
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by mrsamymichelle

  1. Great Ideas thanx a bunch! I really like container gardening so far. I like it when things are going well. ~Amy
  2. My 5 year old daughter started t-ball this week, she is so excited and is so proud of her t-shirt with team number on it :cheer: ! The practice is organized chaos. I think it will be fun entertainment for parents. This is the first sports team she has been on, and the excitement is contagious. My tomato plants have flowered! The cucumber seeds and radish seeds, I have planted have sprouted. This is my first time to ever plant something from a seed and watch it grow. I bought my tomato plants.(didn't do seeds) I still have some more soil left what else should I stick in a pot?
  3. My Jewelry party is over :Clap-Hands: I didn't have as many people show up that I expected, but the ones I really wanted to were able to come :cheer: I did a good show. I received $171.00 in free jewelry off of my party. One party down, and one more to go. My passion party is in June, and it is my most looked forward to party :chat: oh yes with :cocktail: Argh, big stretch. I 'm off to bed. ~!Amy
  4. Thanks guys for the encouragement.! I sat down for a break. I 'll sign on tonight and either be crying or happy:) I think I'll plan on being happy. ~Amy
  5. Call me crazy, but tomorrow is the day I scheduled my jewelry party. Planning this thing was a little bit more than I bargained for. It's good thought organization therapy. I am just now getting nervous about what if nobody shows up? I have a good number of presale orders. My hubby says don't worry about it. I think I am going to make myself get to that point. Screw it, I did what was expected out of me. The rest is out-of-my-hands. I baked chocolate chip cookies this morning. I'm going to make a batch of peanut butter tomorrow. The house is ready, my goodies are going to be. I just can't be too frazzled that my stroke deficits show. Like thought organization when I speak. It is so embarrassing to say a sentence with the words all jumbled up. My hubby is home from work sick with a cold today. I really hope I do not catch it, cause I really can't take a day off of my job. I guess I can let the house and laundry go, and make every one make their own food. If I was sick I guess I could always still drive my daughter to school. This week will be my last week to tutor my 2 kids at my neighborhood school. I'm starting to ramble..signing off. ~Amy
  6. My 5 year old brought home a love note today from kindergarten!! My gosh! It basically said, he loved her and wanted his mom to take them to a restaurant. :nuhuh: Love Notes start at this age? Plus, he is the classes 'Bad Boy-trouble maker'. Things like this may make stroke #2 happen sooner. Ha,Ha. In Shock, ~Amy
  7. Yesterday, I tried to multi task*ahem* TRIED As a result, I didn't notice my "snail mail" address book falling into the washing machine and getting washed to shreds. So while it was still wet and able to gently open the pages, I transferred it to a copy on the computer. I forgot to put baking soda or powder in the cornbread I made, and had to redo it. It was as flat as a tortilla. I now know why the washing machine reads on the liquid bleach dispenser: DO NOT OVERFILL!! Well I knew I was over filling it, but did it really matter? Heck yeah, the extra liquid bleach ran out the bottom of the washer into the floor on my green bath towel. It's green with bleach spots now. Today I braved a field trip with my daughter's classroom to the college's planetarium. I went up stairs and down stairs trying to keep up with the other non-stroke Mom's. I am tired now to say the least. I'm sad today and at the verge of tears thinking about my only niece's birthday and she died 2 days later. It isn't fair, and I wish I could take some of my sister's pain away and carry it for her. Enough about my feelings, I'm going to sort through the my real mail now. ~Amy
  8. Yesterday was a record high since 1930?? WE went from Spring and jumped right into mid July heat wave. Today it should just be 80*, TG Weather has been the excitement here lately. ~Amy
  9. Jean and Lin, Thank you all for the suggestions with utilizing my PC instead of handwriting. I do that a lot, but never tried it for addressing envelopes! I am so excited to find out another way around my penmanship! -Amy
  10. Today I set myself up for cleaning out my dresser drawers and throwing things away if I hadn't used them in a year. I did throw some things away but not all. It was a little unsettling looking through my past stroke stuff. acceptance of resignation, teaching certificate, my husband's list of my visitors, old PT/OT exercise hand-outs, my old splints and therabands. I have a drawer designated for dead(no longer needed) splints/therabands. What if I slip back and need them again for a reason? I just can't toss them yet, but hopefully in another year or so I will be able to toss them. I came across some of my first handwriting with my non-dominant hand, and my gosh it sure has improved. I still am not happy with my penmanship, but at least the postal service can now read it. You don't know how many times my letters found their way back home for 'can't read your handwriting' For some reason, going through all that has me all sad. Get over it Amy... I did find an address I have been looking for of an old co-worker that moved to Scotland. I am happy about that, we have been out-of-touch for almost 3 years! Now maybe I can mail her letter off. Today I am just going to concentrate on The Master bedroom , and hopefully by the end of the week, our little house will shed some clutter weight. I've gotta go put on my purple tennis shoes and tu-tu. ~Amy
  11. You know when you get new neighbors and then after a certain amount of time passes, it would be awkward to go over and finally meet them after x days/x months? WEll, those days/months turned into 3 years, and last weekend we finally met them. It was kinda awkward for us to just waltz over and meet a houseful of bachelors. I didn't want to look to dorky, Like a 'Mr. and Mrs. Smith' here's you a homemade cake,"Nice to meet ya." I mean we are all in different chapters of early adulthood. They are still into partying down, and we are settled, responsible with a kid type, staying up to watch David Letterman is late/wild for us. Anyway, One of the housemates came over for some reason, and it was really nice to finally meet them. They offered to help us anytime, as one is an EMT/Fireman. Kinda nice to know we have someone else watching our back on our street. I found out some things about our newest neighbor that is a little unsettling. She just got out of rehab, and not the kind stroke survivors get out of. Okay, I am home all day and notice cars after cars drive up, get out, and they are all scary looking,' up to no good type'. I suspected her her being a little wild, as I could smell someone blazing up in her back yard one night. It is really a little it unsettling to know what else usually goes with drug users. And that being right beside our home. But you can't pick your neighbors, can you? Our old ones that moved last summer really spoiled us. ~Amy
  12. I put my 2 little Tomato plants out yesterday. I am tying container gardening. I only put 2 plants out, and will adjust next year. Maybe my family needs 3? I dunno. I calculated the cost of how much $ I have spent just to get them ready, and it is really ridiculous. I could of bought a bushel of tomatos for that amount. I guess the fun of growing is gone if you buy them. I just have this fantasy of using my tomatoes, like making fresh chicken salad this summer and using a tomato my only hand helped grow. Yesterday was a very hard day trying to manage a sack full of soil with one functioning arm. I have found that one hand can do lots, carry big bag of dog food and huge bag of potting soil.But last night when hubby got home, I asked him to help me finish folding clothes. My baby really wanted to buy a strawberry plant. I have enough soil left over for one more pot, so I think Friday we will go get her a strawberry plant. It may only grow enough for 5 berries, but a fun summer project to supplement our other scheduled plans. I hope I have good luck with my container gardening!!!
  13. I thought my body had healed my allergy problem. Due to the fact that our windows have been open, and I was fine. I guess something new is in the air, b/c they are back to haunt me. No Biggie I can manage. Medicare update: I finally picked out a Part D-Prescription Drug Plan. It was hard work. I hope it works well for me. I haven't used it, but it is always scary figuring out the new kinks in a new Health plan coverage. Off to do something domestic. -Amy
  14. Hey guys, You are right a Passion Party, is an adult industry, without the feeling of being some kind of gross freak. Vix, Enjoy your P.P. too! -Amy
  15. I got bit by the Party Bug a couple of weeks ago. The "try to get your friends to impulse buy items they rathar not buy, party". You know, the 70's tupperware big bang parties. I was at a jewlrey party when the bug bit me. I now am hostessing a jewlrey party at the end of April! Wanna come to it? I already have earned some $ in free jewlrey.*Yea! Tonight at Daisy Scouts I booked a Passion Party. OMG. If you haven't been to one, you need to go. It has been over 2 years since my last party and by the looks of things, they have new products out. :cheer: I guess it will be me, old friends, and the Daisy Scout Moms, drooling over the girl toys that night. Hum I divided my friends in 2 groups1. Jewelrey Party Group 2. Passion Party Girls -(very few spilled into both categories.) Not much going on these days, but parties. -Amy
  16. I've been thinking about this for a while, really I have been obsessing, on where me and my hubby are going to get buried? How many people already have burial plots? What age do you make such decisions? It would be nice to have a family cemetary.A Little House on the Prairie type(that actually gets the grounds cleaned and mowed) with a big tree above you. I don't want to be the loner corpse in the ground. Everybody would be asking who are you?? You here alone? I hate to be the odd ball in a group. My sister and husband have plots already for themselves where their daughter was buried. My inlaws are squeezed in beside her parents. My parents are with my dad's parents. I just kinda like to imagine a row of monuments that all have the same last name lined up. Since the husband and I only have one child, I don't want to leave her one day to make all the decisions on our death. We are not planning on dieing anytime soon though. I have thought about going ahead and making plans like that, but what if you move, then you would have to resale the plots or have a cross state funeral. Ok, am I the only one that thinks this way, or are all of you already paid the grim reaper? I tell myself that we will make such arrangments when our baby turns 18. My thoughts started when I attended a funeral that she had planned for herself. It was BEA-U-tiful. Gosh, we'll probably go economy across the board! Talk to me! -Amy *(I'm not depressed just thinking about stuff I shouldn't I guess??????)
  17. Hey, that de-Ja-Vu thing started with me when my brain was finally letting me know it was a repeat. For me later that feeling turned into memory, so maybe those are the little sparks of things rewiring. I know how it is, with re-reading books/newspapers,magazines.... Short term memory loss can be a witch. -Amy **At least you caught it, that's great right there.
  18. :cheer: I am bringing you the good mom of the year award! It is hard as Hell to be a survivor and competent Mommy. Glad to hear you kid's throat will be getting better. Try not to catch it also. Hope your sinus/allergies get better. I feel for you with the sinuses. -Amy
  19. Thank you Kim for the cell phone chip information. -Amy
  20. Asha and Jean, My cell phone is safe and sound!! It had hid under the passenger seat I was sitting on in Kim's car. When I get it back I am making a cell phone spread sheet on my PC. I changed purses, and now it can't get away! Maybe, cognitively, I can get by without the alarms going off every certain hour for this reminder and that. I didn't forget to pick up my child from school, and she is now getting ready for bed. But I still love knowing I can take a cat nap in the afternoon and get by with my cell phone alarm waking me up. If Yahoo server is ever down, I'm screwed. I use the Yahoo calendar so much for memory compensation, reminding me of when my period should start to school functions. Hum, it would be good to have a real calendar for that also. Learning is a life long process, huh? And to think at 16 we thought we knew it all.((shudder)) scary. -Ames
  21. I know this isn't anything that cannot be replaced but I lost my cell phone last night. I think it is in my friends car's floorboard, but I cannot be for sure. WE went lots of places together last night. And I fear it fell out of the car and is lying in the road somewhere. My cell phone doubles, as my morning alarm clock. Timers are always going off all day long to tell me 3 different commands 1. Pick up kid from school 2. Have kiddo brush teeth and get into bed 3. Wake up time Everybody's number is in there. I would have to start all over if my phone isn't found. I last remember turning it off, to save the battery (since I had only 2 bars left.) I should of made a hard copy of the contacts for just incase. I blame my new purse. It is so tiny, that I had to clip my cell phone to the side of my purse. I guess it is time to get my big purses out of retirement and stuff them full again. I always tinker with my cell when I am waiting in the doctors office/ to pick up my baby. Suck it up Amy, you will have to buy a new one:( Or I could wait until December and get a new one for free. I feel really naked in the car without it. help I'm jonesing for my cell! I bet there is a patch I could wear to ease the cravings.
  22. Good for you, I bet this will really work on your cognitive deficits. I too had to find an alternative to word searches, and crosswords. I had too much of that, and my brain went on strike. Thought organization was a biggie for me, now I work on it by baking lots of cookies. If they don't turn out good I must of missed a step. I do not know much about fantasy sports leagues, but had my BIL call me panicky one day to draft players for him. Lots of brain work there, and deadlines to meet. -Amy
  23. Oh boy, did I get my anxiety flared up last night watching this ABC show Miracle Workers. The patients were heart patients experiencing heart failure. A young woman, and 4 year old. I should of changed the channel when I knew the nights premise of the show. But nope, I kept on watching. I ended up easing my anxiety by cosleeping with my daughter. (Hubby was called in to work last night). Tonight I have been invited to a jewlrey party(sigh), which I am now dreading, going to it out of guilt. Not buying anything, I do not wear jewlrey now ,except med. I.D. and wedding band/engagement ring. -Amy
  24. It felt so good to get up early and have a goal to do today( take my daughter to school) I think I know why I didn't enjoy my Spring Break very much. Brain damage, but I wasn't making my morning coffee. :bop: That is why I was a total B. I did my cardio today, Asha. 40 min. of walking 1.6 m.p.h. Feels good to get up in the a.m. and get the day going. Now, it feels good to take off shoes/socks and get ready to recharge batteries. -night, Ames
  25. Spring Break is over for my daughter. I must say this week I did more working than I have in a while. I am ready for her to go back to school. I am not used to sharing the t.v., and being a personal entertainer. I have loved our time together, but I am ready to settle back down into my routine again. My high school friend mailed me a Christopher Moore book "A Dirty Job". I have only been able to read a few pages here and there, before I am interrupted. Monday I will be able to start reading again without interruptions every few pages.(Hopefully) It is a nice Spring Day here windows open, breeze blowing in, birds chirping. Tonight we Spring our clocks forward an hour. WEll, this blog was a little break from my first 20 minute walk scheduled today on my treadmill. Must go continue my cardio! -Ames