
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Entries posted by mrsamymichelle

  1. mrsamymichelle
    I wasn't planning on going a week without wearing my tight (girdle)ankle support, but one morning I couldn't find it, leading me, to week one without it.
    I found it, but I am going to put it away until I really need it again. *Along with my cane, and other accessories.
    I do have to be careful when walking. I am walking on the treadmill with out it also. My ankle used to flop like a noodle when I walked.
    Now, since I wrote this, I am cursed to falling sometime in the future.
    Bye, Bye.
  2. mrsamymichelle
    Man, since my hubby started working days, I am so tired at the end of the day. I have been busy so much I barely notice I am home alone.
    My afternoons are spent making the evening menu, and getting it ready, then it is time to pick up daughter from school, walk and Daddy's home. M y husband is having to switch working night to day's. It is so nice to go to bed together at night.
    I feed him a big dinner when he comes home, and then he lays down and goes right to sleep. I really like being home by myself. I have been acting aloof like a teenager and playing my music loud/singing (while cleaning). My dog watches me like I am crazy. My musical artist of the week is Evanescence. I love Amy Lee's voice.
    Tonight we had Chicken salad sandwiches with Apples/pickles/eggs in it, and my very first homemade Banana Pudding-It didn't turn out very puddingly, but it still tasted good. I have better watch my waistline( I think cooking for my hubby while we were newlyweds helped me put on the weight) plus pregnancy. Tomorrow I think we will have steamed veggies and a grilled lean meat-no dessert.
    Good night.
  3. mrsamymichelle
    I have had one busy week and it isn't even Wednesday yet. My daughter is home sick with high, high fever, the flu is going around at her school, we have both had our annual shots, so today while I was out grocery shopping I stocked piled nighttime and daytime bottles for hubby and I to have if/when the sickness hits us.
    I take her to the doctor tomorrow to hopefully get a diagnoses. She has had the fever since Sat. night. Fever ranging from 102.2-104.0.
    I had a mother from her class call me tonight b/c her daughter has high fever and knew my daughter did too, and wanted to know what the doctor diagnosis was.
    Well, I had planned on taking her today to the doctor but magically she was fever free until around 5:00 p.m. right when her doctors lock the doors for the day, so tom. I am taking her fever or no fever.
    I asked hubby to bring home some beer tonight b/c I had my coumadin test and it was a little low, and a drink wouldn't hurt much. plus I needed it after my busy week.
    WE were enjoying our Miller Lites, when we got a phone call about my hubby's Aunt passing away.
    Tom. will be the wake, and funeral Friday. Dang, this week has been crazy, we are on no kind of schedule what so ever.
    My kiddo has missed 3 days of school this week. A death really shakes me up, just when I had my beer buzz going the death news cut my carefree spirit short.
    Death isn't very fun to explain to a 5 year old especially when her parents are having a religious mid- life crisis.
    okay enough blogging for me, my beer is getting warm :cocktail:
  4. mrsamymichelle
    I got my daughter a doctor appointment at 10:30 this a.m., with Dr. x (the chatty doctor). Then after our appointment I am calling another mom from dd school who caught the same thing from 'mystery sick kid' and tell her what exactly they have.
    Fortunately I have no boss to call in at work and say"Can't come in, I have a sick kid", instead my laundry backs up and the dog gets *beep* for having to wait on food/water.
    I will check back in after doctor appointment.
  5. mrsamymichelle
    Today, I had a nice visit from a surprise visit from my parents. I am glad they came, and it felt nice. It made me miss being around their company. I think it may of been b/c my moody dad was in a good mood for once and it was in my home. I felt like an adult and not a moody teenager, as I revert back to when I see them.
    Nothing to blog. My parents mentioned a trip we might take to visit my uncle who is living on an island alone and working. You know the fun Aunt and Uncle who never had children, and traveled the world. That gives a survivor something fun to fantasize about.
  6. mrsamymichelle
    Somedays I feel so normal, and other days I feel like a damaged person. I really felt my physical deficits today while at the zoo with my family. I can walk fine, but I guess after so much up hill, downhill, I fatigued quite bad.
    I didn't know if I was going to make it back to the entrance of the zoo or not. My affected foot toes turn under and I end up walking on my toes.
    My husband went and picked the car up for me so I didn't have to walk all the way with them to get it.
    Why do somedays I take 3 steps forward, then 10 back? :head_hurts:
    I think it was because I was trying to keep up with a non-survivor and 5 yr. old child. I do not like to complain or dampen the fun day by letting my stroke deficits win.
    I know they would all understand.
    Today just really showed me I have a new P.T. goal to conquer and fix my toes.
    I think I may try the local college's P.T. graduate students for help. Easier on the wallet.
  7. mrsamymichelle
    It felt so good to get up early and have a goal to do today( take my daughter to school) I think I know why I didn't enjoy my Spring Break very much. Brain damage, but I wasn't making my morning coffee. :bop: That is why I was a total B.
    I did my cardio today, Asha. 40 min. of walking 1.6 m.p.h.
    Feels good to get up in the a.m. and get the day going.
    Now, it feels good to take off shoes/socks and get ready to recharge batteries.
  8. mrsamymichelle
    Oh boy, did I get my anxiety flared up last night watching this ABC show Miracle Workers. The patients were heart patients experiencing heart failure. A young woman, and 4 year old. I should of changed the channel when I knew the nights premise of the show. But nope, I kept on watching. I ended up easing my anxiety by cosleeping with my daughter. (Hubby was called in to work last night).
    Tonight I have been invited to a jewlrey party(sigh), which I am now dreading, going to it out of guilt. Not buying anything, I do not wear jewlrey now ,except med. I.D. and wedding band/engagement ring.
  9. mrsamymichelle
    I thought my body had healed my allergy problem. Due to the fact that our windows have been open, and I was fine. I guess something new is in the air, b/c they are back to haunt me. No Biggie I can manage.
    Medicare update:
    I finally picked out a Part D-Prescription Drug Plan. It was hard work. I hope it works well for me. I haven't used it, but it is always scary figuring out the new kinks in a new Health plan coverage.
    Off to do something domestic.
  10. mrsamymichelle
    Yesterday, I was outside looking at my tomato plants and I met my neighbor for the first time since she moved in. Very young, and we chatted and I just came out and asked her,"So I gotta ask why, there were 3 cop cars at you house that one day?" It makes lots more sense when you get the info straight from the horses mouth than other neighbor's versions.
    I did find out she will be getting 2 roommates to help pay for her mortgage. I just hope they are not crack heads.
  11. mrsamymichelle
    WE went to the Pediatrician this morning and my baby has Strep Throat. WE have a dr.'s note for her to stay home until Thursday. I have Tylenol,Motrin, Throat Spray, and Antibiotics we are set to go. Oh yes, and lots of liquids. She didn't eat anything yesterday, and ate some lunch today. I actually got to hold her(in my lap) when we were in the Pediatricians office. I never get to hold her anymore. I will get to sleep in again tomorrow :big_grin:
    WE are to get fresh toothbrush and toothpaste for her in 3 days.
    It's raining outside. I feel a nippy nap coming on. :giggle:
  12. mrsamymichelle
    My Passion Party was last night and a success. I had 3 ppl book a party off of mine :Clap-Hands:
    PPL showed up, and I got some free merchandise.
    I am ready to take my hostess hat off for a while.
    I haven't laughed so hard in a long time.
  13. mrsamymichelle
    Since, school has gotten out I have done a terrible job at a very important job:remembering to take my coumadin.
    So I have a summer schedule for daughter and I to enjoy that has rest time and park time. I also set a timer on my cell phone to go off at a certain time, so I wouldn't forget to take my meds. I feel horrible, I skipped one day last week and really need to get my INR/PT level back up. My doctor is keeping a close eye on me until it gets back up to theraputic(sp?) range.
  14. mrsamymichelle
    Since, school has gotten out I have done a terrible job at a very important job:remembering to take my coumadin.
    So I have a summer schedule for daughter and I to enjoy that has rest time and park time. I also set a timer on my cell phone to go off at a certain time, so I wouldn't forget to take my meds. I feel horrible, I skipped one day last week and really need to get my INR/PT level back up. My doctor is keeping a close eye on me until it gets back up to theraputic(sp?) range.
  15. mrsamymichelle
    Since my stroke I have not tried swimming b/c I was too terrified I couldn't do it. WEll I tried it and still could.(My hubby said I swam better than I walked)0 .
    I don't know for how long I would be able to do it, but range of motion with my affected arm could move freely (easier in the water than on land.)
  16. mrsamymichelle
    Every day, I drive to pick my daughter up from school, and wait in the car line of other parents. I usually throw my car into park, and do my favorite pastime: people watch (not in the stalker kind of way) just observing other ppl in one activity of their day too.
    Today, I saw, and see many times... (and guilty of)....this one parent was trying to backout of a tight parking lot, she was creeping very slow not to hit another car, but alas, here comes the handy pedestrian stranger, who acts as parking lot director and motions her to inch back a little bit more. Why do we trust these strangers, that we will not hit another car??? oH, maybe you guys don't???
    Today I was imagining-then started to laugh-if one day, someone kept motioning to back up a little bit more, until it bumped another car. That would be so funny!!!! I can't imagine shock and horrified look of the trusting driver.
    Thinking of driving.. my ADD brain is going another direction. I am driving my late Grandma's car. I love it, but after I adjusted the height of the seat belt, I have been catching a whiff of her smell. The last time I smelled her, I was giving her a hug on her 90th birthday. There is a certain spot on her seatbelt that must have captured her perfume, because I smell Grandma on it. It's a bitter sweet extra that came with the car :big_grin: