
Stroke Survivor - male
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Status Updates posted by fking

  1. Happy Anniversary fking!

  2. looking for my gallery pictures

  3. Happy Anniversary fking!

  4. Continue to recover as much as possible and stay strong to encourage others!!

    1. fking


      I sure hope when you come here we all can inspire you to recover and be glad about yourself and your care giver!

  5. fking

    I'm hoping you find the answers to WHY your stroke happened and pray you don't go through this again in life. Fred!

  6. I was going to comment on your post reference trainer but then I thought well you probably had the funds to afford this kind of training so it's a great idea. I'm thinking of me and maybe others that truly need that type of help but just can't afford it. Anyway I hope you are able to find one in or near your location soon and tell us the cost in your case! Fred!

  7. I hope you get my message back to you today. I really don't know how to close an account. See one of the modirators I think!


  8. Happy birthday Brian, didn't know you are nearing the big 50. In a couple years you can have free coffee at Mickey D's in Walmart for sure!


  9. I hope things are coming along with your husband. I posted what I thought may help him with speech! Take a look at your post.

  10. I sent you 2 messages, no reply from you! If I had your email, I could give you my cell number. My email is listed on my profile. Yours say private so I can't click on it like you can mine!

  11. I hope it's okay to call you Ellen?

  12. fking


    I do hope you get to meet Katrina (Cagebird) in chat or online in one of her posts or blogs. I call her my Lil sister. I'm very proud of her accomplishments since her stroke at the tender age of 12.

    She is one accomplished child so I wish you get to meet her on here one day.

    Welcome to you and I hope you enjoy our company. All the best to you and a spee...

  13. fking

    Thanks for adding me as your friend, I'll do the same thing today! I got hung up on computer problems and printer wireless...I'm tired!

  14. fking

    rbm, Glad you joined our group. Come back when you got time and introduce yourself. I use a scooter now but came home from 4 months in the hospital in a wheel chair almost 7 years ago!

  15. Thanks for the notice about that joke they sent me, I have no way of knowing which is which, I just post what they send me. I figure they all are the normal emails everybody pass along.

    The ones I use (from me) are from the joke pages on the web. I get so many from my email gang lately, I never have to go look up jokes to post here!

  16. fking

    I didn't realize your birthday and mine was the same month..."July", no wonder we are such good old folks! Have a wonderful birthday Lady!

  17. Thanks for including me on the list! I see right away we are two days apart on our birthdays, mine is the 22nd and I'll be 69.