
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by mrsamymichelle

  1. You are very smart to take your wheelchair with you on a trip. When I first started walking with a cane, I would take mine to use when I fatigued. I get tired easily when I travel, but it also makes me stronger at the same time if that makes sense.

    Before you know it all your walking aids will be history, and will find a cubby hole somewhere in your house.

    I wish you the best.


  2. Yes we are releasing it back into our landscaping tonight. No need to worry, it hopped well today at the school toad race, but didn't win. :(

    I heard some cute stories from other parents who were looking in the ditch beside the road and ran into 2 cotton mouth snakes. There were only 4/18 who brought a Toad to school today for the race.

  3. Hey,


    that de-Ja-Vu thing started with me when my brain was finally letting me know it was a repeat. For me later that feeling turned into memory, so maybe those are the little sparks of things rewiring. I know how it is, with re-reading books/newspapers,magazines.... Short term memory loss can be a witch.


    **At least you caught it, that's great right there.

  4. Asha and Jean,


    My cell phone is safe and sound!! It had hid under the passenger seat I was sitting on in Kim's car.


    When I get it back I am making a cell phone spread sheet on my PC. I changed purses, and now it can't get away!


    Maybe, cognitively, I can get by without the alarms going off every certain hour for this reminder and that. I didn't forget to pick up my child from school, and she is now getting ready for bed. But I still love knowing I can take a cat nap in the afternoon and get by with my cell phone alarm waking me up.


    If Yahoo server is ever down, I'm screwed. I use the Yahoo calendar so much for memory compensation, reminding me of when my period should start to school functions. Hum, it would be good to have a real calendar for that also. Learning is a life long process, huh?


    And to think at 16 we thought we knew it all.((shudder)) scary.


  5. Good for you, I bet this will really work on your cognitive deficits. I too had to find an alternative to word searches, and crosswords. I had too much of that, and my brain went on strike. Thought organization was a biggie for me, now I work on it by baking lots of cookies. If they don't turn out good I must of missed a step.


    I do not know much about fantasy sports leagues, but had my BIL call me panicky one day to draft players for him. Lots of brain work there, and deadlines to meet.


  6. Bud,

    WElcome to Strokenetwork. This one of the best places I have found. I am almost 3 yr. post ischemic stroke. 30 y.o. disabled el. teacher. I now collect the big bucks of SSDI :D . My husband and I mainly live off of love.

    I look forward to getting to know you.

    c ya around.


  7. Suzie-q,

    I was 27 when I had my CVA. You should PM me when you have the chance so we can talk. I was a 3rd grade teacher for 5 years prior to my stroke. My cognitive deficits will not allow me back to my old job:). I am now 30 and almost 3 years post stroke.
