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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Jeannie: I am so happy that you are planning to join our book club & give it a shot.& also teach crochet at Y, wow that's amazing can person with just 1 hand can crochet too? having so many other interests help person not go in despair, I know I did it when I was without my job Asha
  2. Frankie: thanks for great quotes, poetry is not my cup of tea yet, but I am sure I can learn to like & appreciate them. loved the quote by stroke survivor. I should say every morning atleast 10 times before those negative voices in my head start telling me wrong things about myself Asha
  3. hey pheonix: you are so right, I am guilty of not trying to use my left hand when Its so easy to accomplidh things with my right hand ofcourse my hand is taking its own time to come, since I have not sent as many requests to use it anyway, not wanted to sit in wheelchair desire was so strong that I did not mind walking like penguin, but loss of left hand was not that hard since I can compensate with my right hand, I know if I want my hand back I need to start using it fist mode if that's what it will do right now. Asha
  4. hi pheonix: welcome to wonderful world of blogging & that too with such a positive blog for all of us old or newbies to keep on trying and never give up. Asha
  5. hey Frankie: loved inspirational quote from Maya Angelou, can you suggest a book by maya Angelou which inspired you? Thanks, Asha
  6. Frankie: loved all the inspirational quotes, loved the one by Maya Angelou Asha
  7. hey Lydia: I did not know along with being service dog monster is also becoming your rlovedog & creating new romance for you both. Nice job Monster. I am sure he is bringing similar joy of new baby in your household. I guess when our son goes to college we can think about getting puppy for ourselves. Like your children, you are doing great job in training Monster. Asha
  8. hi Ruth: Lydia has a point there , Since I never had lack of motivation issue, maybe because I had young family who depended on me to do more for myself & our family. Though I sat at the sidelines sitting & crying for a year and then realized how it impacted my young son, I decided to work harder in getting my independence back. I sometimes feel I had to fight hubby & doctors who said I should not be doing some things, which I never listened, I guess being stubborn helped me in my recovery & enjoying my new normal. I guess William needs to see what will be his benefits if he worked harder in his recovery. maybe able to drive one day if he is mobile &independent enough, he can achieve that goal.I am sure given that carrot he will work harder to be more independent. Asha
  9. Lavena best of luck for your interview, go get them, go get them go get them lol. I am glad your boyfriend & you both have each other in their life. Life is full of good & bad things.If he is by you in bad times then good times will be breeze. Asha
  10. Frankie: welcome to wonderful world of blogging, and you will realize as I have that blogging very therupetic. I have found blogging about positive aspects of my life very therupetic since small things which brought me joys in life when I write down then I don't forget those small funny things I did with my family, & don't take them for granted. When I am down, I know I can get lot of supports from my friends here who has walked in my shoes & understand my pain. I love all your quotes. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    Better day

    Lavena: you will be in my prayers for successful interview & getting admitted into school of your choice. I am glad with support of your boyfriend you are there for them in their time of need. that's how it should be. I don't know what I would have done without my family. Asha
  12. HostAsha

    Day to Day

    Lavena: :congrats: on your associate's degree. Sue has great suggestions on how to deal with his impulse controls. Though as you can see his impulse control is not because he wants to annoy his family but due to his stroke & damaged brain. As in any stroke recovery journey that part needs to be retrained by teaching him skills by being patient. Stroke affects whole family. & No one had asked for this hurtful thing to happen to them or their loved ones. but now that it happened you all have to work together as family to find way which works for your family without blaming each other & becoming bitter. blaming others won't help. I feel adversity can make or break the family depending on maturity of everyone involved. I know stroke journey is not an easy journey to take for everyone involved in it. I wish you & your family lot of strength to get through this tough part of your life. Though remember this "this shall pass too" hugs, Asha
  13. Kimmie: life is full of ups & down rides. I hope & pray now you go on your up ride. you have been through a lot last year, loosing love of your life is no easy thing to deal with, but hopefully time will heal all the wounds, and you will be able to focus on your lovely 40 years together & cherish all those memories with Andy. in our hindu religion we believe that you will meet him in next lifetime. blog more often its very therupetic. Remember you have lots of friends here in cyber world. Hope you settle down soon in texas with your family. hugs, Asha
  14. Susan: nothing is trivial when its happening to you. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side, It takes solid year to see significant improvement. recovery never stops, though you will have to work through acceptance journey for rest of your life. Asha
  15. Lydia: I am so happy for you, monster is settling so well in your household with your set of rules, seems like going to be one big & happy family. Asha
  16. Fred: I needed that hope in the hospital right after my stroke, but now after 7 years I have accepted my new post stroke life where left hand is still not working but I have hope of it using in future, but I can't sit in sidelines in unhappiness till it decides to come back to life, so I am going to enjoy my life & left hand can join party later. Asha
  17. Katrina: your blog is encouaging me to get more results from left hand too. keep a faith & do your part so that God can help you.nothing is ever easy in life, we usually get things back based on how badly we want & how hard we tried. so give yourself time & slack & keep on trying. God will help but we have to do our part too. Asha
  18. HostAsha

    An Update on my Irish Girl

    Mike & Bernie: I wish & pray speedy & great recovery for Bernie. you are such a loving & caring caregiver. Asha
  19. Lydia: I am surprised you are not scared by his name, monster puppy wow, though with your mom training under belt he will be breeze to train Asha
  20. HostAsha


    Heather: I am glad you found friend here who has walked your walk, I know its hard for others to understand your pain who never walked that walk. I know all we can do for you is pray for peace & happiness in your life. Asha
  21. Lydia: You will have great time having service dog at home, since all kids r flying out of nest now, your furry friend is going to provide lot of love & comfort to you when you choose to retire. Asha
  22. HostAsha

    Happy Birthday

    Debbie: Happy Birthday to both of you. make walking inside house now more of a part of therapy & routine. Asha
  23. Natasha: Welcome back to our wonderful world of blogging. I wondered about you though thought you must be busy with your school & other things. I am glad you are taking this stroke thing in a stride & making great lemonade out of it. you are still very young & have whole life ahead of you so living it to fullest is best thing one can do to enjoy life. I am glad your brain surgery is done with it & you can move on to living & enjoying life to fullest. Asha
  24. hi Lavena: welcome to wonderful & therupetic world of blogging. where through your blogwindow we will learn more about your life. I am sorry to hear that your dad suffered stroke & now feels like giving up, I know we all survivors had gone through similar emotions, I know I did, my stroke at age 34 left me paralysed on my left side, though my family's love and support sustained me during my hard time of recovering. I will admit first 2 years were the hardest emotionally & physically, but due to my hubby's loving support I was able to reclaim my life back, and today after 7 years I can view my stroke as just a bump in my life's journey, though I would not have been at this serene place today without support of my family. Asha(now 41 year old mom & wife)
  25. HostAsha

    Just venting

    hey Katrina: sending you lot of virtual hugs, I hope you feel better soon. with disability its very easy to get down on PMS days, yes I agree not every day will be good day, but when bad day like this comes just remember tomorrow is another day, and you are more than your left hand, you are here for a reason. I strongly believe happiness is a choice, & some days we have to choose to be happy. your thoughts are not your life or you, so watch your thoughts. Asha