
Stroke Survivor - male
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Everything posted by mrsamymichelle

  1. I am fueled at one of our local town photographer. I think I am embarrassed and mad at myself too. If you want to read, here it goes. My kiddo had her picture taken at a function from a local photographer. Well, months passed, and I didn't hear from or get the pictures. I called today to check on them. They said that they were ready, and couldn't read my phone number written down, to call me to pick them up. WEll $hit I know I had a stroke, and lost my dominant hand, so writing my friggn phone number on a line big enough for an ant to sleep on, was kind of hard for me. I remember filling the form out, and writing as legible as possible. She went on and on about how they guessed at what the numbers might of been, and dialed that, ect. They tried all sorts of numbers. It was basically my fault I am just now getting the pictures. To top it off, the first/last time I went there to get my daughter's picture taken, it was so not handicap friendly. Homade rock steps that look very crummy. This is not a way for me to start my PMS off with. I am embarrassed to pick up the pictures, b/c I feel personally insulted at my ability to write legibly. TODAY SUCKS A$$ to be disabled.
  2. "I am from..." writing Assignment from Susan Slowes Blog I can remember being in the 4th grade when we were watching the space shuttle launch live on t.v. at school and not knowing why the teacher's were upset when the space shuttle exploded. I didn't know it wasn't suppose to. Did I just give away my age? I am from a small rural Arkansas town where I saw no diversity except when I was on vacation with my family. I am from the house of a homemaker where I thought everyone's mom made homemade sourdough bread everyday. I am from being raised 3 miles outside of town, where my closest neighbors were, my grandparents. I am from a family of six, including parents and being the 3rd child in birth order. I always had a weird fantasy of finding out I was adopted and finding my 'real family.' I am from a mother who encouraged perfectionism especially in looks and appearance, and talked freely about other people's flaws, especially overweight family members. I am from getting unwanted attention from being a redhead by weird uncles and family members. I am from a strict southern Baptist upbringing hearing hell, fire, and brimstone sermons 3x a week, and going home everytime from church thinking I was a bad person, and going to hell. I am now an adult Methodist. I am from a small rural Arkansas town picking/eating fresh garden vegetables every summer, and seeing/watching family members can veggies every late summer. Pinto Beans and cornbread were eaten weekly. -Amy Sullivan
  3. I wasn't planning on going a week without wearing my tight (girdle)ankle support, but one morning I couldn't find it, leading me, to week one without it. I found it, but I am going to put it away until I really need it again. *Along with my cane, and other accessories. I do have to be careful when walking. I am walking on the treadmill with out it also. My ankle used to flop like a noodle when I walked. Now, since I wrote this, I am cursed to falling sometime in the future. Bye, Bye. -Amy
  4. Hubby took off kiddo's training wheels today, and they went outsidefor lesson #1. I was oblivious to the fact until kido came in crying, needing to get consolment from Mommy. Drama Queen! Nothing to blog. -Amy
  5. Lin, The museum/library was a nice visit and worth the 30 mile trip down the road. There was just a lot of things for my brain to take in. I had Visual Attention Deficit disorder. Pretty crowded too. -Amy
  6. mrsamymichelle

    ho ho ho!

    Stan, Are you gonna dress up as Santa, this year again,and scare my kiddo? Not very funny that you did that last year. -Amy
  7. Sounds yummy, Thanks 4 sharing. -Amy
  8. Butch, That is impressive, that she had dinner ready for you to eat.Her recovery has been nice to read blossom to this point. Merry Christmas to you snd yours, Amy
  9. Thanks Jean and Asha, My hubby and I were having parental opinion differences. I think kiddo need boundaries. We told her once, that it was okay if she had to put her head down. Until it happened 2 times in one week. Now it is not okay, and she hasn't gotton introuble yet at school this week. Thank goodness. -Amy
  10. ASha, I have decided against my Manicure today. I talked myself out of it-waste of $$ b/c I know I wil regret it later. I think I may just go get a hair trim, I am seeing a few split ends. I want healthy looking long hair this time go round. -Amy
  11. mrsamymichelle

    11 months

    Mary, Stroke also gave me the gift of being a stay-at-home Mommy at age 27. I was a 3rd grade teacher pre stroke. Now, I feel, they can have my job. WE were both in the helping profession(teaching/nursing). -Amy
  12. Scooterman, Good for you, getting your movie theatre to adapt to accomodate all abilities. I have only been to 1 theatre that had such an adaptation. -Amy
  13. Scooterman, Nice way to shop with the last stop at the cookie store. Buy one for me(the no cholesterol ones). -Amy
  14. Scooterman, My blood clot was caused from a conginetal cleft mitral valve. I personally feel that stress was a part of it too. I wasn't taking care of myself and slipped back to some old vices. Thanks for the reminder about BP. I get mine checked weekly with my Coumadin level. It has been fine. I was so stressed out when I had my stroke, (I was stressed about being in Graduate school and working full-time), and a bad grade I got on a test. I was actually releived in ICU when my family told me I couldn't do Graduate school anymore. *I was toying with the idea of quitting Grad school, but didn't want to look like a quitter, and I had taken out lots of $$ loans to pay 4 it. Stroke was an easy out, and good way to get reinbursed for the loan, since my stroke was only month 2 of Graduate school. Sorry didn't mean to write a book:) -Amy
  15. Butch,how cute the BB gun behind the desk trick. I love doing that one myself! Next year at this time, Lisa may be doing all of the shopping and kicking you out of it. AS for my hubby, my stroke has him in final control of all our finances, which he loves, and I am on allowance now. It works better that way, b/c I am a spender and he is a saver. How in the heck did I get off on this topic?? Leave it up to the stroke! I can topic jump faster than anybody. My stroke/ Brain damage quirks. -Amy
  16. Pam, the burner rings are not trendy, I was just being silly when I said that. My hand looked like Armadillo's(sp) face, off of The Sheild. *Yep Asha, my oven range is electric. -Amy
  17. Phyllis, Thank you for the encouragement. I have seen the advertisment for The Ov Glove. It sure would be nice to have. Thank Goodness that my hand /burn feels normal this morning. The weather just has them so dry. I need to buy some good lotion for them. I 'll put it on the shopping list! -Amy
  18. ASha, Sounds like you have a smart 5 year old! -Amy (Your grammar is just fine, also)
  19. I agree to needing to recoverying financially!! I need to hit the lottery, but our state has no lottery:( -Amy
  20. Pam, I 'm making chicken, mashed potatoes, and turnip greens for dinner. Come on over.(soup would of been ideal, but that is okay...) -Amy
  21. mrsamymichelle

    tis da season

    Stan, Uplifting blog! You seem to be a good man! Merry Christmas. -Amy
  22. Hey, Welcome to our blog community, I 'm only a survivor, not a caregiver, so I don't know what you fell like. But we have a lot of great caregivers here. See you around. Amy
  23. ASha, Yeah hubby tries to be witty with my stroke quirks. I should grab my crotch the next time I wear only one glove. Amy
  24. mrsamymichelle

    Half brave!

    Amen sister! -Amy
  25. Butch, I needed my husband's presence to get me through tough therapy times. It takes a survivor a while to comprehend what we can/cannot do. I remember my hubby coaching me through lots of depressing days, and I couldn't of done it without him. Yes, it was hard, on both of us. Which situation is worse survivor or caregiver? Don't know, but survivors have good meds to help numb the pain. Still 2 yrs post my stroke I still have to motivate myself to do my exersizes. It is truely hard to do, we want to get better, but the race seems so long to travel alone. Please hold her hand, and reassure her your commitment you made XX number of years ago. "This is the real:through sicknesss and health." I'm just a survivor, don't know much but surviving. The emotional pain started for me once I left the hospital and saw how helpless I was.When actuality, coming home, is when the going got tough. -Amy