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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Lydia: I am glad you made dinner & whole family was together for dinner. At our house so far we always have dinner together. Nothing in life remains same, only change is permanant, so we enjoy our dinner together. I still miss our son sleeping with us in same bedroom. I guess it will be adjustment when he moves out on campus. Well one thing I learnt post stroke life will be just different when he moves out, still good just little different. Asha
  2. Sue I love reading your blogs too. I can see from your blogs what my caregiver must be going through by choosing to honor his vows. I feel least I can do is to make this journey tad bit easier for him. hugs, Asha
  3. HostAsha

    Not today..

    Kelly: don't be so hsrd on yourself. try to do your best which is whatever you can do within your physical limits. I usually cook more on a day I m cooking & next day then I have to do just one more additional item which is not hard. having understanding husband makes a great difference in person's life. try to do your best & rest leave on God. Asha
  4. Fred: our son wanted dog too, but we told him no, cause he will take care of pet for a day & then it will be my job & I don't want any pet to take care of. My first priority is my family then my health & exercise & pet will come last in that regard. So we told him he can get a pet when he turns 21. Asha
  5. Lydia: I am glad you had fun filled weekend spent with family. when we go to India, its always so much fun to meet hubby's huge family. I enjoy & love them dearly. Asha
  6. Dean: I believe in starting to live my life to fullest & I try to do what I can do all by myself in kitchen & around the house& that is my therapy along with my treadmill & bicycle therapy. I will not sit at sideline in anger or depression because my left hand is still not working. I will not sit in the sideline & not enjoy my second chance to fullest. So I view my stroke is little inconvience in my life on how I achieve things which are still needed to be done. yes I walk slowly but I still reach my destination. & have to use my teeth & right hand great deal, but heck things get done around here. Asha
  7. jeannie: wow you had busy & fruitful week. I am amazed that you make pasta at home, I thought everyone buys those readymade pasta in box, didn't know some people still make their own & go through so much trouble, I m impressed. Asha
  8. Lydi: wow what a test, I agree with your mom, & wonder why you waited so long to go on disability. I am gld I did when I did it. Asha
  9. HostAsha

    I had a nice day today

    MC: I am glad you let it roll the way events were unfolding, sometimes God surprises us with much better results if we trust in him & flow with life. glad you had great dinner with two of your favorite people. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    Much better

    MaryJo: I am so happy that surgery went well & Dan is getting his appetite back. wishing you goodluck in Dan's rehab & will keep you both in my prayers. Asha
  11. lydia: stroke recovery is all baby steps, just know that you will reach your goal of driving & running those activity again. slow & steady wins the race. Asha
  12. Ruth: your blog has encouraged me to go & watch this show with my family. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    in the middle

    hey Heather: I am equally confused as you. when he chose to stay by you in your moment of crisis that time I would assume he still loves you, atleast took his vows seriously, but you say now he is gone & spending time with his girlfriend. how sure you are that he is having affair. I am sending you lot of positive vibes to get peace of mind in your situation. Asha
  14. Debbie: :congrats: on Bruce's 3rd anniversary. I have made my anniversary as our valentime's date, that was the day I learnt true meaning of love of my hubby for me. Since then we both look forward to our stroke anniversary/valentine date together. celebrate stroke anniversary, then it will no longer be dreadful day. reason I celebrate my anniversary for how far we have come from that fateful day in 2004. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    Full Moon

    Debbie: I am so happy for you that you have such a great group of friends. Yesterday night went out for a walk with hubby, it was amazingly great & romantic walk in full & big moon. Asha
  16. Jeannie: Wow you have been busy in your garden. I guess when you enjoy you don't feel like work. I enjoy watching garden & not gardening lol. Asha
  17. HostAsha


    Jillian: you have inquisite child which is good though sometimes its lot of work I know my mom asks ton of questions which is quite annoying lol. take her to nature hikes, parks & mall shopping where there will be no questions hehehe.congrats on your good CT results. enjoy your today. Asha
  18. Sue: I am so happy that Ray's heel has healed, I know you spent so many days worrying about it. sometimes events in life does make us sad, but I have learnt to flow with life without any expectations from today. I just pray to God to give us strength to get through day whatever it may bring. Ray is very fortunate to have you in his life & we too to have you here on board to learn from your wisdom. you & Ray will be in my thoughts & prayers. Asha
  19. HostAsha


    Stessie: thanks for update, uou are truly inspirational woman. you better share your secret of inner strength. I get so much strength just reading your blog. thanks for being here for us. Asha
  20. MaryJo: you & Dan will be in my thoughts & prayers. Asha
  21. Fred: I am so happy you are going for the bowling tournament. you ae going to have great time mingling with your old friends & making new ones at the tournament. Asha
  22. Lydia: Being artist you will do great in your retirement & it will be fun process I bet. I guess I had identified myself as Asha the software Engineer who made big bucks & suddenly when that was gone who am I. luckily I still have job as mother & wife but I learnt my lesson & trying to not get attached to my mommy title since soon he will go to college & won't need me as much & I will have another meltdown. I tried getting myself interested in color painting but did not enjoy as much I guess since my right brain injured my artistic abilities r gone, though I enjoy learning new things & volunteering, so I guess I will be fine. Asha
  23. hey Lydia: :congrats: I truly believe Whatever is happening in our life is for our own good, though sometimes when we are in midst of it, it is hard to see. enjoy your retiement to fullest, though keep a routine in your retirement or else you will hate it. hugs, Asha
  24. Lydia: I will only caution you about going on retirement, it's hard adjustment to get used to not going to work. I had major identity crisis when I retired from my work force, though I realized having routine in life made it easy for me to adjust to my newnormal, and now I m having grand time being say at home mom & wife. Asha
  25. Jan: what a lucky surprise of your blog on this St. Patrick's day. your blogs always uplifts me. you have such a great attitude in this life's journey. true diamond. keep on blogging its therupetic not only for writers but for readers too. Asha