
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by mrsamymichelle

  1. Teal,

    It souns like the stroke didn't take away any of your memory or sharpfulness. Feel blessed girl, b/c I suffered severe short-term memory loss. I couldn't remember what I ate for breakfast, so I would pretend, and nake up things. They are probably not use to having such a bright/smart survivor at hand. Maybe you could ask them to take of 20% of your rehab bill, for all of your organization work. smile.gif

    I love reading about your rehab journal. Keep the blogs a coming!!


  2. Asha,

    Thanks for your input on cleaning. That is something, that I used to enjoy. I now have the freedom of groceries, magically appearing in the fridge and cupboards every week. No more grocery shopping! I have done it post stroke though, I just got introuble for spending too much $$. I t wasn't my plan, but It has worked out to my advantage.


    Short Fuse


    I know how you feel with temper, and it taking control. I seem to have lost my pateince

    post stroke. Hang in there, your kids at least know you are human, and make mistakes, and you are not afraid to admit it to them. I think that shows a lot.

    -Amy from Arkansas

  3. Asha,

    I would try using acrylic paint at first. I t is wonderful. It drys fast and washes out with water. You can find it at any discount store in the craft department. They also sell assorted bags of brushes. Then if you decide you like painting you may want to invest in better quality brushes. I always buy the cheap brushes b/c I don't take good care of them, and I don't feel guilty about tossing them. You don't nessecarily have to buy a canvas to paint on. You may want to try a poster board or something like that at first.

    With Acrylic paint I think they sell assorted strip of cups of different colors. Water color is fun also. L et me know if you decide to try it. I have been meaning to ask you how work is going!


  4. Becky,

    I am a young survivor too. I was only 27 when I had the awlful stroke. Now I am 29 yikes! Almost 30! I feel your pain seeing all of these older elderly ppl recover faster than a young one. It is very discouraging.

    Maybe you could try switching outpatient therapy to a different facility. When I did, I found some very hard working therapist who gave it their all for me and it helped me recover faster. Plus, we are a minority in the survivor world. Therapist really don't know how to handle survivors in their prime. Hang in there girl. I know you will walk again!!! Keep us updated in your recovery. We care about your progress. A lot of little recovery equals a big jump in recovery. We are here cheering you on!

    Best of luck,

    Amy from Arkansas

  5. Moriah,

    I cannot relate to you, but my hubby sure could! He was very irritated at me about that in the beginning, my brain just didn't pick up the signal to put something away when finished. I had no idea I was doing it until I it was brought to my attention. I bet it will get better.

    Best of luck, and welcome to our community!
