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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. vivrose: that's major accomplishment girl. be proud of yourself. It took me so much longer to gather that courage that I can handle things on my own, setting my first appointment was big deal for me & considering I don't have speech issues. my selfesteem was at the bottom after my stroke, I was so dependent emotionally on my family to get me up and running again. Though I realized more I did it for myself better I felt about myself & my confidence level went way high. I am very happy for you, you are walking in right direction of recovery. Asha
  2. HostAsha


    Katrina: I echo Maria's sentiments. guy who finally gets you will be the luckiest guy. taking 6 courses in a semester will keep you very busy, good luck with your studies. :congrats: on graduating this december. I still remember you just graduating from HS. Time flies by so quickly. hugs, Asha
  3. hey Barron: I think maintaining healthy weight for us stroke survivors is better in a long run for everybody. Post stroke I never care about my weight, but as I grow older loosing becomes challenge, so I m trying to maintain my healthy weight my portion control & exercise. Asha
  4. Stessie: Now I have your face to go with along with your writing. I voted multiple times for you. Whoever wins all of you are winners in game of life in my mind. hugs, Asha
  5. Debbie: what a timely blog for me. My hubby is scheduled for his first colonoscopy in couple of weeks luckily he is not a survivor but I am going to get in trouble for forcing him to get it done. Asha
  6. Mike: are you sure it wasn't intentional? your bride seems like naughty person. My son did same thing to me when I was making him use waterpic for his braces. you both will be in my thoughts and prayers for Bernie's surgery. You both are so fortunate to have each other in their life Asha
  7. Leah: I am glad you guys are fixing all your fall hazards. With stroke falling is part of the equation. but we learn from our mistakes. Asha
  8. Sara: when I read your blog I remembered how hopeless & sad I felt just after my stroke. but tell your dad first year has big window of opportunity to gain back all he has lost. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side, my motivation to work hard in my therapy was my son.tell him life will be still good unless he works hard in his recovery, it will be just bit different though different does not mean bad. today after 6 years of my stroke I am actually having fun in my life as a stay at home mom & wife who still gets paid her disability benefit. I am greatful had great jobprestroke. I refuse to take antidepressant in the begining, but finally when I took it, it was so much better it allowed me to come out of my sadness and work on my now to make better ending of my story. though I have weaned myself off my antodepressant pills. encourage him to start blogging here its highly therupetic. Asha
  9. Fred: loved your saying. yes we can always make brand new ending from now such a powerful & true quote. I will now impress hubby with your history lesson on labor day lol. It also means school starts soon. hugs, Asha
  10. vivian: you are so true. I know for sure you will get through this, and your life will be better than before. when I stroked on feb 8, I dreaded my stroke anniversary, since it brught lot of painful memories along with good memories, I saw love of my hubby during that time, he and along with my family members would not leave my sight. I realized his love through his actions for me, and since then we celebrate my stroke anniversary as our valentine's day. Now as matter of fact I look forward to my stroke anniversary. today post stroke my life is different but its still very fulfilling & loving.So I am sure with positive attitude like yours your life will be great just little ifferent but still great. Asha
  11. hey Ruth: that must be some scary ride home. I am glad it was just miscommincation, wow what a relief Asha
  12. After four years of service as a Blog moderator I have decided to retire from Strokenet from my volunteer position. I have gained a lot of support and friendship during my last 6 years of post stroke journey. I was so thankful when I found this support group during my early dark days of post stroke journey. During that time great volunteers and mentors at SN held my hand and helped me navigate darkest alley of my post stroke life. I am forever thankful and indebted to those individuals. I can't thank them enough. They introduced me to blogging, and I realized during that time power of blogging. I found blogging hugely therupetic and decided to give back any ways I can, so I started volunteering here as Blog moderator. I will be still around as SN member giving support and holding newbies hand but as member and not as blog moderator. I know I was able to wean myself off from antidepressant pills, but I know it will be hard to wean myself off from my blogworld. I know power of these blogs, so I am not even going to try it, so you will see me around. I urge all of you to give blogging a shot. if it helped me It can help every one. Asha
  13. Leah: thanks for updating us about your bump in life's journey. I am glad once again you came out of valley of shadows to sunshine. with God's grace you have fighting spirit of Irishman. Thanks for sharing your bible reading. It makes perfect sense, and I know we all will be fine in God's loving arms. sometimes it is hard to believe the suffering you are going through is for your own good, but I guess that's where faith plays biggest role. we don't know that for sure, but trusting in that will give you immense peace. hope to bump into you in our afternoon chats soon. Asha
  14. vivian: thanks for sharing your whole story with us. I feel now I know you much better. you have few very good things going for you, so I know for your sure you will come out of this stroke ordeal stronger and better. you have good inspirations like your children to work hard on your recovery such that finally you all can reunite back in canada. Also you have kind & good employer who is willing to give concessions which is very good thing. I too stroked at age 34 in 2004 which left me paralysed on my left side. Though I worked hard to get out of that wheelchair. for me my motivation was then my 7 year old son. like you I was blessed to have great family support though I decided to medically retire from my job to raise my son well. Today after 6 years I can look back & see my stroke as just bump in my life's journey. I am more happy to be home for my son. Asha(now 40 year old survivor)
  15. Mike: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I am the official blog addict, and I am so delighted you joined my world. your love for your Bernie shines through this blog. I know my husband loves me very much but you beat him with your uncondtional love and sense of humor for your bride. I know I want to have our marriage as strong and loving as yours. share some of your secret. Asha
  16. hey Lenny: your day sounds so romantic. it reminded me of my walking on brooklyn Bridge on my stroke anniversary. I know like us you are going to have grand time with love of your life in stanley park. Wehad visited stanley park, its quite beautiful & place. have lot of fun on your anniversary. wishing you many more wonderful anniversaries. Asha
  17. HostAsha

    New to site

    Barron: welcome to wonderful & therupetic world of blogging. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side & retired me prematurely from my job. I thought my life as Asha I knew ended in an instant. Stroke feels like wildfire it burns the life you knew it completely. but with help of my family and friends here and in virtual world, I have rebuilt my life. Now stroke just feels bump in our life's journey. Hope to learn more about you from your blogs.So don't feel that you wercked your future. God has better things still stored for you. Asha (now 40 year old survivor)
  18. vivian: I am so happy you are going out with your friends and family. I feel as long as you learn from your adventures nothing is wasted, you are building stregth and endurance. BTW I have found walking on treadmill every day has built my endurance for walking long distances. so keep on walking on treadmill every day atleast for 10-30mins, and slowly increase speed or duration. Asha
  19. Lenny: I am so happy for you that you are doing this demo for other stroke survivors. I know you will do great because you will be doing from your heart and there is no personal gain attached. you are really showing other stroke survivors way to new frontiers. I wish you ton of luck on your presentation, and update us on how it went. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    Good day today

    hey Vivian: with that positive attitude and drive to do work hard, you will do better in your post stroke life journey. I know it for sure. keep on plugging viv & you will enjoy your post stroke life too. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    Ambassador Lenny

    Lenny: you looked so different than what I had imsgined. you better put your recent picture such that I don't have this conflicting image of you in my head. Asha
  22. vivian: more you do for yourself right now, life be much more esasier for you even with disability. keep on pushing yourself now & you will see the difference in your quality of life in future. things will get easier as time goes on. Asha
  23. Ruth: you keep william busy & engrossed in life. no wonder he is sleeping right now atleast got some break lol Asha
  24. HostAsha


    Debbie: you are so creative. I am glad you got to get together with your friends before reunion & caught up with everyone. it feels good to get out of routine & do somehing different sometimes, and spending that time with friends and family is defintely lot of fun. don't forget to share the gossip with us lol Asha
  25. hi Ashley: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I have found personally blogging very therupetic. I stroked at age 34 which left me paralysed on my left side in 2004. I thought my life ended in an instant. I thought I would never find living enjoyable again. but I did. I feel first 2 years are the hardest of all. All of sudden things you take it for granted becomes hard work. I mourn the loss of my old self & my job for first few years. It felt like fire devastated our life. but slowly we started rebuilding our life. Today after 6 years I am able to look stroke as bump in our life's journey. It brought me and my husband more closer, made me better parent. So I don't view my stroke that badly. I still have my family with me, yes so called friends are gone, but who cares made new & better friends here on this site & elsewhere. hope to met you more often in our blogworld & our chatrooms on SN. Asha(now 40 year old survivor)