
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. A couple beers, huh! Now I know why you posted twice about your wheelchair not being needed any more.


    Put out more food for the recoons or their teeth will be real sharp, biting on the vents. You'll wake up one morning and they will be having breakfast at the kitchen table and sipping your beer. :unsure:

  2. Congratulations Bill,

    You have come so far in one year until you can't look back and spot your starting point. I bet you are walking more now than a year ago.


    Bud has got to find a way to slow you down so he can keep up. Otherwise he gotta take a nap when he gets back home.

  3. Does it seem like you got less to do based on your physical condition or doctors orders?


    Could be the 45% reduced pay causing you to feel like you do. In my case and physical condition, I would probably be glad to have a job with income. I going on 3 years with no pay.

  4. I noticed this is your first Blog. You must go back and click on approve in order for comments to show up.


    I had posted in the off topic forum about walmart hiring handicap people. maybe if you desire, that could be a restart in employment until you can get what you really want.


    Welcome to the Blog pages.



    Kim, I wish you all the success in the world with the love in your heart. That's what counts the most. Once the bow is made, the knot is tied, put some super glue on it, once it dry, you are stuck.


    You are still one behind me, not counting one comon law case. I try to not think about. Life is what it is no matter how we handle it.

  5. Amy,


    I got my medicare card yesterday. The welcome to Medicare booklet stated what to do sorta clearly to me. Then I will get another book soon from medicare. My start date is 1 July, birthday 22 July.


    I have Tricare Prime which changes to Tricare for Life. That stops my co-pays. I get my prescriptions filled on the Military Base, so I don't need a drug program, plus I have the V.A. for meds too.


    All I will need is Part A & B. Part B(hospitalization) will cost me currently around 78.20 a month. For me, it's a must have with my stroke and therapy needs in the future and God knows what else down the road.


    If I don't select Part B, I'd have bills galore with just Tricare for Life.

    Continue to read and ask questions from Medicare until you get the answers you need in your case. Good Luck Amy.

  6. I'm guessing you are talking about in chat, cause I didn't see see your pain in the butt blog, if I did, my mind can't recall.


    But then when I was a little fellow in the first grade, I told the teacher my name was "Dammit Boy", cause my dad called me that all the time. Then the next teacher told me he was probably trying to say "Danny Boy," but had a problem pronouncing it correctly being black and all.

  7. 50 years!! "wow", thats "mom" upside down. Thats why it's Golden, CONGRATULATIONS, that's what love and devotion is all about.


    I use the quad cane cause it stands up by itself. The other cane, I have to keep picking it up when I turn loose and it falls. Even when I lean it against a wall it falls.


    My left hand is so weak, I can't use a walker.

  8. Bill, here is a thought if one is fairly close, so you don't have to drive far. I go to McDonalds at walmart often, I drive and use the handicap parking spaces close to the front door. Lots of seniors all the time all day long.


    In the mornings, they eat pancakes, drink coffee. It's discounted for us seniors. Most of them order salads other times.

  9. Welcome to your Blog community. See, it is not hard to express yourself in whatever you are thinking. Even rant and Rave. You can use smiles and signs in the pop up window to express your points and feelings. Just don't forget to publish when you are finished writing.


    Otherwise, it stays in draft form. I did that a couple times and was wondering what happen to my blog.


    Miracles do happen, we are witnessing the beginning now. You remember what the doctors thought at first.

  10. She's forever laughing, one night taking her bath, she burst out laughing, I asked what was funny, she said, "I was thinking about what you said yesterday"


    I think I'll try the stones if we got that type here. We have many, some legal, some not, some called "day spa", some, the police have other names for them. It happens any town where soldiers are stationed. Plus there is heavy Asian population here in "all" types of businesses.

  11. Ken, welcome to Blogs, you'll enjoy another way to express your self or just blow off steam.


    The fact is you are walking, assisted or not. At a point after your stroke, you probably couldn't walk period. I know I didn't and couldn't. Fresh out of ICU, and up on the rehab floor, private room, I fell off the comode a couple times. Every lil bit is improvement. You are making progress.

  12. Shelia, I'm glad this was your humor blog, cause I'm wondering again.


    The hot stone massage, that sounds intriguing, would it cost the same without the stone?


    The best experience of "your life", now that covers a lot of time.


    In my condition and at my age, that would be my last experience on earth. Maybe the cost won't matter, my wife can pay from my death benefit check.



  13. Well Kim, I see this is Blog post number one for you, so I say welcome to the neighbor Blog community. Now it's time for some Humor in your blog!!


    I tried to figure out why you were listening to music again, as you said who knows. Well I finally got the answer: "You left your heart in San Francisco", you stayed at the Fairmont Hotel, I was the doorman, but I won't tell our members "the rest of the story." That's another Blog entry.