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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Tracy : Usually when person is sick they are most self centered person, cause they are just thinking about themselves & how illness has all messed up their life. So you should not take anything your dad or stepmom says right now personally, right now they just need love & support from their family no lectures or advises. If they chose not to tell you something , you got to be bigger person & forgive them. let them be at-least in control of what little they are able to control right now. These are strictly my own viewpoints, please forgive me if I stepped out of line. Asha
  2. OMG Tracy your dad & all of you will be in my prayers. you guys are doing great in making him feel better. I know as a patient you feel so out of control when you don' have any control on your body movements. hope he feels better soon. you being there fr your mom & dad must be great relief for your parents. Asha
  3. Sue : Thanks for update on your life, isnt life is wonderful in someways & you find reason to all your troubles when you see how Ray inspired his grandchild to go in research & f ind a cure for future generation, what a legacy. When our son decided to purse applying for medical college, it gave me huge solace knowing me going through all the pain due to stroke was not just for nothing, eve if it inspired our son to even think about it, its not gone to waste. & now I sit here & worry about him getting admitted into one of his college of choice & praying for him to become succesful dotor who can make a diffrence in people's lives. All we can do is just take one day a a time, sick or healthy with so many uncertainities lfe throws at us. I am glad you are enjoying your garden right now. like Tracy for e you are always hostsue with her loquent blogs showed me journey og my caregiver who would not share his feelings he was going through while trying to hold our fort. Asha
  4. I love cherryblosson, dafodils, tulips. I like peach color bedspread on our bed makes me happy every time I see it & I always make my bed , it makes me happy to have crisp bed with my pretty bedspread on it my favorite season is spring too. Asha
  5. Deigh : we do have DST in US but its done now you should check out in the link I provided to see proper time in your part of the world by checking in the link. BTW we have M, W chats from 8-9 EST in survivor room & Friday 8-9 EST in coffeeshop Thanks, Asha Chandra
  6. we all are in survivor room in our afternoon chats from 3-4 EST(M-F) & 8-9PM EST (M,W, & Friday in coffeeshop) 8 -9 EST - is 12-1 PM Auckland newZealand time (newzealand 3-4EST is 7 AM in auckland newzealand 8-9PMEST - 11am in Australia EST 3-4 PM EST is 6am in Australia EST hope this time is accurate & it helps all of you to join us in chat. I usually host chays on Wednesday afternoon from 3-4 EST in survivor room & Friday from 8-9 in coffeeshop hope to see lot of you guys around I used this site for my time zone calculation Thanks, Asha Chandra
  7. HostAsha


    I love your writing, have you thought about writing novel, you express your thoughts so eloquently. I am glad you had good conversation about liliac with your husband. I admire all of you caregivers in our life, thanks to you guys we survivors have somewhat normalcy in our life. Asha
  8. Recently I watched very inspiring talk given by girl who lost her leg in senseless robbery & train accident. It was quite amazing to hear her talk about ordeal she went through. after she was thrown off moving train for resisting her gold chain robbery & she fell on track & losing her leg in process. Anyhow after she got treated with prosthetic leg, being national volleyball athlete she decided she would climb mount Everest with her prosthetic leg. Think about courage she had. one line stuck with me you are handicapped because of your limiting thoughts & not by your physical ability. I was telling hubby about this girl's amazing journey & he said something very interesting lot of times in life we stop ourselves thinking OMG this is so hard and I can't do it, & when you push it through it & do it that's your mount Everest. I know in course of my day I go through many limiting thoughts, if I remember his line that this is my mount Everest, it will give me that courage strength to push past my fears. Asha
  9. HostAsha


    Kelli : its acceptance phase you are struggling with, is that all my life will be mount to? but once you stop resisting, accept & go with flow, you will find out that life will open up lot of new opportunities & things will turn out to be better than you ever imagined. yes some things are less than desirable, but whatever things you are left with is more attractive. Try to be better person you were the day before. Only competition we have is with our own self. be best mom, grandma, daughter, friend. hope you feel better soon. Asha
  10. Hi Every one : I am hosting evening chats on Wednesday 8-9PM (EST) in #2 stroke survivor chat room & on Friday in coffeeshop 8-9(EST). please join in to say hello. With me you will get interesting book discussion or philosophy discussion. Thanks, Asha Chandra
  11. My husband deserves all the credit, not only he was my caregiver in the beginning,but in true sense he is my cheerleader, enabler & great dad who took care of his family with full gusto, till I recovered my wits back. I am forever grateful to him. Asha
  12. Tracy : I am glad things are going pretty well for you, I have heard once very wiseman say this "obstacles will be there". but he believed obstacles were there to make sure how badly you want certain things, & if you want something bad enough you will keep on working & find a way around it, so he used to say obstacles are there for "other people" 🙂 not for him. google Randy Pausch and his last lecture on youtube,very inspiring guy. I had read book on cognative therapy quite impressive Asha
  13. HostAsha

    We're Still Hanging On

    Sarah: good to hear from you. I am glad your mobile home is sold & you got your bathroom remodeled to fit your needs. more we get our home tp work for our needs, its easier for every one involved. Asha
  14. Sue you will be in my thoughts & prayers, though one of our dear family member was also diagnosed with thyroid cancer decade ago , & her husband & both of her children are doctors, her treating doctor told her that if my family has to get cancer I wish they will get thyroid cancer its easily treatable & curable cancer. so keep faith & don't make Ray look bad, he has taught you how to live with courage even after going through so many troubles himself. so you have to make him feel proud of you. and teach this diseases lesson of picking on strong opponent. hugs, Asha
  15. I so look forward to my Sundays with my AHAs with super soul sunday & being married to my very spiritual, practical soulmate, my life is very rich with all ths AHAs. Today oprah while interviewing bradley cooper for his role in star is born as actor, director said "Art is kinda form of prayer", my husband quickly added Any work you do is a form of prayer, & AHA light bulb went in my head, its so true any work we do, if we do we should be doing as form of prayer, such that even if its volunteer work or you are working for money, or doing duties as mother & wife, it should be done as our prayer to God, & we try to do our best with our capabilities & not get attached to results, will give us most satisfaction in life Asha
  16. HostAsha

    wow time has passed

    Nancy : good to hear back from you, every brain injury is so unique.No wonder he was so hard to deal with at home, you made the right choice. Asha
  17. Sue : I am glad all is well with your recent visit with specialist. you have changed so much in me reading your blog journey. I no longer feel depressed while reading your blogs, but feel uplifted by seeing your fighter spirit. I feel you are mastering skill of going with flow now. I guess you always had that spirit in you, which came in forefront now when you handling your physical troubles bravely. you know need to find this site was sad event for me, but my life is so much richer due to people I met met here. Asha
  18. Hello everyone I just wanted to invite everyone to come and join me an hour filled fun & scintillating discussion from weather to whatever is going on in our life, could be children,books, movies or our coping tricks to make this post stroke journey as much fun. I will be hosting chats every Wednesdays from 8-9PM EST! at Room #2 Stroke Survivor Chat. & on Friday I will be hosting in coffee-shop. Give me opportunity to show you post stroke life is as much fun as it was pre-stroke. hostAsha
  19. it has to be stroke deficit, but sometimes when trying to think through simple technical problem, one minute I have things crystal clear in my mind & then after 5 mins it just disappears& I keep on trying to get to the solution & just chase my own tail in developing simple software code, which should be so easy. It is so frustrating the way I am doing my volunteer work, I am glad its volunteering or else I would have been fired so long ago. though people working in my team must be thinking such an idiot can't figure out simple things. but I guess that's the reason I am retired from the work force since my cognitive skills are impaired
  20. This Feb 8 it will be my 15th stroke anniversary valentine day. I can't believe it has been 15 years since I have been to valley of my life's journey, though old wisdom is right you find out who is truly yours when you are at your rock bottom, who is willing to lend you hand & get you out of mud. I found out who truly loves me & willing to stand by me when I was in my worst shape of my life. my siblings, mom, spouse, our son were biggest motivator in me pushing hard to fight for life which is now very stimulating& satisfying.I never knew I could still find so much happiness in my life, even when it felt like my life was over. I guess being stubborn & go with flow personality helps. I guess If I want something or believe in something, I won't give up. & me believing that I have full responsibility towards our son & he deserves better mom, made me always push myself more, & seeing positive results of it, made me push my boundaries even further. & after 15 years on this journey. life is good again. its different than how I would have envisioned it, though there is still lot of joy in it, Since we started celebrating as our valentine day I don't dread my stroke anniversary, I actually look forward to it. Its usually Broadway show with nice dinner & flowers kind of family date. Anyway I see lot of good things have happened in my life last year. I pushed envelop little further which have helped my self confidence even further. Few things I learnt hard way, but my life is richer due to it. hope whoever is reading this blog, never gives up & keep fighting & see how beautifully life will unfold for you the way it did for me Asha
  21. Sue : have you noticed change in you, you are no more that blogger who will see life very realistically & look at things negatively. Now even similar circumstances you are looking life with glass half full. so going more with flow without resisting it. Dennis sudden death was very shocking. One never knows what tomorrow will bring. I feel as long as we lived happily today & brought joy to people in our lives, life is well lived. & he just did that, he loved his family fiercely & supported all newcomers who came here looking for support. Asha
  22. As all of you aware by now I love watching Oprah's super soul sunday series on her OWN channel. I love listening spiritual awakening books or discussion, since I always learn something new from them even if its repeat. This Sunday was no different, when facebook COO sheryl Sandburg talking about her book lean in. Book she wrote after sudden death of her young husband while exercising on readmill while family was vacationing in costa rica. She talked about how post traumatic growth can also occur in person instead of stress after traumatic event happen in person's life. I fully agree with that statement, but I also feel having solid support system around them helps, she talked about how gratitude helps, I also feel having reason bigger than yourself also helps to pull yourself together, & given enough time has passed also helps. you can see how things finally have unfolded in your life & seeing everything fall into place again more beautifully, you can see that beautiful post traumatic growth she was talking about. it was one of my AHA moment of Sunday.
  23. Pam : so happy for you enjoy this miracle & make best out of every day given to us. laugh more, help out more be kind to every one including yourself is my motto this year.. happy new year Asha
  24. Happy New year everyone. time is flying by so fast. 2018 got over so quickly, My 2018 was year to be grateful for, lot of new & challenging things happening in my life, though with those challenges also came feeling confident in myself was biggest reward Though lot of times during year felt like giving up, but with not giving up, I see growth in myself. I grew more confident in my ability than inability. Now 2019 is here, year brings in lot of anticipation. I am scared & praying hard for everything to fall in place for our son. Its year full of anticipation & I wish & pray all his hard-work pays off & he is well onto path of his chosen field. Asha