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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha

    Four years on Tuesday

    Stu: 60 is just a number. for me you are still that loving caring friend I met after stroke. you are still you and I am sure with good lifestyle changes you will b with us for many more years to come. enjoy your birthday & stroke anniversary. not everybody gets second chance at life like we did. Asha
  2. HostAsha

    I fell

    sheryl I am so sorry about your fall, glad you didn't break anything & just bruised your ego. falls can happen to us so quickly that all we can do is just pray that nothing breaks & we still go on. Asha
  3. Donna so happy to see Krist graduating already, wow time flies. she looks so beautiful. tell Kristi Ashaaunty is sending ton of hugs & best wishes for her future success.we love to hear from you so don't b stranger anymore. Asha
  4. hey Karen & Bill: Congratulations on your 41st wedding anniversary. I am sure you guys have been through lot of good times & bad times together. Wejust celebrated our 19 years. & thanks to stroke atleast my marriage is stronger than ever before. Asha
  5. hi aaron: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I find stroke was the hardest battle of my life but it made my mariage very strong, and made me appreciative of simple joys of life. hope o learn lot about you through your blogs. Asha
  6. hey Fred: amazing first blog in upgraded system with amazing news. I am so happy that your therapy is going on great, and you are planning to dance with your wife on your birthday. we want to see lot of picture. your road trip sounds like fun. Asha
  7. Sue: I am hso sorry about Ray's declining health. I hope and pray you find good doctor and solution to Ray's health. Pain is no fun. Congratulations on your Lion of the year Award. you earned it deserved it. life is rollercoaster, I wish you many up rides than down. view from top is much better. hugs, Asha
  8. Ruth: Willian's journey reminded me of my initial journey. During those time having loving spouse who will be in control & incharge of things when I was totaly out of it. William is fortunate to have you in his side. Asha
  9. HostAsha


    Stessie: I get so much strength & always get inspired by your positive attitude towards life. you are amazing stroke cancer survivor. please even if you get busy do consider this blogging as another volunteer work. you don't know how much strength your blog provides to all the blogreaders. I can't believe your grandson is already 2, still remember he crawling into things. time just flies. hugs, Asha
  10. HostAsha

    # 7

    Tony: I am glad you got good sleep, keep on giving good fight to this everyday struggle post stroke. Though eventually you will find new normal and start enjoying your life. Asha
  11. hi mycroft: not to scare you, but make sure you get all the testing done about why your TIA happened. I had suffered TIA first and doctor misdiagnose with other things, and a year later after my pregnancy I suffered full blown stroke which left me paralysed on my left side & changed my life & lifestyle in an instant. I was not overweight, never smoke or drank, only problem was that I had hole in my heart(known as PFO) which allowed clot to escape to brain after my miscarriage. had they found it earlier, & closed it earlier I would not have gone through hell. though life does have its way of finding new balance & new normal. Asha
  12. jeannie: more you play with new site, easier it will become. Asha
  13. HostAsha

    # 5

    Tony: Sorry you had hard day, hopefully tomorrow qill be better. I stroked at 34 which left me paralysed on my left side. I don't know what I would have done without my family support. My marriage has become stronger after my marriage, though lot of marriages break post stroke though some do become stronger. I feel fortunate that I am in second category. my hubby & my Strokenet buddies are always there to get me out of funk state. you should try to join us in our chatroom also we have scheduled chates on weekdays from 3-4 & weeknights from 8-9 EST. Asha
  14. wow Katrina: Amazing blog entry made me so happy & proud Aunty of yours. which antidepressant pills you are on. whichever you are on, don't change anything its working. you are strong, smart Katrina who happens to have stroke when she was young but you know how well she conquered her disability and made lemon pie out of her disability. I knew it you will be able to do that. Go katrina you made my day today love you so much. AshaAunty.
  15. HostAsha

    I hate waiting...

    mc: I know how much your sons mean to you. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers for good outcome in your realtionship with your kids. There is saying in our Eastern culture that kids can be sometime insensitive & do things badly, but parents always have to keep bigger heart and have unconditional love for their children. Now that I am Parent. I understand it. I think we all have to do our best rest is in God's hands. Asha
  16. HostAsha

    Not as planned

    wow Sheryl: glad you are home and everything is under control. Asha
  17. HostAsha

    A new normal?

    hi Anne: I think you should buy treadmill & do exercise at home while he is sleeping in other room. I have found exercise does help me keep depression at shoukd buy tradmill & stationary bike for you to exercise such that you don't find getting bored by teethered to him at home. Asha
  18. HostAsha

    # 3

    Tony: I have never dealt with what you are going through, but I can imagine how scary it is to wake up in the middle of night scared. hope you feel better soon. I have learned in my life as long as I keep marching on in my life. life does have its way to find new normalcy. Asha
  19. Sue: we missed you around here. I am so sorry that your camp Breakaway didn't turn out to be relaxing due to health issues of Ray. Sue I am so glad you are blogging, your blogs always inspires me. Asha
  20. HostAsha


    Jeannie: I am glad you figured out chat and blogs two down & few more to go. I think Steve should charge all of us for brain therapy(hehehe). I am glad that you didn't get hurt by blade. seems like Angel is watching over you. Asha
  21. Leah: I am glad you are doing well after your fall & all the adventure in hospital. glad no brain damage. added hassle one can deal with. your mobility fitness looks cool hopefully it will help you build upper core strength. Asha
  22. hi tony: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I found blogging very therupetic for me, though in my blog I would write whatever comes to my mind. in the begining all of us had written 100 things about ourselves so that readers get acquitanted with blogwriter. I stroked at age 34 after giving birth to premature baby and loosing her day later. my stroke left me paralysed on my left side. It happened in 2004. for me blogging here allowed me to acceptmy newnormal. Hope to learn lot more about you through your blogs Asha(now 40 year old survivor)
  23. HostAsha


    Ruth: that's quite encouraging. allow him to do more for himself and eventually it will become easier for you. maybe allow him to fix his own breakfast & little things he can do safely I know that will build his confidence. Asha
  24. Sue: Happy Belated Birthday. I truly appereciate simple things in life now thanks to stroke. hope you find reason for Ray's falls. Asha
  25. Dean: quite intresting point you are raising. I am just wondering how do you know all this things. I have never knew any of this. Asha