
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by mrsamymichelle

  1. My Grandma that died left behind a used car. None of her kids wanted it, and my Dad asked me if I was interested in buying it. I talked it over with hubby and we have made the decision to buy it. 1. It has 17,000 less miles than my car now 2. It is only 1 year older than my current vehicle. 3. It is the top of the line model, so it will be a step up from my car now. 4. My parents are selling it for under the blue book value to us. So I am giving my car back to my hubby (he is commuting in his standard transmission) and is welcoming the idea of driving an automatic again. It is real exciting. I am not like my other friends who have a new car payment as big as their house payment. I am happy with a 10 y.o. car that will have no payment!! I am kinda excited that my Grandma's DNA will be in the car. Wouldn't that be bitter sweet if I found a white hair of hers in there?? I am tickled pink to have automatic door locks!!!! :giggle: ~Amy
  2. My lovely Grandma passed away Friday. I was able to make it down to "see her" in the hospital before she died and spent a day in her hospital room. She lived a very good life and lived to see 90 y.o., she didn't even live long enough to be 90 a month. The funeral is Tuesday. My daughter and I are leaving to go tomorrow. I am sad, just kind of numb to the fact she is gone. I was very close to her as a child, but as an adult I didn't see /visit with her as much as I would have liked( I got married, had a baby,she moved to an assisted living center) just got busy. Since her death, I have really been thinking about death, after life or lack of. I didn't write this blog for sympathy, I just told Asha I would try to blog once a week, and this is my weekly blog:) ~Amy
  3. The show cancelled(due to unforeseen circumstances), we showed up to an empty parking lot. So then all us 5 girl's went out to a country western bar/club , got a table and talked the night away. Some danced, but I sat and watched laughing. The country /western bar is really not my cup of tea, but it was nice to get out and "do something" I did get tired of all the depressing country songs. They played 3 songs that I liked, that were not country. Other ppl commented on how the DJ was not playing good songs like they usually do. I am not missing anything by being home on a Friday night with my family, in my "usual rut." ~Amy
  4. Okay, I have been wrapped up in this website Myspace. Anyone else have a page?? *blush* They have Stroke survivor groups on there, but nothing good like Strokenetwork. This blog has nothing to do with stroke. Tonight I am going with a group of friends to see the Chippendale's dance. I am more excited about the music, then seeing the dancing. I have lost excitement about losing weight. I still eat less, but I have stopped working out:( I should get myself back into it, b4 I gain the weight back. WE had our first Parent Teacher Conference and our daughter is doing wonderful. She is in speech Therapy at the school for disfluencies, and doing better. Our show doesn't start until 8:00p.m.tonight, my bedtime. I hope I can stay awake. Maybe I should go to Starbucks before. ~Amy
  5. Today is my 3rd stroke anniversary and thankfully it only feels like another day. In fact it may have slipped my mind for the fact I had it circled on my calendar. No anxiety here. Last year I felt differently. Not much to blog. later, ~Amy
  6. I am observing that when I dream about myself , I am always a stroke survivor with my deficits. Maybe I am accepting myself the way I am???
  7. Susan, Yesterday on the Early Show I saw Mark McEwen, being interveiwed by his fellow collegues. I had no idea he had survived a stroke also. He looks like he is recoverying pretty well though. ~Amy
  8. That is wonderful news!!! Thank you for sharing. ~Amy
  9. Last night I awoke from a deep sleep hearing my name: "Mommy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" being screamed out by my 6 y.o. daughter. I made it to her room the fastest I could, talked to her about her nightmare, and told her to come to bed with Mommy and patted her bottom until she went back to sleep again. She dreamed I was a vampire:(. My hubby let her watch a scary vampire show on Sunday, and I didn't buck up enough as a parent and make him change it. WE have some friction with parenting when it comes to things he lets her watch on t.v. I usually am not the parent to wake up at night when she screams my name. Daddy is usually going to her rescue. My hubby was out of it b/c he took some allergy/sinus medicine.(he is very sensitive to meds.)The medicine also made him set his alarm clock wrong, so when I went to bed last night I looked at the clock and it said 5:15?? He set the real time to the time he was going to get up at, LOL. I am glad I caught it b/c he would of been late for work this morning. (Yes we have 2 different alarms... I use my cell phone as an alarm, and he uses the old fashioned alarm clock) ~Amy
  10. I had a cousin stroke at 4 years of age while he was sleeping. He went through whole rehabilitation process and in the process found a love for PT, and he went to college and got his degree in PT and is a successful 35 y.o. who can really empathsize with his patients. I just wanted to share with you a childhood stroke story turned out well. I will be thinking of your son. Good luck. There's a lot of wonderful ppl on this site. ~Amy
  11. Hello all, watching the 9-11 tribute for the 5 yr. anniversary has had me in tears for those ppl who lost loved ones, and it has also stirred up raw emotion in me. I have fears. I fear the death of my daughter and husband. I honestly don't know if I could do it by myself, I get so much strength from them. Then I play a video in my mind of being a widow who is "disabled" and how well I could survive on my little Disability check. Okay, I know I would put one foot in front of the other just like I did after my stroke, and have support from family and friends. Is it silly to have an outline in your mind on what you might do in a situation like that? I'd pay off our house and any other debt we might have then. Live more frugally than we are now. My hubby keeps all our books in our house since he is the best one for that job. I could always relearn. I shouldn't be concerned with something that hasn't happened, but the news has my brain going down that track with the 9-11 memorials. I can't worry about things out of my control. I think I will go to the grocery store and pick up something to make tonight for dinner. And I am not buying any comfort foods.(even though I want too:) ~Amy
  12. Earlier this week when I was driving my daughter to school she told me that last year in kindergarten she had to stand by the wall for throwing rocks at recess. I didn't know what to say. I guess the statue of limitations had expired from kindergarten days. I told her I hope to never hear of that again, b/c she knows what are good choices and what are bad choices. She has also been chosen to be the classroom's girl Ambassador!!! I am so proud, lol. First grade is going well, I haven't bonded with her teacher yet.. I guess it will take some time. ~Amy
  13. It feels so good today, I opened the windows in the house and turned our AC off. I hate to let in the allergens, but the fresh cool air is worth it. It is only 72, but it feels cool compared to 98 degrees. Tomorrow will be my last day of Physical Therapy for my neck. I graduate once again! I am sure I will leave with a printout of homework to do for a while though. ~Amy
  14. This weekend has been fantastic. My parents took my daughter and I out for the weekend to a near tourist attraction, and to clothes shop for her past birthday. WE spent some good quality time. They had two guest passes to an amusement park and they offered to rent me a wheelchair. I never have, but I usually walk holding onto my hubby's arm. I did it by myself this time :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands:. Walking with my parents, the pace was a little slower, and I could keep up well with that. It was very nice to get home last night and sleep in my own bed. When I packed for my daughter and I, I didn't forget one item!! ( In the past, post stroke, I would forget socks, extra undies, or something) It is getting great feeling. Tomorrow starts my"Brain Therapy" again (my dd's school is starting) I like having things to remember to do. It feels good to wake with a goal to accomplish. ~Amy
  15. mrsamymichelle


    It's very good that you can reflect and see some positive things out of an unfortunate situation. It took me a long time to get that way, but it is a good feeling when you get there. ~Amy
  16. Yes, The weight is over, I am too tired to carry around the extra pounds I have put on since 2000. My goal is to lose 50 pounds and then see where to go from there. I know I can do this. If I start hard now, I can be at my goal weight by my 31st birthday. What a nice present that would be to myself! One day at a time. I am back into Physical Therapy now, for my neck. I have hurt it somehow and it is weird going to PT for something other than my stroke. It is an Orthapaedic Physical Therapy. ~Amy
  17. Hey Guys, I am a worrier ( I try not to be). My problem that has me worried is my neck. I have had a very painfully sore neck for over a week. I broke down and went to the doctor today b/c the pain is shooting down my right shoulder. My doctor has an x-ray lined up at the hospital for me tomorrow, and a session of Physical Therapy. I may have strained my neck last week when I was caught up in a borrowed book, but the worrier in me lets my mind wander to scary reasons. It may be b/c I spend way to much time online?? I am hoping for an answer tomorrow, but I am sure there will not be a doctor ready to read the x-ray after it is taken. He gave me some sample pills of a mild, mild,d muscle relaxer. Could it be my gait messing up my neck?? This is scary b/c this is the first time I have used my Medicare insurance for x-rays and PT. Thanks for listening. My hubby will be home soon, so I can vent to him:) ~Amy
  18. Tuesday is our 8th wedding anniversary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it, it feels just like yesterday we were celebrating our first year. The 8 years have been wonderful (minus my heart surgery, stroke, and rehab) I have been an expensive wife. To celebrate we are going to a locally owned restaurant, and my inlaws are keeping our daughter and she is staying the night with them I'm looking forward to our time together.... Last year we almost forgot our anniversary,this yr. it looks like we won't.
  19. It is amazing what you can do with one hand, and a good set of teeth. Today while preparing for my hubbies 30th birthday party, I tied a ballooon with yep, 1 hand and I used my teeth to pull it tight. 2 fully functioning arms is a luxury, but one hand will do. :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: ~Amy
  20. Good Job Vix!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It sounds like you r on the right path :friends: ~Amy
  21. This blog is about my sister. My sister had a continuing Ed class in the city 30 miles from my house, so instead of getting a Hotel, she asked to stay with me. I didn't mind, but we were absent for the first 3 days she was at our house ( we went on a 'lil vacation) Anyway, My sister didn't want to stay at my house all alone, so she asked if she could care for our dog while we were gone instead of us boarding her. Of course, that saved us a hassle and $33.00 +tax. While WE were gone and my sis was staying at our house, she helped me out a ton! She took the garbage out on the scheduled day, cared for our dog, swept, folded my basket of clean clothes,moped, and vacuumed my house, washed my bed sheets, and to top it off, she had a crock pot of pinto beans cooking for the day we came home. :hug: All I did was throw some cornbread in the oven. It was the best feeling in the world to come home to such a surprise. I had used all my energy just to prepare for our trip. And to think we hated each other until our college days. :friends: ~Amy
  22. This blog is not intended to bash smokers, but our state just recently went to smoke free in public areas like restaurants, bars, and so on. I have been out a few times since, and I must say it is very nice being a non-smoker and eating at a restaurant and leaving smelling like a non-smoker also. Not much to blog. WE leave on vacation in the a.m. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: I hope I can keep up with my family at the amusement park, if not I'll rent a scooter:) But I really want to give it my all for exercise. ~Amy
  23. Since my stroke I have not tried swimming b/c I was too terrified I couldn't do it. WEll I tried it and still could.(My hubby said I swam better than I walked) . I don't know for how long I would be able to do it, but range of motion with my affected arm could move freely (easier in the water than on land.) ~Amy