
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by mrsamymichelle

  1. Yeah, she gets a yucky $8.00 recliner that is broken and all of the parasites that come hidden in it!
  2. Okay, the answer is $150+ until my parents came to visit and did a little shopping and an excuse to give me money. I ended up after their "sale" right at $300.00. The last day I practically gave things away, just to have our gargage back! "Everything is a quarter!" It really made strangers impulsively shop. -Amy
  3. mrsamymichelle

    my shrink

    Sam, I am sure you have broken up with lots of ladies in your time. I know the feeling, been to see therapist& psychiatrist, and I always knew I was through, when I would go for a session and have nothing to talk about. Or, you know how females are, we cry a lot and I would just go see them chipper as a bird, and say"I think I have benefited much from our sessions, but feel I have met my goal for now, Would it be okay for me to make an appt when I feel like the need arises again for me to come? I go to see my psychiatrist just for med check ups now. If you are on meds, maybe you could just arrange for med check-ups, that it is a nice 10 min. at the most visit for me, How's it going? Here's your script. La-ti-da. I know that was prob more info than needed. -Amy
  4. mrsamymichelle


    I loved your smell list! -Amy
  5. mrsamymichelle

    My life in a fog

    Charles, I felt very foggy after my stroke! And I could feel the fog lift more and more every day until , now I feel normal Amy. Hang in there!! Let us know how it goes. Amy Survivor at age 27
  6. mrsamymichelle

    my life

    Cindip, Hi, I am from the small state of AR and was wondering which rehab your mom went to? and if we lived close enough and she needed someone else to talk to, a survivor that is, I am a pretty young survivor 29 had stroke at 27 and would love to sit/listen to any feelings she may have while getting use to her new stroke life and greiving her old one. Thank you , Amy Sullivan