
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by mrsamymichelle

  1. Thank you guys, so much for your input on soda and coke. Anyone else have polls to ask the group? I really found it interesting to read everyone's input. -Amy
  2. Teal, It souns like the stroke didn't take away any of your memory or sharpfulness. Feel blessed girl, b/c I suffered severe short-term memory loss. I couldn't remember what I ate for breakfast, so I would pretend, and nake up things. They are probably not use to having such a bright/smart survivor at hand. Maybe you could ask them to take of 20% of your rehab bill, for all of your organization work. I love reading about your rehab journal. Keep the blogs a coming!! -Amy
  3. My younger bother happened upon a chat room, met a girl, talked for several yrs., dated, and now they are 2 happily married Engineers. Who knew?? I think there is nothing shameful about it. -Amy
  4. Asha, Thanks for your input on cleaning. That is something, that I used to enjoy. I now have the freedom of groceries, magically appearing in the fridge and cupboards every week. No more grocery shopping! I have done it post stroke though, I just got introuble for spending too much $$. I t wasn't my plan, but It has worked out to my advantage.
  5. Frank, I had water therapy too, it was work, but I gained a lot from it, we practiced walking against the current and moving affected arm. Let us know how it goes, and if you like it! -Amy
  6. Asha, How hot, is hot? I didn't think it got hot in your area.
  7. Kim, Post Stroke, I have had this desire to go back to my college look, size 5, hair down to my waist, I know I can do my hair thing, but a size 5, may be a tough one for me. I 'll try though. Slow and steady wins the race! -Amy I'll pass on your Alabama heat/humidity
  8. mrsamymichelle

    Short Fuse

    Ssanchez, I know how you feel with temper, and it taking control. I seem to have lost my pateince post stroke. Hang in there, your kids at least know you are human, and make mistakes, and you are not afraid to admit it to them. I think that shows a lot. -Amy from Arkansas
  9. Kim, Thank you for sharing your fungus story with me. Wow scabies, I didn't realize it was so bad, I'll take ringworm anyday, nothing that a little Lotramin can't take care of. I have never seen scabies, maybe I will google it later today and read up on it. -Amy
  10. Jean and cinder, Thanks for the supporting my neighborhood yard club!! -Amy
  11. Butch this is the first time I have seen your blog. WElcome to "Strokenet!" Keep us updated. Amy from Arkansas
  12. Thanks Michael! I agree with you and Jean too! Now me and my hubby, have an ongoing joke, that when we see a dog outside someones house we say "Oh, I bet they stole that dog!" -Amy
  13. mrsamymichelle

    Shopping Bumps!!!

    Pam, I have never seen/heard of it before. Thank you for sharing with the group. On the antique replica's I saw a cast iron mammy that my Granny has in her home. Pretty cool. -Amy
  14. Thanks Jean for your comment. I thought I was doing a good thing. Just glad my daughter's friends mother didn't find out. -Amy
  15. Asha, I emailed you my number, Thank you all for your comments. -Amy
  16. Asha, Your movie date sounded good too! It was crazy crowded on the opening night, Star Wars people camped out just to get a good seat in the theatre. Not to mention costumes of Storm Troopers and in other characters. Have a good week at work. -Amy
  17. Asha, I would try using acrylic paint at first. I t is wonderful. It drys fast and washes out with water. You can find it at any discount store in the craft department. They also sell assorted bags of brushes. Then if you decide you like painting you may want to invest in better quality brushes. I always buy the cheap brushes b/c I don't take good care of them, and I don't feel guilty about tossing them. You don't nessecarily have to buy a canvas to paint on. You may want to try a poster board or something like that at first. With Acrylic paint I think they sell assorted strip of cups of different colors. Water color is fun also. L et me know if you decide to try it. I have been meaning to ask you how work is going! -Amy
  18. Becky, I am a young survivor too. I was only 27 when I had the awlful stroke. Now I am 29 yikes! Almost 30! I feel your pain seeing all of these older elderly ppl recover faster than a young one. It is very discouraging. Maybe you could try switching outpatient therapy to a different facility. When I did, I found some very hard working therapist who gave it their all for me and it helped me recover faster. Plus, we are a minority in the survivor world. Therapist really don't know how to handle survivors in their prime. Hang in there girl. I know you will walk again!!! Keep us updated in your recovery. We care about your progress. A lot of little recovery equals a big jump in recovery. We are here cheering you on! Best of luck, Amy from Arkansas
  19. Moriah, I cannot relate to you, but my hubby sure could! He was very irritated at me about that in the beginning, my brain just didn't pick up the signal to put something away when finished. I had no idea I was doing it until I it was brought to my attention. I bet it will get better. Best of luck, and welcome to our community! -Amy
  20. I can really relate to your poem. Very nicely written, may I add. Amy
  21. mrsamymichelle

    Totaly exhausted

    Janice, I grieve with you the loss of your past career and passion. Keep your head up,and I will too! Survivors we are. Best of Luck, Amy
  22. Gary, I read your blogs too! Keep them coming! -Amy
  23. Good Job at making the first step! I am on the weight lose wagon too.(since Oct.) I am almost to my 30pd. lose, but have 30 more to go. My mom is going to the Women of Faith conference too. She loves to go. I have never been, but I hear it is a wonderful experience! Keep us updated on your progress! -Amy
  24. Alexandrea, You sound like a very mature young lady after reading your post! Wonderfully said. -Amy
  25. Stroke is a blow to every aspect of life. Try not to let it get the best of you, and stress is the last thing us survivors need. I feel ya man, on the insurance bit. Hang in there, Amy