
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by mrsamymichelle

  1. mrsamymichelle

    Mad's 1st day at school

    1st day of Kindergarten
  2. Congratulations on the kids. That is the best news, I wish all of you a smooth adjustment to you new life. -Amy
  3. Thanks Asha, All of my self confidence was stripped away from me at rehab. I really felt like a 2nd class citizen at rehab. My experience was not a very good one. I will try to give myself more credit. -Amy
  4. mrsamymichelle


    Marty, Seeing someone's house burning outta control is such a sad sight. I have only seen it once, and yelled for my daughter to close her eyes. I'm out of words.. -Amy
  5. I hate it too, my inr is always F-up b/c I may have a drink one week, and take Aleave the next. I never know. One week, my levels were 8!!! I freaked the nurse out, and I guess I had been taking the wrong dose of meds.. Now I take 6 mg 5 days a week and 3 mg. 2 days a week. They want mine around 2.4. I feel ya. -Amy
  6. Wow ladies, I have never thought of it as a possible medical problem!! I think I will get it checked out. I know she gets embarrassed when it happens. I will start limiting her liquids past dinner. -Amy
  7. Thanks girls for all of the suggestions.. I am sure I will cry tears of joy/sadness, when I am walking out the door. But I don't think it will be as hard, as when I had to leave her as an infant after maternity leave! I did cry the whole way to work, and very depressed!! You'll hear all about it Friday! -Amy
  8. I hope all goes well tom. -Amy
  9. ASha, Oh yes, I forgot about the 15th being India''s Independence day...thank you for the reminder. -Amy
  10. Hang in there!! I wish you the best of luck...maybe a nerve pill would help right before, if you have any:) -Amy
  11. mrsamymichelle


    Pam, we are a vonage user for over a yr now. We love it and pay $27.00 a month unlimited long distance. They give you a router to use. No problems so far. -Amy
  12. mrsamymichelle


    Stan, I am very proud of you! You brain will benefit, and may start to rewire itself uncontrollably:) Keep us updated. Best of luck, Amy
  13. Thank you Michael for your comment. It helps a lot:) -Amy
  14. Asha, You are right!! ** My nephew is suppose to be here on Aug 15th, like it or not. inducing on August 15th. -Amy
  15. Bonnie, thx for your info:) I feel it is sad that I have to 2nd guess them. -Amy