & enjoying wonderful spring. Post stroke I am able to enjoy nature with nore awareness & I am greatful for that. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    The suns shining

    hey stu soon to be grandpa soon: so good to see your blog. I agree with you 100% I believe there is life post stroke just litte different though still good. though I feel its your life & you are worth it so fight for your life. I am glad I did. welcome back hugs, Asha
  14. Pat: :congrats: to whole family to complete his training & receiving certificate & ribbon. you all look one happy proud family Asha
  15. Lynn: I am glad you kept quiet & let them sort out their differences. Marriage is all about doing adjustment & letting go for each other. can't give up on each other once kids are involved. glad everything sorted out by itself & your computer is fixed. Asha
  16. Lydia: It's great idea, please pursue it, I think you will do very well in this business, since it will be passion with purpose & which will also generate revenue, go for it. I am so happy & excited for you hugs, Asha
  17. Katrina: :congrats: I am so happy for you. your blog is inspiring me to start using my left hand more now even in fist form. Thanks for sharing & inspiring. hugs, Asha
  18. Lydia: I feel marriage is full of adjustment, at our household hubby ends up with lot more chores than I do. I try to do as much with one hand, but its not equal distribution. It never was even prestroke, we both did what needs to be done at the house to run smooth household operation. Post stroke I realized hubby is doing so much more, so I started being mindful & do what I can still do, but with disability I am sure I can't do as much he is doing, but we are team together. I use same trick at our house for kido, go & wake him up 10 mins early then he will say 10 mins more, so then go after 10 mins again, he gets satisfaction of sleeping more & still reach school on time. Sam is great guy he is realizing & I am sure will work on improving his behaviour, but till then you both have to work together. So hang on Asha
  19. Sue: glad you had wonderful visit from Tori who is caring child, sure her parents raised her well & have loving gene of grandma. kids add so much to our life, they break the monotony of life & give us kick to go on despite problems in life. I feel blessed to have young child at home. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    sorry it's been a while

    Lynn: welcome back, we missed you around here, I know I had gone crazy when my wireless router stopped working due to hubby, man he was in dog house for few days. Hope your son fixes for you. Asha
  21. Amanda: I used to have hard time accepting my post stroke life too, but slowly & steadily I realized I am still me & new me has lot of good qualities & wisdom, so now I love new me & my new life though this acceptance journey wasn't easy one. but I am proud to say I worked hard for it & today feel even greatful for my stroke which woke me from my sleepwalking through without enjoying every moment with my loved ones. hope you find that kind of peace soon, though I find your story quite inspiring. hugs, Asha Asha
  22. Lydia: I am sorry for your frustrations, that was part of the reason I retired from my job, since expectations were similar from me, & I was not able to perform to that level & that affected my self esteem, so I decided I m not going to take this s##t any more. since there was no funeral for oldus, it is hard for collegues to get on with program. luckily for me as long as my family got it I don't care what others thought of me. Asha
  23. Sue: your happiness shines through this blog, family visits does break routine of life & if its filled with people we love then its cherry on top. You are fortunate to have great kids. Asha
  24. HostAsha

    Better Days

    MaryJo: I agree with you, though your love for him will make him work hard towards his recovery. I know I did. hugs, Asha
  25. Lydia: I am so happy you have such a supportive church family rooting for you. I am glad you are taking this head on. take your time while doing reading & I am sure you will do great. I am sure you being there will be so inspiring to everybody. My motto is unless you try it how will you know whether you can accomplish your new goal. I m sure first few times it might be hard, but as you do more easier it will get. Asha