
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by mrsamymichelle

  1. Chef D, Wow, that is fantastic news!!! Good job, and well done is an understatement. I can't wait to see some pics!! -Amy
  2. I hope you can't pass those sickness' to us through the computer. They don't sound like fun! I hope you don't get what is being passed around too. -Amy
  3. mrsamymichelle

    cold in 90 degrees

    Stan, what is your thermostat set on?? You got fever? -Amy
  4. mrsamymichelle

    Lisa's TEE

    Good for her, I know she may not realize it is for her own benefit and see it as punishment, but the more she can do on her own, the better it will be in the long run. -Amy
  5. Okay, The toilet paper, has to be turned where it comes off the front. Trash not to be shredded, folded once, then thrown away. To be shredded paper: in stack then shredded. -Amy
  6. Asha, Thax for your pep talk!! I need those every so often Love ya, Amy
  7. Stan, Glad your back. I miss reading your blogs. Aren't you going to share what you did on your break??? -Probably another skating rink story -Amy
  8. mrsamymichelle


    Bonnie, I am so sad to hear about your friend's death . I hope that you have a safe trip. WE'll be waiting on you! -Amy
  9. Asha, How cute. You get to go through the whole Star Wars excitement again! I 'd like to see a pic posted of him in costume after Halloween. -Amy
  10. That is a wonderful first giant leap, being able to use what ever movement you have will build like building blocks before you know it you will be doing things you have 'wished ' you could do before. Keep us posted on your recovery. Your brain will get the hang of it! -Amy
  11. Asha, I go see my PCP Wed. and I'll ask for a referrel to the ortho place. I talked to the ortho people and they said they could make me a special insole for my shoe. I have gone to my neuro once for my pain, he gave me bacofen which didn't help, it did help relax my shoulder more for it to try to slip outta socket. I just need something to take the edge off of my fingers and toes burning all day long, but still be able to be a sober parent. Thanks for the weight bearing tips, it sounds like you have had some good trained OT's in NDT therapy. *hugs* -Amy If this doesn't work I 'm going to the local University in town to have the grad students help me with some PT tips. My PT cousin said they are always looking for guinea pigs to work on I 'll sign up!
  12. Stan, I don't know what it feels like to have to bury a child, but my heart goes out to you. I have had to watch my sister do it. The peom was wonderful. Very nice thank you for sharing it with us. *hugs* Amy
  13. Stan, No, not a heterosexual, a metrosexual is a straight man who likes fashion, decorating, appearance and other things. NOT a GAY man!! I know you couldn't live w/out your T-n-A. -Amy
  14. Stan, Are you a Metrosexual? -Amy I am a flexitarian:)
  15. mrsamymichelle


    Bonnie, Sweetie, I am so sorry to hear about all of your losses in August. It is not fair!! Tomorrow is Sept 1, maybe that'll be a better month. I am glad to know you have a rock our savior Jesus Christ to give your problems over too. You are in my prayers. Love ya! -Amy
  16. I was a bad boy lover at one time 10 years ago Fortunately, I fell in love with a boy, trying to be bad, but he ended up a good boy. Thank Goodness, b/c a good man is what I needed. I look back at the bad boys I dated and think my life would suck now. My name prob in the paper for various reasons associated with the bad boy of the moment. I did however have the best sex with the bad boys.??? I 'm shutting up before I say TMI -Amy
  17. mrsamymichelle

    Ultrasound results

    Great news!!! Thank you for updating -Amy
  18. mrsamymichelle


    I feel sorry for her Stan. Shame on you!! -Amy
  19. mrsamymichelle


    Stan, You have got to be kidd'n me about the skating rink and losing your virginity. How young/old was the girl who would have given it up in such a public place?? -Amy
  20. I am so happy about your new addition to your family!!! Keep us updated. - Amy
  21. mrsamymichelle

    Pictures of Mad and Dad.

    Mad and Dad
  22. mrsamymichelle

    My new nephew...

    my newest nephew,Cannon