
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by mrsamymichelle

  1. mrsamymichelle


    Janice, I am with you on the heat/humidity, It takes me an hour, to recover, from walking to the mailbox in a sauna! -Amy
  2. Jean, Some may say we talk about "too much stuff". I am one, that wants to see a plan. Thanks for your reply! -Amy
  3. mrsamymichelle


    Stan, You getting the hurricane weather too?? At least your bed won't blow away!! -Amy
  4. mrsamymichelle

    Monday Mornings

    Pam, I feel the same way about being'retired'. My hubby, may never get me back into the workforce. I fought being off of work very hard, and took a great loss from my job, now I would take a great loss from my computer and time. -Amy
  5. Mary, Wow it was very nice to read your 100 things!! I hope to see/read you active in our blog world:) -Amy Michelle
  6. mrsamymichelle

    Sunday Musings

    Pam, throw on a veggie burger for me! I'm on my way.. -Amy
  7. Charles, I loved the way you explained the situation. Been there,done that -Amy
  8. Kim, Yes, it is a mixture of happiness and sadness. Micheal, I am not even going to think of Junior High!! -Amy
  9. Asha, I am screwed b/c I have been swapping germs with her for days now!! I actually have the beginnings of a sore throat with this awlful heachache. I 'll pass it on to you via email. I don't think your virus hardware will pick up on Strep. Ha, Ha! -Amy
  10. mrsamymichelle

    Shhh... She is sleeping..

    Madeline actually falls asleep:)
  11. mrsamymichelle

    more family pics

    A day at the farm.
  12. mrsamymichelle

    Kim and I

    Kim and I
  13. mrsamymichelle

    Arkansas, the Natural State..

    Some pics of Mad on our weekend adventures, while Daddy is working.