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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. things are busy at our household. Mom just had her knee surgery and finally came back from hospital, she is doing better though in lot of pain, but now home and recuperating at home. My sister has come from India to help out mom in her recovery & also take care of her business. I am glad Mom thought of that since after I fell and thought sprained my ankle it turns out that I suffered fracture in the foot and will be in fall color cast for next 6 weeks, so basically I am of no help to mom. but anyways we are all very fortunate still surrounded by lot of love and care. My hubby is amazing, he raises bar in being best husband, caregiver & dad. First day when I was still not sure about my walking and in my walking cast he would wake up & walk with me to my every bathroom visit. His love for me and our family makes me believe in goodness of human spirit.I am so fortunate & lucky to have him in our life. Asha
  2. lenny : that's so cute, he is really very special & caring kid, you are giving me lot to look forward to. Asha
  3. Karen: you and Bill are in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for your strength and courage to fight this next battle. Sometimes it is hard but take one day or minute at a time, and make it good day. I know it's hard but we all are praying for you. Asha
  4. Fred: My condolences & prayers go out for your your family. loosing loved ones is hard blow to deal with, though knowing she is at much better place does give comfort. I hope and pray you remember all the good times you had with your mother-in-law & keep her memories alive in your heart. hugs, Asha
  5. HostAsha


    hi Sheryl: your sister and you will be in my thoughts and praryers. have you looked at recross medical transportation, which can get yu to medicall appointments, though they require 1 week notice. though they did help me make more organized lol. Asha
  6. HostAsha

    Murphy's Wounded And Down

    Mike: thank you so much for sharing wonderful news about Bernie, what a great way to start my day. You made my faith strong in faith and power of prayers. keep on giving more good news. hugs, Asha
  7. Jeannie: I have done the same thing since I wuld lost my blog from time to time & then get mad, so I copy & paste in MS word, do my spellcheck also there, and then cut & paste from there to here. leaves me less frustrated. Asha
  8. Ethyl: is there something he loves to do, maybe going to work more often can be his carrot for him to become more independent such that he can achieve that goal. fortunately I never had that issue since I had young son to look after & reclain my life back as a mom & wife. Asha
  9. Sue: I learn so much from your blogs what caregiver must be going through in heir life, since my caregiver and spouse will never share his thoughts this beautifully with me. So I learn from your blogs what I can do make his life and our journey better and fun for both of us. I know as a survivors we all are different level of functioning, but it never hurts to take some load off your life's partner. hugs Asha
  10. HostAsha

    Look Out For Murphy

    Mike you and your bride in my thoughts and prayers. I pray for your strength & getting well deserved break from all this hospital chaos for both of you hugs, Asha
  11. HostAsha


    hey Emily: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. If you blog consistently you will find it is very therupetic. I credit writing & reading blogs as my key to get off from my antidepressant pills and able to enjoy life one more time. I feel short days can be catalyst in feeling down. but slowly I have learned to watch my thoughts and make sure I don't go in downward spiral, so I watch my thoughts like hawk lol Asha
  12. Katrina: your blog made my day, I am so happy you are seeing how far you have come from where you were 9 years ago. life is going to be great, you are being great rolemodel to lot of kids & adults. Go for graduate studies. education is never wasted. I had finished my masters prestroke but while I was pregnant with my son, working full time & taking full load of classes at school such that I finish my graduate studies before my baby was born. Asha
  13. well if you wondered what I have been doing in my retirement then you will be surprised to know that we have been visiting doctors for something or other. first our kido broke his wrist in first basketball game of the season. unfortunately he fractured his wrist so got cast for 3 weeks, fortunately it was his left hand so hubby's hands were great demand at our house. after he healed I fell & sprained my ankle, luckily no fracture just bad type 3 sprain so it will take few days to heal. So hubby's legs also in great demand lol poor guy he has been running around up and down & sideways since my retirement lol. btut as usual life goes on with its ups and downs. I have learned to realize that this shall pass too. kido was disappointed since he could not try out for few things in school, but what can you do, you just accept and make best out your current situation. Asha
  14. Lenny: are you kidding me, getting tired of your blogs, I love your blogs, it always inspires me, and I realize we all still have so much to be thankful of even post stroke. your blogs makes me feel good about the world. So please keep on blogging. I enjoy them very much. Asha
  15. HostAsha

    I did it

    Sheryl: I am so happy you tried & gave it shot, in my book of stroke recovery unless you try it how would you know you can still do it. on that principle I have done lot more post stroke. I am so happy for you Asha
  16. HostAsha

    Another blow

    vivian: I was not on the site for long, so I was surprised and sad to read your blog. Though I am firm believer in that your job on this earth of raising your children & your babysitter's children are not done. So I am glad you are taking care of your left side before it creates any major problem. you will be in my prayers.
  17. HostAsha

    A Great Book

    Leah: I love your book selections it always gives me peace of mind. I ordered both books I know investing in those books are better therapy for me than antidepressant. Asha
  18. :congrats: Stessie you truly deserve the day of pampering. you have been through lot in recent years, and shown everybody courage & strength lies within you. please pot pictures we would love to see you. hugs, Asha
  19. hey Sara: I am happy to read progress about your dad. I am glad your dad is participating in his therapy. more he will do it for himself & more independent he becomes, better he will feel about himself. I realized once my depression & whyme was lifted that life is just little different still good though, just different. Asha
  20. Donia: my stroke taught me only great wisdom in dealing life's inconviences. Most of the time only control we have is how we will react to the situation, I know it's hard but slowly I m learning not to allow others to push my buttons and I keep close eye on how I will react to the situation. when I do that my life's journey become more pleasurable. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    Just Tryin'

    hey Annie: welcome back stranger. brain injury is lik going backward. anything new you want to learn, do it few times till you excelled at it.start blogging more often and easier it will become. I used to blog every day in the begining & found it very therupetic. blogging for me became like my psycatrist just like you tell doctor how you feel about life & so on. I personally feel blogging here on this site allowed me to accept my life post stroke faster,and enjoy newme better. Asha
  22. Bruce: don't worry about it. I will send you my phone number offline or uou send me yours whichever is convienant & easier for you. your wife can call me anytime before 10PM or I can call her to find out about you, whatever works good for you guys. I will update other members as soon as I find out from your family. Thanks, Asha
  23. Fred: thanks for reminding us again. I have been doing every day for few times since tessie posted about it though through your link I was not able to go to site. I have been using & then click on living & from there I am able to vote it.
  24. Sue: I always love reading your blogs. I feel it makes me better person & survivor so thank you for that. I am so glad that you visit your mom more often. I think patients get better care when their family cares about them in hospital. you must have done something good in raising your children that Trev is there for you both. Asha
  25. Bruce: you will be in my thoughts and prayers on your day of your surgery. hope you come back to your chat soon. chats won't be same without you Asha