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Blog Comments posted by HostAsha

  1. Pam :


    your blog inspired me & like Sue I find strength to fight on  from you. Seeing you give such a strong fight to stroke & all side effects came with it. Sometimes people say dumbest things, what she says does not reflect on you, it is more on her that how she is scared of  handling all what you have handled in life. don't block her educate her in being compassionate to others, & forgive her, let hr know how you felt so hurt by her remarks. you survived for a reason & have been touching countless lives by your toughness & fighter spirit. Sending you lots of virtual hugs & peace




  2. kelli:


    I thought I had written comment on this post, maybe I did & forgot to post it. sorry about your ripping of the lense, glad it is covered by insurance. I believe that things happen for reason & something better is going to come out of this hardship.  as long as you learnt your lesson, it hasn't gone wasted. will pray for you in your love & crush department.




  3. Sandy :


    this is excellent idea, for me personally my pocketbook calender sent to me by Dept of disabled veterans saved me  & gave me some structure in life. I used it big time in scheduling my son's activities in it & following it to T. It kinda gave me structure & control I had lost after my stroke. I still make sure to donate to this every year after so many years. That pocketbook calender & this site saved me big time in my initial despair.




  4. Sue:


    you are handling this new uncertainty in your life so gracefully.  I have noticed if you want something get done ask busy person & he will find time to get job done, same way people gone through their own trobles in life have empathy to understand trouble of others. after my stroke I have become more aware of struggles of others.







  5. Sue :


    I am so glad you are back home & feeling this good, I guess u have harvested that inner strength in you to get out of this another difficult chapter life has thrown at you, but by being in present & taking one day at time & of course friends & family we can get through all troubles in life. you are in my thoughts & prayers.





  6. Hey Chris :

    you got amazing attitude towards your stroke, I remember at 34 when I suffered stroke I thought life is not fair at all & wallowed  in self pity  for few months, till I found this support group. I depended so heavily on my family, friends & this site to get to serene place of acceptance where life is all good now. What I found being young & suffering stroke had its own benefits since I was able to build my new normal & happy with life again. I feel my post traumatic stress event did convert in post traumatic growth & life is beautiful again. not again I will ever take simple joys of life for granted again.  we do have M-F afternoon chats from 3-4 EST & evening 8-9 EST on M,W & F. hope to bump into there, since I am more active there & in our blog world



  7. Sue :


    some one once told me on this site  "worry is down payment on debt we may never owe", I love that line why worry & waste beautiful day given to us today. I know it is easy said than done. serenity prayers also helps me when I m scared "God grant me the serenity to accept things I can not change & courage to change things I can & wisdom to know the difference". I know waiting for results are always scary uncertainty is tough one. but remember God never gives us more than we can handle & he will provide right tools & right people in your life to get through whatever happens in our life.  sending you positive vibes for positive results.



  8. Pam :


    good to see your positive blog, happy new year to you. don't worry about tests you can not control about. worry is down payment on debt you might never even owe. so just go with flow & stay in present moment & count all the blessings of life. when you live in act of gratitude that's what you attract more.







  9. merry chistmas & happy new year, thanks for update congratulations on your mother in law getting getting green card, my mom became citizen of this country after greencard holder for 20+ plus years. enjoy your road trip with your family. hope to hear all fun road trip stories soon.




  10. Pam :


    we missed you around here, I know life is tough sometimes but I am firm believer of focusing on what is still great in my life & that has helped me deal with all of my earlier issues in life. try to stay in present without worrying about future. serenity prayers have done wonders for me. you will be in my prayers for painless tests & good results.




  11. Nancy :


    This is so ridiculous. I worry for residents who don't have any visitors or family members looking out for them. I know when my mom was in nursing home for her therapy after her knee surgery,  there is no one to come out & clean her room  or bathroom. Mom used to tell us & we end up doing the job , since nursing home staff is always busy doing something else. Anyway keep being pain in behind for them so that they do their job.







  12. Hey Lenny :


    so good to see you back, happy halloween to you too, life is all about keep on trying new things & never giving it up. always step out of your comfort zone that's where you grow. I am still around lot of positive changes in our life too, recently moved to new home, our son is in third year of college still making us happy & proud. life has its own way of giving some good days, some not, but unless you see night one will never appreciate day light. So enjoy life.


