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Everything posted by HostAsha

  1. HostAsha


    Patti: I hope and pray you get your miracle at this doctor. I am so happy that you got such a loving husband who loves you unconditionally. Asha
  2. HostAsha

    I'm happy again

    hey Bill: I am so happy for you, I am glad you waited for the chips to fall in right place. I believe there is always someone right made just for you, and you have to kiss lot of frogs before you meet your princess. I hope and pray this is the one for you. Asha
  3. Lenny: thanks for sharing your wonderful journey with us it felt like I am reading my own journey. best part of this site is I never feel alone anymore. you should be proud of all your achiements. I know I am. I am proud to be survivor. I know my stroke has made me better person, mom & wife not a bad trade off afterall. Asha
  4. HostAsha

    brand new day

    hey JLaVerne: welcome to wonderful world of blogging. I amlost missed your blog. hopefully in your next blog we will learn lot about you. when we first began blogging lot of us started with 100 things about me. more you blog. more you will get comfortable with readership of the site. Everyone is quite friendly in this neck of wood. Asha
  5. hey Katrina: we are always here whenever you want to chat with us. you can come join us in chatroom also in the afternoon from 3-4 & 8-9 in the night EST. I am glad you just had fun at your friday night party & didn't get into any hanky panky. I think you should go and dance every friday, trust me nobody is looking at you, it does not matter what others think about how you dance, what matters that you are having fun. BTW babies do grow out of that phase. raising kids is hardest job, and every stage brings different challenges , but good thing is they grow out of it. I wish you fun filled vacation with your dad. AshaAunty.
  6. Sue: I am so happy that you had good day with so much activities going on. I missed youe caregiver chat cause I always think you guys will not be comfortable discussing issues of survivor with survivor being present. but next time I will just peek in for few mins, since I enjoy your company. Asha
  7. Jan: that's beautiful poem. you are talented writer. Asha
  8. HostAsha


    Diana: I am sorry that you had fight with your husband but what is apparant from your blogs that both of you don't respect each other, which I think is important in any relationship. you need to focus on what drew you closer to get married in the first place. Fred's suggestions are good one. you need to tell your husband why you need access to toilet fast, I am sure he is not doing those things such that you will have accidents. Asha
  9. Sue: you look very beautiful, princess with her tiara wow. Asha
  10. HostAsha

    She's Baaaack...

    hey Suzie: welcome back. :congrats: on upcoming 5 year anniversary. Stroke does make us reflective and I personally like it. don't be stranger anymore and give us more updates about your life. once you are here, you are part of the family & we miss and wonder about our old friends. Asha
  11. Shryl: I am sorry for your loss but glad you got new puppy which is keeping you busy and out of selfpity. keeping busy is key to stay away from depression. Asha
  12. hey Gary: thanks for stopping by to say hi, Olympics were so much fun to watch US & Canada showed their strong ties of friendship by winning most medals & most gold medals. I don't like your winter tough I don't mind since I don't have to drive in that weather & get to enjoy snow days at home with hubby & kido. I am waiting for your big blog entry. For me if sun is shining then cold temp outside don't matter. I guess I am sun worshipper. Asha
  13. Sue: I get amazed by your will to continue to look after Ray even when you know how tough it is with those bad days. you are in my thoughts and prayers. you should get gold medal in being life survivor Asha
  14. Ruth: I think you made right decision, I have seen taking care of person with dementia is not easy feat. you need to do what is right for you and your family. Moving him to nursing home does not mean you will be not his caregiver. It is just that heavy duty caregiving will be done by skilled nurses who has been doing that job for years. you will be still overseeing lot of other things, but now atleast you got time to do something for you and your daughters. life goes on. albeit little differently than before. Asha
  15. HostAsha


    hey George: thanks for the update. I am glad Leslie is retired and doing all sorts of classes. hope you will be able loose weight after being gunea pig & her cooking. Iknow it takes village to raise a child and I am glad you both are being good grandparents to kids. Asha
  16. HostAsha

    11 Months

    hi Ethyl: My deficits are different than Bruce so I don't have any great suggestions but have you read our newsletter article by Erin & JJ & their speech therapy at home. I am sure you can get few ideas on how to integrate some of those therapies in your life. Asha
  17. Sue: Welcome back from your change *beep* holidays. change of scenary do break the boredom, routine of life. hope you will finish all your schoolwork on time and get A or get nose you always wanted Asha
  18. Lenny: you are such a proud canadian. when canada won gold medal & oh canada was being played & whole audience was singing national anthem along with athlete. I was thinking about you & your family and was getting emotional. I am so happy for you and canada. last I checked canada tied US with gold medals. :congrats: on hosting wonderful Olympics and creating great memories with your family. Asha
  19. HostAsha


    hey Diana: sorry about your boredom. try to read good books, try volunteering online or outside of the house which will get you out of the house and more interaction with people. BTW we have chat here on the site every day from 3-4 EST and 8-9EST. you should try to join & meet other members. we all need community around us to feel happy. Asha
  20. hey Leah: I totaly believe things eventually all worked out in your favor even at times it feels painful to deal with it. your new car sounds very cool, I like the color already. I will pray that your pain goes away quickly. I love Marie's advice too. I have decided to write letter of my worries to Universe & will stop worrying about those things cause I know God will take care of my problems and worries. Asha
  21. Patti: that's wonderful thing you did. Often time we forget to say thank you to our loved ones and take them for granted.It always feels good to be appreciated. I loved your idea, maybe I will copy it too. Asha
  22. Jan: Beau is very adorable just like Harvey Asha
  23. Ruth: you are indeed best caretaker of William, you keep him quite busy and entertained in life. Asha
  24. Jan: I am so happy for you that Beau joined your wonderful family. Now hopefully we will hear more from you. I am glad you allowed God to bring Beau in your life, I am sure Harley must be very happy today seeing all of you happy again.
  25. Sue: I am glad you didn't get banged up lot in your fall. Sue I know and you also know that you are doing your PB to take care of Ray and don't need any certificate from anyone. I am glad you are getting 2 weeks respite to regroup & get back in action when Ray comes home again. Asha