
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by mrsamymichelle

  1. mrsamymichelle

    Bladder infection

    Janice, Hopefully tom. will be a better bladder day. They are no fun!! -Amy
  2. Can you believe he use to be an agent in the past??? -Amy
  3. Wow Tom.. Interesting way to put it. You are right!!!
  4. Chef D, Wow, how neat!! I will have to try that sometime!! And I won't have to heat my house up doing it. Thank you for sharing with us. -Amy:)
  5. ASha, You son is soooo cute!! Madeline thinks so too. -Amy:)
  6. Asha, I love your smile, and you look so happy!! I am glad you posted some more pics. -Amy
  7. I can't imagine what it must be like to look back at pictures of my DD of more than 5 yrs ago. I kinda got sad thinking, I could of been deceased and not here to throw her 5th B-day party. I am glad to be alive with stroke aftermath, and be able to watch my DD grow, and have another year of her here with me. -Amy
  8. Chef D, Sounds like you had a great time @ your reunion. I was too embarrased to go 2 mine! -Amy
  9. Asha, What kind of games did you play with the kiddos? -Amy
  10. Thank you all for your replys.. My parents think everything is no big deal... Molestation as a child... Car seats are stupid to them for the kids,My eating disorder was not a big deal, my heart problem as a child, was not checked out, they blew it off. THEY BLOW EVERYTHING OFF!!!! Thank God, my husband is my decision maker for me now. The day I got married was one of the most liberating days for me. I have gained 2 normal parents my in-laws, my FIL is my father figure. I still haven't forgiven my Dad for the affair.(sad I know..)
  11. Chef D, I made some brownies today, and didn't have any baking soda(I had baking powder) I just left it out. They turned out okay, why did it call for Baking soda? This was my first time to follow a recipe, that wasn't prepackaged in a mix/box/pouch. I am new to this, I just needed something sweet, and followed a recipe from the cocoa box:) -Amy
  12. Asha, My sister is 2 yrs older than I, 31 yrs old Me, I am still in my 20's Until February that is -Amy
  13. I wish, you could give a a samplee of it. It sounds good, I have never had it before. Do you still cook like that post-stroke? -Amy
  14. ASha, I just hope I don't give up and quit. I am easily frustrated and it henders my recovery. I guess that is why DH has to be so stern with me, he knows me better, than I know myself sometimes. I am a good starter, but not a good finisher:) -Amy
  15. Stan, How do you know me so much?? -Amy
  16. Mary, I am not for sure if it is the same Big Brother you get in the UK. This is the 6th round of Big Brother contestants they have had so far. You should give it a try, if you like non-sense T.V. I like no brainer's:) -Amy
  17. Thank you -for posting your art, it looks great. You are a talented person. -Amy
  18. Asha, I bet B-Man would be a better movie, than a SuperHero/flick. I do want to see the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.(hea, hea,) -Amy
  19. I am glad, that you are standing up for your husband, and not letting a person act that way to him! Keep it up, there is bound to be a precious- jewel caregiver help on his/her way -Amy
  20. Yes, he should be glad you have a blog!! I only have a 5yr. old, and don't know anything, what it feels like to have an adolescent in the house. I am glad you blogged about parenting, b/c I tend to blog about it a lot. -Amy
  21. mrsamymichelle

    Not a typical day

    Yea Mary, You blogged again!! It sounds like you have gained a good friend. Isn't it weird, how you find out true friendships, through a terrible event like stroke? -Amy
  22. Alixandrea, Is there a way, to keep in contact with your friend, when he/she moves? Grieving a death, or move, is a slow and painful process. Dreaming, about someone who died sucks, when you wake up and realize it was a dream. Maybe you will get to dream about him more, than just last night. What books, are on your summer reading list? Maybe you have some good books to recommend to us, here on strokenetwork. Glad to see your blog. Keep us updated. Love, Amy
  23. What is an elephant ear? Just wondering?? -Amy