
Stroke Survivor - male
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About sinead

  • Birthday 08/25/1973

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  1. Happy Anniversary sinead!

  2. Happy Anniversary sinead!

  3. Happy Anniversary sinead!

  4. Happy Birthday sinead!

  5. Hi all, i have not posted on here for ages. I am not in a good place at the moment. I cannot get rid of this resentment of everything the stroke has done to me and robbed me of. I cannot get used to having to do things a different way because I can no longer do it the way I used to. I am so fed up of everything beng a struggle and a fight - even something simple like making a cup of tea has to be planned out. I have no memory at all and forget from one moment to the next. I am registered blind as the stroke destroyed practically all my vision. i have no balanc, no perception, understanding or spatial awareness. There is not one part of my life that the stroke has not left a muddy dirty footprint on. It is not self pity - but huge amounts of anger and resentment. On 16th of this month it is 3 years since my stroke. Surely I should be further along than this? Add to the fact that 3 times in 2 months I have been scanned and tested for more strokes. My arthritis has spread to my left hip and left wrist - which is normal considering my left side has the weaknes since the stroke. It could not have gone to my right side and made things a touch easier could it?! All in all not a good time at all Sinead
  6. sinead


    me and kids