
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Sue, what a wonderful Blog, I've said before, you and Jean have a way with words to express your feelings in ways others can relate.


    Migrants and farm workers have been a big part of history for most countries. My parents were farmers/share croppers moving from place to place in Texas. By the time I came along in 1941, as their 19th child, they were just outside Houston.


    I can only imagine how it was with generations just before them and the slave ships before that time frame. My mom was 43 when I was born and 15 with her first child. She told me many stories about their struggles to work, eat, raise kids and live.


    Your Blog touches me greatly. Thanks for sharing! :scooter:

  2. I was corrected today at one of the public pools. The manager/supervisor said the pool is open, but you can't get in the water because there are no lifeguards on duty. To me, brain damage and all, the pool is closed to swimming or being in the water.


    There is a certain time of day, about 2 hours on certain unannounced days, lifeguards (may) be available. To me the pool is closed for all practical purposes for lack of staff to open to the public and provide a safe swimming inviroment. Maybe I'm wrong in my thinking! lol!




    I agree with Asha and Lin about paying on line if it agrees with you. It took me a year to feel safe by doing it on line, now thats all I do, plus some of them send you reminders your bill is due. I printed out a "bill list" put it in plastic, use a marker to indicate it's been paid for the month. All my paychecks go direct deposit, easier on me.


    It may not be the way to go for everybody but I keep better balances.

  3. Boy you can call that a change of venue and at the same time you see there isn't a lot you miss about the night life or atleast the club scene.


    You can wash your body and clothes, plus get over the 2nd hand smoke in your lungs. The good part is, it was fun for a change, you can still hear somewhat and you found your Diamond. Three out of four ain't all bad!! :scooter:

  4. Mary,

    I don't know if it's earned, but you certainly paid into it during those 15 years you supported your family. It's like unemployment insurance has to be paid by an employer. Otherwise if you are fired, no reason of your own, it can and will be paid to you.


    That's the reason I can't draw SS, I didn't pay into it while owning my business. The years I last paid was too far back to claim from the time of my disability. Crazy, but it's the law. You should get yours. How long depends on how much was paid in by you.

  5. Jean,

    I live near one of the entrances to the base. About one mile. There are about 5 gates to get on the Post from Killeen. The city limits join Ft Hood Military base, only a fence to separate the two. When you come out the gate, you are in Killeen city limits. Many of the soldiers own homes and live in Killeen and other surrounding cities. Killeen with over 100,000 population and expanding city limits is big. Ft Hood is the largest military post in the US.


    There is just one school district(Killeen ISD), so there are schools everywhere. Actually, Ft Hood is a city within itself, controlled by the government. The Post Commander is like the city Mayor. Everything is coordinated between them, congressmen, the Governor and George Bush, just up the road about 40 miles away.


    I go on base about every day for the hospital, commissary, gas station, exchange store and more. A Zillion retirees live here. All the other countries train their military here. The firing ranges are live fire training 24/7, helicopters in the air day and night.


    The sad part is there is a funeral about every day. The old soldiers dying, the young active duty soldiers being brought back from Iraq, the teenagers involved in car wrecks and other incidents, you know what I mean. We sell houses and cars in this town by the 100's every week.


    There is lots of foster care parents, Big Brother and Sister too. So many kids lose their mom or dad or both, it's really sad. But we make it as a big military family helping each other.

  6. Sue, I'm happy for you and Ray that you can have a day that's truly yours to enjoy. On the other hand I've had only one stroke I know of but went two times to the ER stayed overnight both times and was told "no change" to be seen in the MRI.


    Something had to have happen. I'm slower now than ever before, loss hand control, leg is stiffer, but I guess the positive is I'm alive still.

  7. Welcome again to the Blog community, keep up the exercise and therapy much as possible and insurance will allow. Happy Birthday to her!! Stay positive, I feel she will overcome with you by her side.


    I had a bleed 2 years ago. Was in hospital over 3 months, then home in a wheel chair. I can walk slowly with a cane. Have had therapy most of the 2 years.

  8. Survivor,


    Glad you enjoy the site. Have fun for your sister's wedding, I know you'll be dancing. You are going to have the desire to go sight seeing, so you may want to consider a power chair or scooter rental when you get there.


    I have one hand use too and there are many hills in Ca depending on the city. I drive and use a scooter for shopping in the big stores and malls. :scooter:

  9. Mary,

    some doctors can read them much better than others, that's a fact. Some just read what's been typed out for them, not the picture it self.



    You are blessed to get that much info back to see for yourself. I wish I had the same thing. In fact one neuro doc had his secretary call me to say my MRI was ok, I didn't need to come in to see it or him. I changed doctors right away.