
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by mrsamymichelle

  1. Vicky,

    Congrats on your 1st anniversary, my first was the hardest with the scary moments just one year buried on top of them. I hope as you experience each anniversary you will be able to look back and smile, TG I am where i am now, and see have far you have come.


  2. Oh yes, I too want something I can never have.. slinky sexy shoes.


    I miss them and my authoritative clicking sound they would make when I walked in the kitchen. Now, I wear low/no heels and how sexy are those?*frown*


    WE would have to make this transition one day down the road, just never thought it would be so soon. I donated all of my old shoes recently, and almost cried in pain. I now own 4 pairs of shoes. :yikes: 2 slip on tennis shoes and one pair of Faded Glory SAS look-a-likes, and some white thong sandals from my pre stroke days. At least my heart isn't the only one crying out for youthful footwear.


  3. Suzie-q,

    A new couch is very exciting. I am waiting patiently for my hubby to finally get through his head that we could stand a new one also. But I can see him waiting another 5 years or so. I am excited about your couch. What color is it? Enjoy the new smell of it before every day odors creep inside the fabric like cooking and ect.



  4. I was a public school teacher for 5 years and I didn't teach the ages of 13/11. I could never see that happening with me or any of my students. Maybe there are a lot of low self esteem teachers out there who have some sick problem. All I know for a fact is the normal teachers, hate these gross ones giving us all a bad name.


    In college, yes we all had to take and pass an ethics class on bizarre situations like these. AS well as a background search, criminal record clearance, finger printed on so on. It disgust me to no end.





    I was a waitress during my college years and Hubby and I tip 15%-20%, never under, never stiff. The whole managers, cooks,bus boys and the whole team can reflect the way how good a waitress is.


    When I waited tables we had to use our tip money to tip the bussers. I always loved it when I didn't have to work the cheap lunch crowd who would only leave a dollar for their water and free chips/salsa.

    Now tipping at Sonic is hard for me to do. Because Sonic carhops make minimum wage and I just don't feel like they deserve a big tip b/c they bring you the food then leave and never check on you to see if you need a refill, ect.


  5. Mary,

    I fought with the mean man 'fatigue' for a year. I had several, several, expensive test to see why, I was so tired all the time. All strokes are different, but my fatigue is not so bad as it was. I think some of my meds were contributing to it also. I now have learned how to pace myself, nap inbetween tasks, ect. Good luck, it is hard to get over.(It really seems like I slept the first soild year post stroke.)


  6. Scooterman,

    My blood clot was caused from a conginetal cleft mitral valve. I personally feel that stress was a part of it too. I wasn't taking care of myself and slipped back to some old vices. Thanks for the reminder about BP. I get mine checked weekly with my Coumadin level. It has been fine. I was so stressed out when I had my stroke, (I was stressed about being in Graduate school and working full-time), and a bad grade I got on a test. I was actually releived in ICU when my family told me I couldn't do Graduate school anymore.


    *I was toying with the idea of quitting Grad school, but didn't want to look like a quitter, and I had taken out lots of $$ loans to pay 4 it. Stroke was an easy out, and good way to get reinbursed for the loan, since my stroke was only month 2 of Graduate school.


    Sorry didn't mean to write a book:)


  7. Butch,how cute the BB gun behind the desk trick. I love doing that one myself!


    Next year at this time, Lisa may be doing all of the shopping and kicking you out of it. AS for my hubby, my stroke has him in final control of all our finances, which he loves, and I am on allowance now.


    It works better that way, b/c I am a spender and he is a saver. How in the heck did I get off on this topic?? Leave it up to the stroke! I can topic jump faster than anybody. My stroke/ Brain damage quirks.
