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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    # 19

    Tony: this is your blog you can write anything in it, though as Maria mentioned we have guidelines. so if you follow those guidelines you should be fine. Though I will tell you from my personal experience if you blog things that are still positive in your life it goes long way in overcoming depression. I battled depression post stroke and that technique along wih sense of humor helped me deal with my depression. Asha
  2. Donna: :congrats: I can't believe Kristi is going to be pursuing nursing career. I remember you wanted to be nurse before your life took different path. please share some of her graduation pictures with us. I have told you many times before. you have done excellent job of raising your daughter as a single mom & on top of that singlehandedly. you both deserve ton of happiness in your life. time just flies by. hugs, Asha
  3. Jan: you made my day by sharing your lil corner of the world. I am happy to see it is filled with some happy times along with some sad moments. I am amazed you are still able to do your volunteer work with cancer ministry. you have that kinder & gental soul who gives comfort to everybody. we miss you in our chatroom. Congrats on releasing that weight. hugs, Asha
  4. Perry: lol Myra is right, maybe you can send Myra to check it out for you lol. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    # 18

    hey Tony: keep on keeping that positive attitude towards your life and good things will happen. have you read the secret book. it's great book read when you get chance. I have found out keeping positive attitude in my life brings so much more joy to me and people who chose to share this journey with me. I read smeplace happiness is a choice. & I was so excited to find out this is the only xhoice on which I have control over. So I choose to be happy, positive person. Asha
  6. Perry: is there some therapy you can do on your own, by joining to your local gym. I have realized to maintain quality of life for me and my family I need to do exercise atleast 4 days in a week, and we have bought equipments which I can use independently at home. & I make sure I do those exercises at home. life has been on even keel because of tthose exercises. I view my exercises as my job to keep my family out of trouble. hope you find your even keel soon. Asha
  7. HostAsha

    # 16

    Tony: hope today is better day for you. I agree with you material things don't define us as a person, but it does bring lot of comforts and satisfaction to life. I have found that after I lost my job due to stroke I struggled to find me again, during those difficult time I found volunteering at my son's school & at red cross brought satisfaction to quality to my life. I have found out that when you give you feel so much better about your life. when we look around even on this board there are so many people far worse off than you and you find you are still so blessed. Asha
  8. hey Perry: welcome back to our wonderful world of blogging. my hubby also calls me blessed not lucky. you have great attitude, and with that attitude you can only go up. hope to see you around more often. Asha
  9. HostAsha


    Fred: that's beautiful thanks for sharing with us. you made my day. Asha
  10. Leah: I am more disappointed than you that you lost your blog entry and lazy to type long entry again. I love to hear tidbits of your life. I am so excited that you will be meeting kimmie in person. hhope you have wonderful time in AZ. take lot of pictures and update us with new blog and pictures, so that we can share joy of your vacation. Asha
  11. HostAsha

    # 15

    hey Tony: first thing apply for disability, it is usually retroactive so don't give up on that. I also wanted to tell you life is rollercoaster ride, you get high & low points both in this ride. right now maybe its your low ride, but things will turn around. you keep on doing right things and things will change. I believe nothings stays same forever. only change is permanant. being able to walk is biggest blessing in my mind.keep on blogging positive things in your life and you will seee it happening. Asha
  12. hi Angel: I am sorry for your loss. not all strokes are due to bad habits. "bad things can happen to good people too". I stroked at age 34 after pregnancy i never smoked or drank alcohol. I struggled lot post stroke trying to find out why this bad thing happen to me what did I do wrong to deserve this. till I realize bad things can happen to everybody its how I react to situation will determine whether I live my life as a victim or survivor, and I am proud to be called survivor came out of that black phase in my life with lot of hardwork. Sometimes *beep* just happens in life, and we have to deal with consenquences of it. that's why I believe in destiny.Sorry for becoing philosopher here. but I know what a struggle it was for me to adjust to my life post stroke as a complete new person. Asha
  13. Sue: I wish & pray you get your Unday every week. maybe you should ask your kids to do that once a week or if possible spreadout your respite 1 day break over the period of whole year. Asha
  14. HostAsha


    hey Naomi: I was so happy to see your blog. you write from your heart, and so beautifully. I do identify with your loss. I agree we do feel lonely at times but we have to move on with the hand we are dealt and make best out of our situation. you are very learned & blessed woman. I too realized after grieving for oldme there is still life post stroke and that too meaningful one. I feel lucky that you joined my blogworld and have made my journey easier in difficult times. hugs, Asha
  15. Sue: you express your feeling so beautifully. I don't have great answers to your problems. I handle my life philosophically I usually flow with life and do my job(karma) as mother & wife, rest I leave in God's and in my hubby's hands, and stop worrying about it. since now its their problem(hehehe) So far haven't been disappointed. I fiercely believe whatever is happening in my life is for my own good, sometimes I don't like it (like having stroke) but at the end all will turn out to be good. Asha
  16. hey AJ: That'such a great tradition. I think I will try to adopt in our family. Though our family meets very often, but having this kind of tradition will enforce our American born kids to follow it too. I enjoy reading your blogs again. Asha
  17. hey AJ: so nice to see you back here. I am still here, life does go on post stroke just litle differently. if you remember I was also software Engineer like you, but now enjoying stay at home mom title. Though there are lot of changes at my old company so I am sure in this economy some people must be envious of my stay at home mom who gets paid title. Asha
  18. HostAsha

    # 13

    Tony: I am sorry you are having bad day today, but I am sure it will pass, good days and bad days both pass. Do apply for SSDI, you have worked in the system, and deserve help when you need it. I stroke at 34 and luckily had worked in system for solid 10 years and with good income. So I was glad that I had SSDI to support us while we were still getting our bearings on our adversity. Asha
  19. HostAsha

    # 12

    Tony: I have found writing blogs very therupetic, when I culd not cry and feel my chest tighting. blogging for me huge relief to get some relief. please believe that things are going to turn around for better. just hangon during your low time. good times and bad times in life is part of our lifecycle. & I believe your good time is just around the bend. Asha
  20. HostAsha

    I lost it

    sheryl: sorry to hear your latest setback, but don't let that stop you, I think slowly you can build endurence by doing it every day, Asha
  21. Kristen: Congratulations on being top 10 finalist in cooking competition. I didn't know other than great loving wife and caregiver you are good cook too. I also voted for you few times. Good luck in your competition and let us know results. Asha
  22. hey Lenny: congratulations to your grandson, I can see you are very proud grandpa. you are fortunate that stil able to create wonderful memories with family. Asha
  23. hi Elondie: Tootie will be in my thoughts and prayers, and I pray that may God work through this neurologist to get this seizures under control. please keep us updated on how everything is going on. love Asha
  24. hi livinglifeasnewnormal : congratulation on your first anniversary. you have great positive attitude. so things are going to become better and better as time goes on. I found in my stroke journey first 2 years were hardest to accept my newnormal. once you accept that. rest of the journey becomes easier. enjoy each & every day to fullest. Asha
  25. I can't believe school year is coming to end already and summer is here already. time just flies by when you are flowing with flow of life. I never thought I would find happiness in my post stroke life but like my initial phycologist had told me you will find joy again in your life it will be just different. Now I understand what she meant back then when I was spending my time crying & cursing her & whole world not understanding my suffering. life is still good just little different than I would have envisioned. I am just greatful for so many things that didn't go away due to stroke. yes I lost my job & that selfesteem but I guess lot of americans in this economy are going through same pain.Only difference is that they still have option to find another job versus I don't have that option. though I still have most important job in whole world & I am so happy to do my best in that job in raising our son well with hubby. kido & I are blessed to have great father & amazing husband. hope you all have great time on fathers day. Asha