
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Another welcome to the Blog community. Well, needless to say, you have had a very full plate in a short period of time. Your M-I-L, your grandson, now your dear husband again. Thank God you were a driver, some wives don't.


    I was home alone had a brain bleed at 11am, my left arm, elbow went numb, I stood up from my computer and fell away from the phone twice. Passed out aparently, my wife came home, found me and called 911. I got to the hospital about 4pm. Lots of damage by that time.


    Lets hope and pray no more strokes for Ed or me. Some survivors do quite a bit of recovering, what I've learned here is, it depends on the amount of damage. There are lots of questions that only time can answer. Right now surviving the stroke, being alive gives us a chance to get back some of what we lost.


    I suppose I won't put up or take down any more Christmas lights, nor change light bulbs or clean out the fireplace again soon. So my thoughts are to be around for many more January's, just not like the one in 2004. I'm glad you are taking an active roll in learning about strokes and caregiving from the many experiences here. Take care of yourself.

  2. I wrote this blog late last night, only to discover this evening that I didn't publish it. That may be the case in other cases where the blogs are made but not seen. A member brought that subject up lately about the blogs not being finished or seen. I do have some brain damage and it shows. :yadayada:

  3. My opinion is when the cells died for lack of oxygen, if there is no rewiring, no new blood veins, I just don't see how its going to function again no matter how much I use it. Yea, other cells suppose to take over but mine has not done that in 2 years yet.


    Its not that you are settling where you are, or even giving up, rather you are accepting the fact that if it doesn't come back, you are not going to stop living the best life you can. The fact is, you are still alive and functioning. That's my feelings in my case.


    I have felt that I was slowed down for a reason and perhaps my life could be extended for that reason, who knows.

  4. Patience and acceptance is 75% of the battle, the other 25% is staying with and having a positive attitude. With just that, we can and will come and go a long way. That's the part WE control. Then there is the CAREGIVER, some have, some don't, who is instramental in our recovery process, aside from our medications and doctors.


    Then there are my thoughts that, we were slowed down for a reason unknown to us at this time. But, here we are, SURVIVORS among the living and eating healthy.

  5. Sue, when you think about it, as we get older with grace and energy, we don't like loud noises, going as much, our sex lives change, our kids are grown up, now with their own kids that we enjoy when they are around.

    So, just maybe we have to get involved in other energy using things to pass the time day and night. Routines are the worse and have to be broken up with ideas like, well, "today I'm going to do this or that." Some how, we never get to finish all we had planned for that time or day. That leaves us another project to complete tomorrow.


    I find myself saying where did the time go? Like now, my wife just left for bingo, so, I'll go downstairs and oil my exercise bike, it squeeks. Then off to walmarts to buy more oatmeal and pick up more milk. God knows, what time I will get there or when I will get back home. When I'm out, I meet so many people I haven't seen in a while.


    That's how I keep occupied and so many things to finish. Between nap times, phone ringing off the hook, catching my TV shows, etc, then this computer, posting and replying, I don't have enough hours to get it all done.

    On top of all that, my little 18 month old grandaughter gets home from daycare around 4pm. I entertain her until she fall asleep, she thinks she can talk, and does, I just can understand her, so we scribble in her books and I read her a story or two on some days. Time flies by for me

    almost everyday.



  6. That's a long days job, hospital bills, when you find out you paid for every little item they brought into the room, the mouth wash, the urnal, even the water pitcher and every pill is on the bill. Even the thingy they made for your foot(APO/FPO) or what ever you call it. They made two for me, the first one didn't work right, I see on the bill I paid for it anyway.



    I am a 15 percent guy for service in eating establishments for usual service, 20 percent when they check back a couple times, cause I usually have them bring something else to my table.


    Other services like baggage, room service etc, I do about 2-3 dollars per bag and some for the doorman. Even the cabbie unless he stands back and I have to remove my own bags from his trunk.


    When we eat at the Casinos dining rooms, we leave a little more, their services are great and we eat free from points earned, called comps. Our hotel stays are also comps.

  7. The sad part about Valentine Day is it's just one day, unlike Christmas, which last for what's called Holiday season. So any small priced gift doesn't seem to have the same flare as a Christmas gift. Even the cards and flowers last about a week.


    The big recipents are the outlets who sale the gifts for this day. Then with most folks, it is so close to Christmas, and they are still enjoying those gifts and cards.


    We normally celebrated by eating out at Red Lobster or Outback in the past, ofcourse, at todays prices, that's not cheap anymore.


    But, what the heck, there is no left over dishes to wash. :roflmao:

  8. I think for strokes to get more awareness, it has to become independent from the heart association.


    Lin, I could be wrong, but just today, it was announced that heart attack deaths was down by 369 from last year or maybe it was Cancer deaths. I also thought Cancer was #1, heart attacks #2, and stroke #3 cause of deaths. Either way, that's a lot of deaths every year with no let up in sight for strokes.


    I would think with 750,000 people each year in the US having strokes, prevention and research would be at the front so there are less people to treat.