
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Bring It, says your Blog so I will as I read all of what you speak about and I must say God has blessed you..... Your daughter is getting out on her own, you and your hubby has gone in different directions, your health has held up, your mind is still good, you talk to your mom often, and your mindset is good in getting your body in shape like you want it to be....


    I been there done that and can feel you in your process after a stroke.....Keep God in your process He is your strength in all you do every day and you will see and feel your body and life in general will make the adjustments you need..... Trust me it works and I'm in my fourth marriage for 20 years now so experience I got..... I would not tell you wrong....


    If there is anything I can say to help you along in your journey let me know....... All the best to you in your life.....

  2. Ruth,


    I hope soon I can get back to Houston to see William and you at home so you two can meet my wife as you already met my daughter I had with me when we stopped in to meet you and William a few years ago now....


    All the best to both of you until we can get that way to stop in for a visit hopefully soon..... I will let you know when so I will check with you for sure....

  3. Asha,


    I think I got about the same amount of years of being a stroke survivor counting from 2004 when I suffered the stroke..... I am just as grateful as you are to have made it this long and can do all of what I do I'm so thankful to God and my wonderful wife......


    All the best to you and your family..... We both can say we have come a long way....... I'm paralyzed on left side but I'm alive and well.....

  4. Well the time has come again to blog a little bit.....I suppose things went as well as I could expect since I wasn't very active toward the end of the year.... Now 2017 is upon all of us and I wish all the best for every member here.... Well my wife is back at work at the bank and driving too but I did pick her up last week but her doctor say she will be OK driving herself again.... So I will stay by her side until she has her thyroid problem fixed which should be this coming week at the same hospital but not taking as long now.... She is just about ready to start doing things for herself again I think....


    More next time.....

  5. Sue, 


    I have read your blog several times now and I gotta ask you, but you are not obligated to answer at all.... Do you feel now that you will ever have another male friend that you feel close to as in a husband like Ray was??????


    I'm in my fourth marriage now at 75 years of age and at times I wonder what if??? What if something happens to her would I ever have another woman in my life????


    I just can't come up with the answer to my question..... Sex is not everything but I wonder when a man is finished with that side of a marriage???? Any answers or suggestions you can text me or email at Thanks for your answer......