
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by mrsamymichelle

  1. I had a cousin stroke at 4 years of age while he was sleeping. He went through whole rehabilitation process and in the process found a love for PT, and he went to college and got his degree in PT and is a successful 35 y.o. who can really empathsize with his patients. I just wanted to share with you a childhood stroke story turned out well. I will be thinking of your son. Good luck. There's a lot of wonderful ppl on this site.


  2. My dog Shelby is very smart and since my stroke she has really become "overprotective" of her Mommy. She is also a very vocal dog, she has a happy growl when she is glad to see you. If I forget to fill her water fish up, she will lay beside it and whine a high pitch whine until I fill it. She also understands English. So My hubby and I have started spelling some words around her like t-r-e-a-t.


    Since my stroke I have been on a baking cookies kick and when she smells them cooking, she knows I will put one in her dish once one has cooled down. We have really bonded b/c it is just us during the school yr. when my daughter is gone during the day.


    I liked you pet stories, Pet stories are fun to read.


  3. hey Amy :


    is it with 1 hand or 2 hand, congratulation, Right now my hubby helps me put in the ponytail, since I hate it touching my shoulder all the time


    feels wonderful when u can do something which v were unable to do b4




    I used 2 hands but it really made my tone increase. My affected hand held it while my good hand did the fine motor work. It was enough work for me to feel a nap coming on :blush: My hair isn't that long maybe a 3 inch ponytail.


  4. :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: I made it fine driving to the Airport. Once I got onto the freeway, it was smooth sailing. I stayed in the right lane the whole time so I wouldn't have to switch lanes. I found the Baggage Claim area after I asked the parking attendant which door to go inside, once I was inside there were signs everywhere. I am so glad to have hubby home. I didn't realize how much I missed him until I saw him.

    After airport we went out to Chuckie Cheese for a family date. Hubby is so glad to be home. :cheer: :cheer:

    I am glad he only travels every year or 2.
