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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. lydia: wow you are smart woman, created job for yourself in the company, no wonder they want to make sure all your wishes are fulfilled. & you must be really good in your work too. Asha
  2. Fred: thanks for great info, I forced my hubby to get it done recently & he was not happy about it, but he went through it & now I have peace of mind. Mary JO & her husband will be in my thoughts and prayers. Asha
  3. HostAsha

    not enough time

    Ken: your blog reminds me of line, "when one door closes god opens the window", but we are too busy feeling sorry for ourselves by looking at the closed door & not look at the other window of can still do lot of good in this world just by sitting behind computer. Asha
  4. Lydia: I loved your blog & loved the line "It's a little part of who the old me was that I want to hold onto in the new me". I am still trying to decide which part I would have love to keep, but can't decide. I like newme. Asha
  5. Sue: I love beach & envy you that you live so close to beach & can go there anytime of the day. Your caregiver chat sounds so good, you guys have your own clique there & having fun. I am glad you both are adjusting well to your new normal. I feel sometime life is like riptide, if you try to resist too much it can drown you, so it makes sense just to relax & let iyou to shore. Asha
  6. Julie: I know how frustrating it is to loose what you spent so much time on, but believing its for best eases the pain, though I sometime write my blog in MS word & then when I m done writing & ready to post I copy & paste from MS word to here that way I handle less frustration if its lost. though sometimes writing & deleting bad part of your day can be therupetic too. Asha
  7. Lydia: thanks for an update. I felt like fly on your dancing ball event. I can tell you had great time dancing with love of your life. I am so glad you gave it a shot & enjoyed it. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    The Grace Card

    Ruth: seems like great time had by all, movie, lunch out & cards with friends what more one would want.glad you are adjusting to new normal. Asha
  9. Lynn: you made great decision. go & dance like no one is watching. It does not matter what others think. as long as you are with family & friends it will turn out to be great party. I am sure you are going to have grand time at the event. Asha
  10. hi Lynn: we will miss you, but will be waiting for your detailed fun filled report when you come back. hope you have great time with your sisters in warm florida. Asha
  11. hey lydia: keep a routine like that. in the begining when I was depressed, didn't have any routine & it used to make me more depressed & like you I made my fitness & therapy as my job. I realized having routine, now I look forward to my laundry day on wednesday since that day no exercise, so it is lazy day. but it helped me big time. I m so happy for you. having goal in life makes something to look forward to in life. who would think I will look forward to my gym day on mondays in my new life, but I do. you are on right track. Asha
  12. Lydia: from the sound of your blog, you have good and caring doctor who wants best for his patients. hope you follow all his directions and see how it goes. give it time & you will be driving soon. I feel with blogging regularly you will reach your acceptance stage sooner rather than later. just don't look too far in future, and get aggravated. stay in present & enjoy your now. Asha
  13. hi Marcie: welcome to wonderful world of blogging, I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed n my left side & prematurely retired me from the job I loved. I had my whole identity as a human being was so wrapped with my job & job title. It was very hard pill to swallow. It was very hard to come in terms with myself that I was not indispensable. Though with the support of my family & strokenetwork I have created new normal for me & I love the person I have become post stroke. Asha
  14. Sue: I always love reading your blogs. I learn so much from your blogs, how to be better survivor & human being. would love to meet you sometime. Asha such a
  15. HostAsha


    lenny: such a wonderful blog, thanks for sharing your journey. I love the way you have accepted your new normal & making best out of your current situation. I also feel the same way. life is still great post stroke just little different.welI l I never thought I would retire at 34, but now that I m retired. I am enjoying my retirement as mother & wife Asha
  16. HostAsha

    starting again

    heather: have you tried your rehab hospital, they might be interested in starting local support group. Asha
  17. Leah: so happy for you, miracles happen when you persist & pereserve. you are fighter & survivor. Asha
  18. Lydia: please don't worry about it, when you worry about things in future, you are wasting your perfectly great present moment. have you read the book "the secret" it talks about how our thoughts has power to manifest. So we better watch out & think only positive thoughts. since our body is sending those negative thoughts in universe, & universe gives what we ask. so we all better watch where our monkey mind is going with its thoughts. Asha
  19. Julie: after reading your blog * Larr's response I remember how I used to feel the same way, but boy I am glad I persisted due to my wonderful husband & child & now enjoying great life with my family & friends. tell him things are never going to be this way forever, its going to change and more he does for himself, better he will feel about himself & his life. I know that's what worked for me.and praise his efforts. Asha
  20. sheryl: I also listened to my hubby for first 2 years & did not drive man it made me so much more depressed & angry about my situation. finally I went to rehab for driving lessons & started driving, though I drive only local roads, though just driving on local roads is more than enough for me I can still achieve my household chores & take care of my son's activities, & if we have to go on freeway then I depend on hubby. but just being able to drive has done such a great efect on my go ahead & take that independence back, I know you can do it Asha
  21. Ruth: your day out sounds so good very fruitful. seems like you got done so much, that's great. you should now enjoy your mincemeatpie while chilling on coach. Asha
  22. Jeannie: you have found great speech therapist for carl which is going to help all of you in long run. you all are making great team together. Asha
  23. hi Lydi: I am really happy for you, you are on right path of acceptance. I feel more you have this kind of talk with yourself faster you will adjust to new you. Though in back of my mind I feel you should give shot to speaking engagement it might turn out to be great experience & another opportunity for you. for me personally motivational speaker who has fought hard times & is wiling to help others gives stronger message I would appreciate.(just my thought). I feel all of us grow when we are put outside our comfort zone Asha
  24. Lydia: I am so happy for you. you & your friend has found new way of playing with each other & your friend accepted you & learn how to play with new you. your story reminds me of my playing time with my then 7 year old son. after a year of adjusting to new me, we both created our own new games & it was so much fun, I never felt I missed his childhood due to my stroke. I feel after storm of storke, I feel if given chance life has its way to find its own even keel & happiness again. I now feel life is still great post stroke just little different. Asha
  25. hey Lydia: reading your blog makes me so happy, I know you are on right path towards happiness & acceptance. you are taking right steps. I too love going for walk with my hubby. I feel it brings us more closer to each other. you should invest in treadmill at home & make walking on treadmill as part of your therapy. buying treadmill & stationary bike was one of the best investment we did in my stroke recovery. doing exercise also makes you feel better about yourself. & releases good endomorphines which helps patients who are suffering from depression. Asha