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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. Sue: post stroke it took me while to adjust to the fact that i am no longer Asha (Senior software Engineer) but just Asha Mom & wife who never gets any thanks or money only criticism if job is not done correctly. but I have to remind myself I am fortunate that I still have people who love me unconditionally even when job is not done correctly. I know as per hindu philosophy. I just have to do my job(karma) right, rest will be taken care by God. & my job in this stage of my life is to be best mom & wife I could be, and I am going to try that. cheers, Asha
  2. hi tammy: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I suffered stroke at age of 34 after delivering premature baby and loosing a baby day later. it was in 2004. Stroke changed path of my life completly. I used to love my job as software Engineer. it has been long road back to new normalcy. For me personally blogging and chatting with other survivors made life bit bearable post stroke. Would love to know you more through your blogs. Asha(now 40 year old survivor)
  3. HostAsha


    Leah: thanks for the update before bg boys get computer. I love your approach to life. I am so happy that u found great gym catered towards disabled people and you are ging to meet Kim in person. Asha
  4. Janine: I was so happy to see your blog and get snapshot of your life. I wondered about you and Larry all the time. It is sad when survivor doesn't want to get better and gives up. life does go on, and we all have to make best lemonade out of lemons we are handed in. Sometime I feel fortunate that stroke changed path of our life when I was so young, though it gave me kick in butt to reclaim rest of my life. Asha
  5. HostAsha

    The Power Of Prayer

    Fred: This the blog I needed to read today, my unasked prayers answered, God does work mysterious way. thank you for beautiful reminder we all need from time to time. Asha
  6. Stessie: :congrats: on your 3year stroke anniversary. your blogs and you both are truly inspirational. Asha
  7. Elondie: loved pictures of Tootie. I have said this before Tootie is lucky to have you all in her life. Asha
  8. HostAsha

    Time Flies!

    Wes: I was so happy to read your blog. for me having boring routine is far better choice than what we all experienced just after stroke. I am so happy for all your progress. I could not go back to work post stroke though some days I am thankful for that. Asha
  9. Fred: seems like now you need to read lot of storied to your granddaugter, and for you maybe start indoor gardening if you are interested. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    Looks Good

    Shryl" I think with window you should also get tax credit for saving energy. you will be in my thoughts and prayers for your upcoming test & please update us with your test results. Asha
  11. hey Stessie: I was so happy to read your blog update. you are truly inspiration. your blogs are so inspiring. I am honored to meet you in our blogworld. I am so happy you joined us. my hats off to you tiger fighter. hugs Asha
  12. HostAsha

    Giving it a shot

    Sue: Now I think I know you better, you are quite different than what I thought of you from your previous blogs. Asha
  13. Sue: I love your honest blogs. Sometimes it is hard to just flow with life but do have any other choice. Asha
  14. Ruth: great news, encourage him. walking in church when it's empty sounds like great idea, do it as soon as possible and update us. Asha
  15. Sherry: we will miss you around here, so do come and update us on how you are doing from time to time. Though I wish you well in your post stroke life. I know you have fought hard to get where you are today. Asha
  16. HostAsha

    Part 2

    Hi Tonya: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I read both of your parts. I am sorry you are going through divorce right now. In chinese proverb. it says you never know whether current circumstances are bad or good. give some time to heal and life will unfold its mystery to you. Believe in this thing Universe is out there to support you, so whatever is happening in your life is for your own good. even when it seems painful now. but just hold on better times are around the corner. you are still young, give life chance. Keep on blogging it will heal you (my experience) Asha
  17. HostAsha

    What a Week!

    Stessie: you are always in my thoughts and prayers. I am glad you are feeling much better. your blog always inspires me and I am so glad you are sharing your journey with us. Asha
  18. Sue: I am glad yu enjoyed your camp breakaway. i am glad you started going with flow of life and not sweat about what is around the bend. isn't it blessing that we don't know what's in our future such that we can enjoy our present & not worry about how we will deal it. I have to get my old personality back with my new found wisdom of organization I try to be prepare for everything & loose the joy of going with flow. So I need to balance both traits. Asha
  19. HostAsha

    I am an addict

    hi Janice: welcome back some of us oldies are still here giving and receiving support in return. I still remember your comforting words on my venting post. life does go on post stroke though bit differently than I had anticipated. Asha
  20. hey Wayne: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I am glad you did not get any deficits from stroke and got your kick in back to streamline your life. If we learn from our experiences life is not bad after stroke or TiA it's just different. Asha
  21. HostAsha

    Chemo is Over!

    hey Stessie or should I call you model now: I am glad chemo is over now. you are great fighter & survior & inspiration to many. please keep us updated about your hairstyle. Asha
  22. HostAsha

    So Frustrated...

    Suzie: My thoughts and prayers for your best friend. When I hear this kind of things old age question comes why bad things happen to good people, what good can come out of tragedy like this. but I guess you have to push those thoughts aside and make lemoade out of this lemons. enjoy every minute we have been given with each other. you should stay in touch with constantly and give her support & love she needs right now. Asha
  23. Lenny: having loving family makes huge difference in one's recovery and state of mind. I am always greatful that I got this second chance to see my son growing into caring young adult. Asha
  24. Jan: this story brought tear to my eyes, though its tear of joy.thanks for sharing great story. Asha
  25. Beth: I am flad you went outdoors again. this year for the first time thanks to my ski mask and thermals if its not snowing I have gone out for a walk & it has done great job of keeping depression at bay. Asha