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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. hey George: thanks for updating after long time. I am very happy to know you are very busy in your retirement & no time for us now, that's good thing, but please update us whenever your coffee cup is full & you would like to, since some of us do wonder about friends we made here. say hi to lesley from us. Asha
  2. HostAsha

    not this time

    Lynn: I am sure something better is out there waiting for him,, he just have to keep looking. things will work out eventually. I know this because I have lived it. Asha
  3. MaryJo: wow you are amazing woman you accomplished so much with stroke survivor. should be very proud of yourself. I am happy that you have Family's help in this roller coaster stroke ride. by the time Dan comes home I am sure you will be fully organized & settled in new home and your surroundings with your driving lol. Asha
  4. wow Katrina: you have grown up to be wonderful wise person. when you accept your today, you make most out of every moment given to you with best of your ability. I feel it's healthy to look back from time to time & realize how far yo have come & how well you are doing today. who says what tomorrow will look like so don't ever waste your wonderful today by thinking about recovery. just do your best and enjoy every moment given to you. Asha
  5. Karen: you and Bill both are in my prayers. I will agree with Sue just stay in present and make most out of every moment with your Bill. don't waste single minute thinking about future. now is the time to make a most out of every moment you have with him. you both are in my thoughts and prayers. Asha
  6. thanks lenny: I needed this so badly today. thanks for reminding me how lucky we atill are even when things are not going the way you want. Asha
  7. HostAsha

    Life goes on

    Sheryl: that's great. I feel the same way more I help out better I feel about myself & slowly my hubby has also learnt that I will be safe doing alone so slowly I am doing more of load in our household. my next project is to do our taxes. I feel small steps like these helps big time in my state of mind too. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    No Idle Hands Here

    hey mike: I always enjoy your blogs, they are full of love & sense of humor. I bet thhose are 2 ingrendients to get through any obstacles life throws at us. Glad Bernie is recovering so well and you are coping well with this new normal. I am sending you lot of warm hugs, Asha
  9. HostAsha

    Tuesday troubles

    Kelly: I have found religious teaching in buddhism & hinduism & all ism gives me lot of comfort in my post stroke life, I am sorry to say that as long as I am doing exercises weight does not bother me, I feel I have this stroke like big fish to fry than worry nuisance like weight. as long as I am not obese, I am not going to care about 5-10lbs here & there. but that's me everybody is different. If you find some secret formula of loosing 5-10 lbs then do share:) Asha
  10. HostAsha

    It starts

    Karen: you both are in my thoughts and prayers for positive outcome. I pray for your strength & courage in your this moment of trial. I know it's hard but try to be positive for both of your sake & enjoy all the time with each other. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    17th of January

    Ruth: Wish you many happy returns of the day, hope you have great time on your birthday. I usually starts reminding everybody week in advance so people don't have excuse that they forgot lol. & poor huby don't have choice since I tell him what I want on my birthday & want to do lol Asha
  12. HostAsha

    Day one of blog

    hey kelly: welcome tiso wonderful world of blogging. more you will blog you will realize how therupetic it is for your soul. As a blog reader & writer I learn every day something new. hugs, Asha
  13. Denny: hopefully now our strokenet is done with falling stories we already got 3 of them in blogs. I am glad your fall wasn't bad & glasses got repaired by your talented wife. Asha
  14. mc: thanks for updating us about your life. I am glad your fall wasn't bad, but better learn from this experience and slow down. I have figured, if you start 5 minutes eaarlier then I don't end up rushing & get into accident in every activity I do. Also dome people are not good in those kind of social calling like thank you notes though that does not mean they are not good. It's just they are less organized people. Asha
  15. Sue: I love reading your blogs too. I get so much strength from comments on my blog. I realized I am not that much different from other women, but as Maya Angelo says when you know better you do better. & I feel once you write down, you can see more clearly. so for me blogging is very therupetic.please be careful & do make back up plans, as we all know life can x=change in an instant. Asha Asha
  16. Julie: :congrats: on your first stroke anniversary. first couple of years are the hardest coping with sudden change in life, and guilt that gets associated with all what ifs. though I learnt as time passes & we reach acceptace stage life becomes joyful again one more time and I know this because I have lived trough it to tell. I have realized post stroke life is still good just little different if I give chance to it. hugs, Asha(41 yo old & now 7 year post stroke survivor)
  17. HostAsha

    30 1/2 inches

    wow Debbie: I am amazed you are not afraid of clearing the snow, I used to help hubby prestroke but post stroke kido helps him & my job is to make them hot chocolate. New job is much better. I really hope now we r done with all this snow business. hugs, Asha
  18. HostAsha

    Surgery Canceled

    Leah: believe this whatever is happening is for your best. Sometimes up close we don't see God's goodness & plan in it. So just hang on & trust God & let things unfold it's own way by believing everything is happening is for your own good. I know it is hard thing to do but I know you can do it. Asha
  19. HostAsha

    Going to the casino

    Fred: have fun at the casino. all this small treats breaks the monotony of the life. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    some updates

    Sue: I am so happy Ray's blister is healing well, and your worrying about the disaster impending was just worrying. take that me-time whenver you can. I will pray Ray finds joy in life again. does he likes to read? I am reading this great spiritual book & it gives me lot of comfort in struggles of my life, due to reading all this great books my life feels great, just little different than what considered to be normal but still good. I hope & pray your son realizes soon, how much he is missing being estranged from family. maybe you want his sister or brother-in-law talk with him to find out why is he hurt & how can you all together resolve the hurt. there is saying in our culture, kids can be selfish & not forgive parents about their mistakes, but parents have big heart & will always be gorgiving & accomodating to their children. I also feel having family close by it's big plus for everybody, we can all depend on each other for babysitting, and so many other things that come up in running the house. I am so glad I had my family close by tto help out during our time of need they all helped us out till we got adjusted to our new post stroke life. I don't know what would I have done without my family. my mom is still my vegetable chopper. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    Leah's Update

    Leah: you will be in my thoughts and prayers for succesful surgery so that you can start back on your exercise. hey I have been reading great book, it was suggested by Oprah & it's very good spiritual book "facing the lion being the lion" by Mark Nepo please keep us updated as soon as you can. we will be thinking of you. hugs, Asha
  22. HostAsha

    Still around.

    hey Wes: o glad to see you back, happy New Year friend. I am so happy that you have gone back to almost your old self. I did not go back to work since I chose other path of being stay at home mom & I love my new normal equally well. So I feel life is still good just little different on how I achieve my needs and wants. Asha
  23. hey mlp: don't worry about talking too much, I finally got company. love to get to know you through your blogs. girls night in sounds great, you are lucky your sisters lives close by. mine lives far & they still consider me too baby to hang out together, though we chat on phone all the time. looking after young kids are taxing but so much entertaining, though I have heard being grandparent is the best one can have, spoil them & then give it back lol I have found more you do for yourself more you will be able to do & then even with left side not working life still becomes good just little different on how you achieve your needs & wants. Asha
  24. HostAsha

    Happy New Year's

    Debbie: happy New year to you, but I agree with Sue don't forget to take Me time for yourself too. hope you have great support & friends at work so that you are not too stressed at work & enjoy it so that it can become your ME time. Asha
  25. Fred: at our house we don't exchange gifts. we buy things when we need them, though for kido there is exception, he gets whatever he wants, this year he wanted courside basketbal tickets for his favorite team lakers, so that's what he got & bicycle for summer. Asha