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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Ruth: what a wonderful gift for you on Christmas. your son haschosen perfect profession of doctor. compassion is must have for doctors & he has it in him. what a great son & doctor. Asha
  2. Jeannie: I am glad you are in christmas spirit. glad you have great friends like that. Asha
  3. Sue: I am sending you lot of hugs. Just hold on for little longer till tide of sadness pass. I know I don't have to tell this, but sometimes things don't go as we had hoped, but during that time just have to trust in God's plans and flow with life. sometimes in life controling wind is not an option, but we can always adjust our sails & by adjuating we can head in to new direction with the trust in God that it will be good. Asha
  4. HostAsha


    hi jillian: I had same reservation about antidepressant, I used to feel people who are cookoo need those pills. But when I started taking them it was life saver for me. It allowed me to look at the other positives in my life without getting teary & emotional. Though sometimes you still need to get dosage adjusted. I was on it for couple of years till I got my footing on the ground and acceptance (which does not mean giving up but accepting what life was at that time, it does not mean it's not going improve or change). Though after few years on it, I slowly weaned myself off them. Though I think along with it reading lot of selfhelp books also helped me accept my new normal. Asha
  5. volare: wow I am amazed you make house with chocolates,my mouth is already watering. I am glad your clot dissolved & things are back to normal. making your own candies sounds amazing you have some kitchen skills.for me blogging,chattin & reading good spiritual books helped me dealing with my depression. Asha
  6. Jeannie: I am glad you stayed on top of it & finished the job. dealing with any goverment issue you have to be persistent to get any positive results. can't give up because its so hard. Asha
  7. Sue: I loved the pictures of Ray & your efforts went in there was worth it. I got so much joy seeing Ray having fun in his life. I know we sometimes vent in our blogs but I have learnt that writing positive blogs about my life lifts me up than poor me blog. So I keep my blog centered towards my family which brings me ton of joy. I hope & pray you have wonderful christmas time with family. go without any expectation on that day, just enjoy the way it is going. I have learnt hard way expectations & attachment always brings disappointments. Asha
  8. Jillian: wonderful story, your awakening from this ordeal has made you such a better person, I feel the same way about my stroke ordeal. when it has made us such a better person then nothing has gone to waste. keep up the good work of God going. Asha
  9. Julie: amazing, I feel getting out & about builds the self-confidence we lost after our stroke. I feel it becomes easy to accept newnormal when you are out and about, you realize you are still living life just little differently. Asha
  10. HostAsha


    Leah: it does not matter whether you had stroke or other symmptoms, you are mystroke survivor friend who gives me encouragement when I am down & share great inspiring & spiritual books with me. I miss you & wonder about you all the time, so get back in action. Asha
  11. Sue: due to great writers & bloggers like you I don't think my stroke as a disaster, its inconvience in my life but I got to meet wonderful people here on strokenet due to it. Asha
  12. Julie: glad you both had great time at the party. after 6 years of my post stroke journey I realized there is stil life after stroke, just little different on how I accomplish my daily wants & needs. Asha
  13. wow Katrina: amazing :congrats: you are great role model and survivor. I feel with attitude like that only sky is limit for you. so happy for you. I feel with your these great achievements there is no excuse for any of us in succeeding in life. My son is going to hear big lecture from me tonight I am glad life is joyful for you once again just a little different, but still joyful. Asha
  14. HostAsha


    hey Jillian: Its great that you are having great day. I was hesitant about antidepressant pills in the begining too, but they helped me to face each day with smile. once I was able to face the reality of my life& support from this site, I was able to get myself off them. Though I feel for me reading inspiring self help books, spiritual books and my family support helped me get off them in few years. Though during initial year antidepressant pills helped big time Asha
  15. hi Jessy & Matt: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. Debby gave great suggestions. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side and retired me from the job I loved. I never thought I could find happiness again but I did. Now after 6 years I can look back at that incident as God's way of stopping me from doing biggest blunder of my life. I realized hard way at the end of the day for me my hubby & my son are the most important people in the world & not my job. Though I went through severe depression in the begining & antidepressant pills helped big time in the begining, but slowly I weaned myself off them. Life will be joyful again, it will be just little different still joyful though, but you both will have to work towards that goal together. Today I can walk, drive & take care of my family single handedly(literally!). As I mentioned it before ask Matt to regularly blog & also start writing gratitude journal every day start with just 5 points. you will see huge positive difference in your life and attitude towards this bump in your journey. Asha (Now 41 year old survivor)
  16. Lenny: christmas came early for you, enjoy your health & your scooter Asha
  17. Fred: Merry Christmas to you & hope you have great holidays & prosperous New year. Asha
  18. HostAsha


    hey Jillian: I know its frustrating sometimes, but want to tell you just hang on, it will get better. things will improve I promise. Asha
  19. hi Julie: I missed welcoming you to my wonderful world of blogging, I find them very therupetic. The more you share your joys and trials better you will feel. I am glad you have invitation to party, do go and enjoy without any expectation. Post stroke life is still good just litle different on how you enjoy and achieve things Asha
  20. oh wow Elondie: I will pray for Tootie & your whole family to find better solution for Tootie Asha
  21. HostAsha


    hey Jillian: I am glad you are feeling better, I could feel your joy in life through your blog. your new name sounds funny, I am glad you are able to laugh on yourself. I have same problem when hubby is home, I tell him he bothers me in my routine, but as I have you will learn to love the new changes in your life with that great attitude of yours. Asha
  22. HostAsha

    a slow day

    Sue: that's what I call flow with life, when opportunity comes up to socialize just grab opportunity. chores can wait & usually if its not done its not end of the world. I feel when you flow with life, it makes doing other responsibilities also much more pleasant. glad you have parties to attend that means you are friend to many Asha
  23. Karen: I am so sorry you had another bump in your life's journey. Sometimes when bad things keep on happening to me, I wonder what is God trying to teach me in this another incident in my life, since I have learnt hard way asking whyme always brings in unhappiness. Though I am glad none of you are badly hurt. you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Asha
  24. hey Ruth: first few years are the hardest until you accept newyou & move on. I am glad you both can see so much positive improvement in both of your life. Every year things become better and better. Asha
  25. Lenny: you are so fortunate to have grandkid so close by to enjoy. Enjoy every moment, kids grow up too fast. Asha