
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. I, for one, try to reply to the newbies while they are reaching out for any little knowledge that will help them try to understand what to expect from this life changing event.


    For most of them, like my self, seems like it (stroke) came from hell with no warning. Most of them were searching for answers and stumbled upon our site. ALL of them are so glad they found us.


    As we mention the blogs, they slowly come over to see. For the caregivers, its a little easier when they get time out. The survivor is a little more hesitant because of their ability or lack of, in using their hand typing or with speaking.

  2. That should go good with the new poppin bits pizza from Pizza Hut. Each pizza got 28 bits in the crust, you just pull'um off and pop'um in your mouth, then you can eat the pizza. With this, we can dip'um first.


    Then we got the crackers and the bread stixs too. :roflmao:

  3. Sandy, no, I'm not sure, in fact I'll be 65 in July, Medicare eligible and in the zone for Alzheimers. With my luck, it could be arriving early.


    I'm glad now I kept my wheelchair, high comode and the stuff I used early in my recovery process, it could be very much needed again. You know history has a way of repeating itself.


    Sue, I'm dizzy, and if my hair don't turn blonde soon, I may get a little dye from my friend Sandy and do it my self.


    Asha, I tried that, but you ever notice how long my replies are? I can't stay on one thing long, one second is my limit.


    I used to say as a joke, long time ago, that if I married a woman that love sex every day, with my luck, she would stop wanting it at all. Well, guess what?, that done happen too! Soon as I declared no more weddings in my lifetime. :yadayada:

  4. I got the bike and about the same set up, but it's all down stairs in the dining room we never use. I try to ride twice a day, early morning to get the kinks out, then right after the evening news.


    My stretch bands are attached to my bed post and the putty is here at my computer. The weight may be from meals consumed after 6 pm. or the amounts. I'm on the oatmeal kick twice a day then fruit and nuts.

  5. Marty, my best guess on why the appointment, is that's a sure way for them to get paid. I hate that process. I can't get any answer to simple questions, I'm told to make an appointment. For me, that means another twelve dollar copay just to ask a question. Then, they bill your insurance for another office visit of 75.00.


    Don't be surprised if you have to take a test before he answers your question. I was having a problem getting refill request from my PCP, now the pharmacy has to fax a new request to the authorizing doctor and wait for an answer.


    Here you must have 2 picture ID's with your home address before you can pick up a prescription from any pharmacy. If my wife pick up for me, she has to show her ID and mine.

  6. Asha,

    I agree, they need a cure as well. The thing about the TPA is they have to be sure your stroke is caused by a clot. Sometimes they have a terrible time trying to figure out if you are having a stroke, let alone the cause. Some people even get sent back home.


    My reason for saying prevent is, I had just finished my annual physical in December 2003, which I did every year since retiring from the Army in September 1979. The doctor's comments were, "Sir, you are in great health for another year, you passed everything, we will see you again next year about this time."


    Well, 30 days later, January 15, 2004, I had a stroke. Obvously, I was devestated. My thoughts were how can this be when my health was just declared good. Now two years later, my thoughts are how can something like this be prevented, assuming you are in good health.



    You are right too, there is really no way any one person can be screened in such a way to detect all the possibilities that can cause a stroke then get treated so a stroke won't happen to them. That was my case, and hearing the doctor say I passed my physical gave me the feeling I was in top shape for a 62 year old retired soldier.


    Two weeks before my final tests, I passed all my cancer test, postate, colon and skin. Then heart, vision and blood test for HIV, AIDS and others. Now I have a stroke and they say I have a bleed from high blood pressure. Unbelieveable to me.



  7. It's a good feeling to go from EMS paramedics to ER as a patient, get diagnosed, discover the reason, then begin the long road to recovery as a survivor. Some stroke patients don't make it to survivor status.


    The 911 clerks and EMS personnel handle so many calls and trips to the ER, until I can understand them being routine status as we see it. I was like you, scared to death. I was passed out 4 hours before I arrived in the ER with a brain bleed.

  8. The comments about the site are in the bullentin that Len sends out to your email. Steve breaks the completion dates down. At the moment I don't remember them. Check that bullentin, lots of info, even letters to Marty (007).


    A couple of the members had some problems with paypal or didn't trust them. Unless a check can be sent to Steve, they may not order. I ordered mine today also.

  9. I have the same hopes, and I keep adjusting, but the big difference is, I'm a lot older than Patrick. I just left my neurologist yesterday, and he had no encouraging words.


    I think what helps me most in my condition is, I can drive, ride my scooter and go most places myself. I can't walk far or fast, left side still after two years, very weak, almost no use. Improvement for me in that area is still a long way off.

  10. I know the feeling all too well. I had one, once that wanted me to pick up the pencils from the table. My fingers don't settle down and still don't a year later. I have limited use of my left hand period. Well the answer is I had a stroke and those cells are dead


    At 64 years, my re-generating, if any, is also slow but I'm alive.

  11. Gail, as a general rule, The doctors and therapy people usually stay clear of percentages in numbers anyway, of what a stroke survivor will get back in terms of usage ability of their affected side. So if the statement was made, they really don't know. They can't intereped a MRI that closely, so it's only a guess on their parts.


    In my mind, it sorta goes with the fact, if they can't find a definate cause of a stroke, how can they decide how much is coming back at any given time. Obvously, they can look at a MRI and see the damaged area is a little or a lot. How much will regenerate, how any new veins will start up, all takes time to develope where it can be seen by another MRI taken at that time.



    I have to agree with you, the couple that won was the couple that got the straight 10's twice and was the winners in my book. Jerry should have been gone 4 weeks ago. He can play football, catch passes, but his skills in ballroom dancing is not there.


    The fan base is what kept him in the running, not his dancing ability. He had access to the entire NFL with cell phones and computers. No doubt, other players from other sports too. You see he was at the superbowl as one of the past MVPs.

  12. you are right, we got some males standing trials now, and soldiers who went into the girls bathrooms at school to be with a 7 year old child. A male music instructor messing with boys in his class. Then a male asst principal putting a camera in the ladys bathroom. Its not just females, they just get the most coverage being with the young boys.