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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Lenny: I am sorry for your loss, but I am sure in this 10 years chance has given you & your family lot of joyful memories of him. loosing pet is not easy, but it's part of life Asha
  2. Lydia: I know it's hard to leave but you are making right decision. I know I struggled for long time after quitting my job since my ego was so wrapped up with my job title & my self-worth was associated with amount of money I used to make, so it was hard pill to swallow for my ego. But you know ego finds other jobs quickly. I used to pray God showing me sign that I have made the right choice & God actually did, I started taking investment courses & other subjects that interests me in nearby conmmunity college & it has been huge positive in my life. Now when I look back I feel retiring from the job was best decision I did after my stroke. things turned out to be good for our family. My stroke made me better & present Mom & wife for my family.for me blogging here & volunteering also turned out to be very therupetic. Asha
  3. HostAsha


    Pat: isn't it amazing credit card companies r catching these unauthorized purchases so fast nowdays, you can always buy tv & toner bit later. Asha
  4. Fred: thanks for your blog, always something new, your kindness,great spirit & spirituality always shines through your blogs. I feel the same way about God & appreciate getting this second chance of making difference in lives of my loved ones. Asha
  5. Lydia: you will have to analyze what will work best for you, going to office has other advantages like interacting with co-workers, and getting appreciated for work you produced though it also comes with added pressure of performing well so that you don't become indispenseble. Only you can decide what will work best for you. I for one having young child at home decided to medically retire from work force & go on disability & long term insurance income, since I felt after trying for few months I was not at the par of what would have been expected of me, & would have been put first on chopping block in case of crunch time. Now looking back I think it was one of our best decision which I took after consulting with my whole family. Though I struggled lot after my retirement due to my identity crisis, though slowly I have rebuilt new life for new me, and in that I don't have any room for working outside our house. Sorry giving you long story, point I m trying to tell, you need to sit down with Sam & your family & think what is best for your family, and do that. Asha
  6. HostAsha

    TV's acting up...

    hi Pat: we also ended up buying lcd tv when our old tv broke though hubby's refusal to pick up & throw it outside since its so heavy made me look hard to get it fixed, it needed sauldering though ofcourse I can't so had it to get it fixed by calling repairmen at home. Though we already have lcd tv & its picture quality much better than our old sony tv. so no harm in buying better tv now. Asha
  7. hey Wayne: :congrats: on your first stroke anniversary. you were fortunate that there were no lasting effects from it & it woke you up to slow down & enjoy life to fullest. life gets better & meaningful every day post stroke. Asha
  8. hey Jeannie: :happybday: enjoy your day with Carl. For memory using calender & post it notes might help. Asha
  9. Heather: :congrats: on your 5th stroke anniversary. Life is full of twist & turns, enjoy every moment you have given with your loved ones. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    Purple Mist

    Debbie: giving more responsibilities to Bruce is good idea. I know more I did around the house, better I felt about myself. Though also praise his efforts & how much it is helping you. Asha
  11. Fred: very comforting blog, thanks. Asha
  12. Lydia: I agree with Debbie, give yourself time to heal & don't try to rush back to old you. With the stroke old you died that day & now is the time to discover & love new you. take it slowly one day at a time. I decided to not to go back to work though for differet reasons & I am very content with that decision today though it was very hard in the begining since my ego was wrapped with what I did prestroke. but give your brain time to heal. Asha
  13. hey Ken: I am glad nothing is broken & just bruises which will heal. I am glad you are able to laught on it. Its much better than crying. Asha
  14. hi Patty: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I am shocked & amazed at what you have been through while trying to take care of your mom from long distance. Its nightmare & I m sure must have caused so much anxiety & trouble. stroke changes lives of everybody. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    Feelin Lowsy

    Jillian: you better talk to your doctor about your moodswing & get some help there, Trinity is not cause of your discomfort, stroke is, & you survived stroke for your daughter, so don't push her away in your emotional distress, she is still child & needs her mom. Asha
  16. Lydia: you have amazing husband & extended family who looks after you & loves you so much. your grilledcheese sandwich & soup making me hungry now lol. Asha
  17. HostAsha

    Another year......

    kelly: life is full of choices we made in this journey, some bad, some good, as long as we are learning & growing from them, nothing is wasted. as a parent we all tend to go through lot of guilt of not doing some things right & forget how many things we did right. I believe we all come to this earth with our own destiny, though I feel as a parent its our job to love our kids unconditionally, and be there for them when they need us. Asha
  18. HostAsha

    a little shaky start

    lynn: welcome back, I am glad you had great time in florida other than some hicups while travelling. glad you are focusing on good times & ignoring some bumps along the journey. Asha
  19. Ruth: wishing william early happy birthday, hope you both have lovely day together tomorrow. Asha
  20. hi Nemesis: welcome to our wonderful & therupetic world of blogging. adversity in life has its way of putting everyone out of their comfort zone, specially stroke has that power. I suffered atroke at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side, reading your blog reminds me of my husband how he had become my protector at the hospital, and was instrumental in getting me my life back. Today after 7 years I can look back & see how far we have come together. Just keep your head above water when you feel overwhelmed by life, things will change only change is permanant. keep faith & things will improve, only way to go in this ride is now up. Asha(now 41 year old Stroke survivor)
  21. hey Kelly: I agree with Lydia, you should be able to help your son for his spring break, just because they reached certain age does not mean our duties as parents are over.hopefully you will be able to convince your husband to do right thing. what he would have done, had it be his own son. Asha
  22. Lydia: hope you are feeling better today already. I guess you were tired & just need time to regroup. Asha
  23. Jillian: welcome back, we were worried about you, I am glad everything is going on great & charlie is able to stay behind with you & you found your silver lining after all.just remember sun always comes out. Asha
  24. well life has its own way of finding even keel. It has found its new routine & its busier than before, no more I miss going out to work, I am blessed to have mindset flow with life's currents & after stroke learnt it is my choice to flow in life's current with happy face or kicking & screaming. Well I did enough of kicking & screaming first few years & hated my life back then, so now after decision to be happy with wherever that current takes me, I am enjoying my ride. Though I do get rapids in my ride from time to time having teenager at home & being stroke survivor brings its own hardships. on bad days it's hubby's faults cause kido is just like his dad & on good days he is just like his mom in smartness lol. Though he also has great sense of humor & very naughty. now that he is taller than me, he hides books I m reading on ceiling fans & ofcourse wins everytime snatching his new toys from me. he brings lot of joy in our life. we recently celebrated his 14th Birthday. he is big kid now & don't want to celebrate though ofcourse I want to so I invited my friends & family. Asha
  25. hey Lydia: I felt the same way and that's the reason I have been around this site fir past 6 years, it has given me more strength & support than I can ever give. yes some of mentors I depended on back then now moved on to do other things in their life, but I know how much they helped me to go through my daily life when it was so hard to even get out of bed, this site gave me that desire to get up & come online & see who has commented on my blogs, though one who would have never gone through that will think that's so silly but that's what worked for me. only other survivors will understand how this site helped us. It is beauty of this site oldies like us might leave but some of you might be giving support to others. Asha