
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Lynn,, yes I finally got an apartment yesterday and got her things moved in too from my storage shed now just now she calls me and say she needs to go to a hospital so I say call an ambulance they will take you to a hospital.... I bought her a cell phone put her on my carrier account yesterday....


    She has cost me and my wife dearly since Social Security has not started a check yet for her ailment and they don't when they will restart her benefits either....

  2. Debbie,


    I'm just wondering with all the recent therapy sessions Bruce has gotten if perhaps a scooter would be a thing to try??? I don't know his ability to stand or use a cane but that is how I started out after I got out the WC for the first few months after coming home....


    The little scooter I got from Medicare years ago that is small enough to fit through the bathroom doors I seldom used and the bigger scooters are from the VA, I got one in the house and one I haul in my SUV... The VA installed an electric lift to get it in and out I can do by myself...


    Just wondering cause I know you have a balcony too and stairs in your home.... My walking has gotten very bad here lately so I hope using my exercise bike will start to make it better. 

  3. I was about to say no matter you are still alive and every day I think we do recover a bit more very slowly of course.... I have been at recovering for 12 years and can hardly walk while one time I was walking really good where some didn't know I suffered a stroke.... I'm older now at 74 and was only 62 when the stroke came calling my name....


    I never lost my trust in God....

  4. Hey Ruth,


    I think about your shih Tzu all the time but just can't seem to get to Houston to visit you and William.... I just went to pick up my daughter last week to bring her back to Killeen from Gatesville....


    The pup we got left is big as her mom, we sold the other five..... They wore me out caring for all of them.....OK, take care you and William and the dogs....  

  5. Well you all,


    I got up this morning asking myself if I could be a Powerball winner and the answer came to me real fast.... "Yes was the answer "only if my numbers came out the machine"  


    Well I bought a ticket but my numbers didn't show up then I remembered asking God one time long ago to let me win and He said "sure son but you got to work with me, "Go Buy A Ticket" ......


    I know now it's still not my time to win but hey, I survived the stroke...... So, I'm a real winner...... :D  :roflmao: Maybe next time.....

  6. You know Julie, I haven't been to church in over a few months now because of my slow walking ability and my wife would have to hold on to me after I exit the vehicle to help me stay on my feet and not fall.....


    So I got to wait a few more weeks to gain my strength back plus when I sit that long she has to help me get to my feet to walk out the pew is just too low for me to stand up myself.... I just don't want to use my scooter and have to park in the isle.....


    I wish our church had a section for wheelchairs and scooter because there are plenty old members age 70 and up that are just slow......


    My wife's people came in from New Orleans so we had a house full until yesterday they all went back home....


    Best wishes to you and Larry for a great new year and his healing process to come......

  7. It was about that same temperature here this morning but had to get the little dog to the grooming lady at Petsmart without fail to be cleaned up again and toenails done...... The owner, my grand daughter, went with me so I didn't have to exit the vehicle to make our appointment.... They were so busy Saturday I couldn't get what we wanted done and the weather was so nice but they were very crowded with dogs everywhere...... Beauty is what we were seeking by taking the little dog in today.....

  8. My prayers went up so I know they came to your bedside for your healing and the caring you display goes a long way with lots of spirit inside, God Bless.... Oh, I take that same med sometimes but for my pain when it gets hard for me to rest or sleep..... They told me I could use it at my age of 74 with no problems what so ever.....