
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by mrsamymichelle

  1. My tomato plants are doing great. I have a marble or bigger green size growing where all my blooms were. :Clap-Hands: This is so exciting. I hope they continue to do well and no critters get them b4 they are through growing. This is my first attempt to plant anything fruitful. My hubby put lost Kitten signs up 4 our lost kitten. I didn't want them too, b/c it would give my daughter false hope. Who knows? I doubt it, but, Daddy's in charge. :blush: ~Amy
  2. I had my daughter's tooth checked and there is no root left. I am just not use to seeing a tooth missing. :Clap-Hands: ~Amy
  3. My husband got our daughter a kitten Saturday. She had been sleeping in her Cat Taxi last couple of nights on out Patio. She is out during the day to explore play, and last night hubby convinced me to let her sleep out of her Cat Taxi last night. I was reluctant and let the kitten do that. WEll our daughter woke up this a.m. to check and feed her Sassy, but Sassy is no where to be found. She cried the whole morning getting ready for school. Hubby is optimistic that she will come back home. I think she was probably breakfast for another animal. I am so sad. My daughter pulled her first tooth this morning, but it looks like the root broke off from the tooth and is still in her gum. Has anyone else had this happen to their child loosing teeth? ~Amy
  4. :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: :Clap-Hands: I made it fine driving to the Airport. Once I got onto the freeway, it was smooth sailing. I stayed in the right lane the whole time so I wouldn't have to switch lanes. I found the Baggage Claim area after I asked the parking attendant which door to go inside, once I was inside there were signs everywhere. I am so glad to have hubby home. I didn't realize how much I missed him until I saw him. After airport we went out to Chuckie Cheese for a family date. Hubby is so glad to be home. :cheer: :cheer: I am glad he only travels every year or 2. ~Amy
  5. Thank Gosh today is the last time that I will have to drive to the airport. I am a little nervous. I just hate it so bad. WE are suppose to meet hubby at baggage claims area. I have no idea where it is! I have never flown, nor used an airport. I guess I will have to ask people for help. I am ready for Hubby to get home. I am ready for the normal routine we were in to kick back up. I'll let you gus know how it went this time. Keep your fingers crossed for a safe drive. ~Amy
  6. Lin, Thank you for the suggestion. I have found them in the kitchen by the sink, and the master bathroom shower. *Where there is water. Thanks again, ~Amy
  7. My husband treated our lawn to Ant Poison, and now they are trying to set up camp in our house! I am tired of seeing these little critters on my counter tops in the kitchen. I must not have enough to do today for Ants to be bothering me :blush: ~Amy
  8. WE went to the Pediatrician this morning and my baby has Strep Throat. WE have a dr.'s note for her to stay home until Thursday. I have Tylenol,Motrin, Throat Spray, and Antibiotics we are set to go. Oh yes, and lots of liquids. She didn't eat anything yesterday, and ate some lunch today. I actually got to hold her(in my lap) when we were in the Pediatricians office. I never get to hold her anymore. I will get to sleep in again tomorrow :big_grin: WE are to get fresh toothbrush and toothpaste for her in 3 days. It's raining outside. I feel a nippy nap coming on. :giggle: ~Amy
  9. Daddy's gone and now our daughter has come down sick. He wears the nurse scrubs around here. I can do it, he just is so good at it, I like to watch them interact. She complained of tummy problems throughout the weekend. I picked her up after school, we went to our scheduled activities. She was still complaining, I felt her head and it was on fire. Temp only 102.3. I really miss not having my hubby home to talk to about all this. So you guys can hear me ramble. She has already missed 5 days of school this semester. 10 is the limit. All 5 she missed we have a doctors note for* I made a copy of the dr.'s not before handing it over. One for my record, and they kept the original. Okay, so I start googling fever and stomach aches. I read some info that freaked me out, so I called the after hours call line to talk to a nurse. I told her my situation:hubby is out of town and he plays parent nurse. Good news, it doesn't sound like anything emergency related, but wants me to go ahead and make her an appointment to be seen tomorrow. *wipe brow* My baby is very upset, b/c tomorrow was a field trip out of town with an hour bus ride round trip. I told her that Daddy and I would take her to the place sometime soon. The school rules say not to bring child to school until fever free for 24 hours. Looks like we won't have a strict bedtime tonight since she can't go to school tomorrow. She feel asleep about 30 minutes ago, and, that isn't typical at all. So you know she feels bad. I called my sister to ramble about this with. My inlaws live in town. Thanks for listening! ~Amy
  10. Our capital city airport is nothing compared to O'Hare(sp). It's teeny tiny compared to it probably. I don't fly so all is new to me. ~Amy
  11. I faced a big fear of mine today. It is gonna sound silly, but driving to the airport. My hubby wanted me to drive him to the airport, so I can pick him back up when he comes in. It sounded like a hassle to me. I always get lost coming back home from the airport.(prestroke also). I took the wrong exit home today. No biggie turned around the right direction at the closest exit. I think it is b/c I rarely drive there. It makes me nervous to drive anywhere outside of my routine paths:church,school, grocery store, daisy scouts. I made it though and hubby said I did a good job with my driving. He is my toughest critic also. There were times when I was so scared that I wanted to give up. Like when I saw a blowout happen and traffic stop suddenly. Glad 2 B Home now. ~Amy
  12. . He has been tested for lots of disorders, b/c of his poopy problems, can't find a thing wrong with him, so his pediatrician has him on Rx laxative. He is suppose to "grow out of this problem." Thank you for your concern. ~Amy
  13. The festival was fun. As fun as you can have in the 70 degree rain. I had my raincoat and hood on(felt like eminen). I had enough crowds to last me a good long year. My husband swears this festival off every year proclaiming it is the last time he is going. Somehow he gets coaxed into going year after year. My funnel cake was the worst ever. It could of been the 20 minute wait, or the rain the gooped up the powdered sugar on top. I don't know which one. I ate maybe a fourth of it. It was too greasy/sweet to enjoy. I would have to say, I had more fun watching my sister, change and examine a diaper that weighed about 5 pounds and a load of waste, about the size of a six week old lie. Her 3 year old got very constipated, she laced his milk, with Milk of Magnesia, and in one hour on the dot the front and back door were open airing the house out. His poor tummy looked pregnant before the BM, and crazy skinny after it was over. He doesn't like to poop,so he fights against it until it wins or the laxative does. It looks miserable fighting against your body's functions. He clenches his cute little butt so tight, it's sad. It was the fullest diaper I have ever seen. It got on his shirt, on my carpet. But nothing that a little Tide can't get out. It is the best feeling being around my nephews. I get this non-disabled, young feeling, spirit come over me. It may take a week for me to recover energy wise....but it's all worth it. ~Amy
  14. My sister is coming to visit me today!! I have cleaned my house, just need to mop the kid's play room real fast-shouldn't take long. I like having company over, b/c it makes cleaning a lot more fun for some reason. I will get to see some of my favorite nephews this afternoon. 7 months, and almost 3 yrs. I spanked/spatted my 3 year old nephew one time he visited me, but his Mommy had left, and I had permission to punish. He threw a major fit b/c the dog walked into the other room. I think that phase in his life has dwindled down.*I hope. WE'll see, I guess this weekend. My mom and Granny are coming into town tomorrow!!! We are all going to go to the town's annual festival. You can get anything on a stick there. Fried oreos(yuck), fried twinkies(yuck), my baby's favorite is a classic funnel cake. I am thrilled that my Granny is coming with Mom, b/c she spends her day at the nursing home with my grandfather lingering with Parkinson's. She loved events like this before she was a caregiver, and maybe this will be a nice break out of the normal daily grind sitting at the nursing home with her spouse.
  15. As everyone else noted, your Mom is very lucky to have such a devoted, caring daughter. May I go along with her to the mani-Pedi party? My husband did that for me when I got out of rehab, and it felt better than anything I had experienced. It made me feel a little half normal. Thank you for sharing your story with us. See you around soon! ~Amy
  16. You are very smart to take your wheelchair with you on a trip. When I first started walking with a cane, I would take mine to use when I fatigued. I get tired easily when I travel, but it also makes me stronger at the same time if that makes sense. Before you know it all your walking aids will be history, and will find a cubby hole somewhere in your house. I wish you the best. ~Amy
  17. Congrats on your recovery, your blog was a breath of fresh air and good motivation. I look forward to reading more of your blogs and getting to know you. ~Amy
  18. Asha, I guess I forget why it is my walking has failed me until I realize,"Hey it could be your shoes... here" I am tickled pink to get my feet back this week, I'll buy a new pair next week it I need them. ~Amy
  19. I bought some new Tennis Shoes this week, and my walking has gotten better since my affected foot hasn't had the chance to break the shoe down. I go through shoes fast with my affected side ruining the left shoe. It has been like getting a new pair of feet, I am able to walk longer. My new shoes don't last me long, maybe a month. They still look new when their life is over for me. I bought some that had laces, even though I tie basically with one hand. I am known, when we are in a hurry to run to the car with shoes in hand, and tie them once we start rolling. Okay so maybe I am running in my mind, but in actuality I am limping fast to the car. ~Amy
  20. mrsamymichelle

    We had a blast!

    Vix, What was your fav. wine? ~Amy
  21. Yes we are releasing it back into our landscaping tonight. No need to worry, it hopped well today at the school toad race, but didn't win. I heard some cute stories from other parents who were looking in the ditch beside the road and ran into 2 cotton mouth snakes. There were only 4/18 who brought a Toad to school today for the race.
  22. Jean, I PM'ed you some more specific reasons why we were Toad Looking. ~Amy
  23. Alleghlulia, our Toad has been found, now my daughter can take it to school to race it against the other found toads. I have been stalking the Toads in our landscaping and found one. I tried to find more, so we could bring for any child who happen to not find one, but we only found one. WE usually literally see them at our doorstep. WE practiced racing this Toad, and it is a feisty fellar and almost got lost in the house. The thing jumped out of the kleenex box, and breezed my face when I was peeping in to check on him.Scared me to death. Now if we can keep a pulse in him while we sleep. He is in a box with grass and holes punched in the top. WE taped up any holes that looked like an escape route. I guess maybe I should google Toads and see what else I can do to help keep him alive over night.
  24. WE need a Toad. They are usually all around our house, but this cold snap must have them back undercover. My daughter needs to take a Toad to school Monday. WE have been lookin since Thursday, no Toads. They have to be Toads not frogs.. so I guess we should better hunt again for one tonight. Maybe if we can't find one, then all the other parents won't be able one either!!! I feel panicked!!!!!!!!!! Someone Fed Ex me a Toad please! :big_grin: ~Amy
  25. Yesterday, I was outside looking at my tomato plants and I met my neighbor for the first time since she moved in. Very young, and we chatted and I just came out and asked her,"So I gotta ask why, there were 3 cop cars at you house that one day?" It makes lots more sense when you get the info straight from the horses mouth than other neighbor's versions. I did find out she will be getting 2 roommates to help pay for her mortgage. I just hope they are not crack heads.