
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Houddee Butch, (that's texan) I say come on down to The little state of Texas. Especially central, here in the home land of many soldiers going and coming from Iraq. I see this being the case for as long as there are troops in Iraq.


    We have so many handicapped persons here until it looks like the norm instead of the exception. Since there are troops living in every neighborhood, all the sidewalks, streets, public places and everywhere people go or visit, is redesigned to make access easy for us.


    I guess they know we eat out and shop too. That's probably not true in some cities, but here they really care. We'll be glad to host you all in our city and the weather reminds you of spring time right now.


    Everything is laid back, so, come on down and take a break from the snow.


    :o :beer:

  2. Sandy, one of these days I want to visit your homeland, Fiji. The golfer, VeeJ Sing is from there, and I just want to go see the land for my self. I bet its a beautiful place. Do you by chance have family members there now?


    I would like to run into some of your friends. Then make new friends on my own. I would be a snowflake waiting for others to join me.

  3. Amy, you know it only takes one monkey to foul up the show, as the saying goes, one monkey don't stop the show. I would have taken the matter up with the manager. Probably, right now, he is not aware of your insident.


    I shop there all the time, when a problem, like yours surfaces, I go straight to customer service area and ask for the manager on duty. I've had to do that 3 times in two years, my problems were solved right there. One time was paying my credit card bill at the register. the clerk didn't know how to do it, and wanted me to get in another very long line 2 isles over from her. I told her I was not moving, call the manager, he straighten her out right there.


    Another time, I needed an item from the top shelf, the sign clearly states to ask for assistance, the little guy said I could stand up on my scooter and reach it myself. I went off on him, the manager came over and had a long talk with him. A couple weeks later, he was gone.

  4. That says something about your cooking. The way to a mans heart is thru his stomach. That holds true and he's no doubt glad to be home.

    Best to you in the kitchen, I guess you and me will have to stick with slimfast. I can hardly button my pants. I try to control what I eat, but I still gain somehow.

  5. It's been my experience to call my HMO, in my case its Tricare Prime, they suggested another PCP, who then reffered me to a neurologist and to the eye institute for futher care. Somehow a lot of doctors and clinics stopped being Tricare participators when the health care system revamped a while back.


    Somehow, someway, you gotta get hooked up with another clinic and doctor approved by the insurance you are under.

  6. Debbie, my thought and what I did was see the dietician at the hospital for free while I was there. She gave me a sheet of instructions to go by along with a food choice paper.


    The problem I had was the better I was feeling, the more I ate stuff that was a no-no and not on the list. Then you gotta pay attention to the trans fats and processed foods.


    It's easy to gain, as you know, but I get weighed every appointment I go to, about two each week lately. So, I try to eat healthy and say no to the things I love to eat and shouldn't have.


    I love catfish and shrimp, but salmon and sardines are much healthier with mega3 oil the brain needs along with nuts and fruits. There goes my ice cream.


    Welcome to the blog community and good luck on eating the right foods in the smaller potions. That's what I do, even exercise your weak side while typing. Stand up about every 20 minutes and lift your leg and arm up for about 10 to 20 counts. time passes real fast, then I sit on the bed put my feet in the chair and do sit-ups, about 10.

  7. Sorry about the block, heck, I didn't even know about it. I try not to hit or click on too many buttons, seems like stuff just dieappear on me.


    I found the add entry button and thought I was a computer guy for a minute. If I need to hit other buttons, somebody let me know, please.

  8. Sounds like the best and pure answers will have to come from a professional counselor once you give all the details in your life leading up to the events.


    A Doctor's answer to why you didn't have a child is the only way to get closure, I think. The reasons could be many. Then you can begin to heal in your own right. Your journey seems to be, take one step at a time to fully understand and no depression.

  9. "Who am I", I know for sure, you are who you are, and God knows you know your roots. Sometimes, for some people, they easly forget where they came from. Sue, I'm like you. I can never, never ever forget from where I came and the struggle along the way. I have great respect for all the human race and women especially, taught to me, by my dear mother.


    When you think about it, we all were born thru the womb of a woman. We would not know the good days, if we hadn't experienced the bad ones. Sue, you are an inspiration and wise woman to many. I'm glad I know you at this time in my life. A blessing to you and your family.

  10. Sue, that's what I was saying about my wife, with my condition, it slows her down. She is 53, had to travel back and forth to New Orleans without me tagging along in the way trying to find her dads body and get her mother settled down.


    I can't tell you the last time (we) been out to any place together. I had one stroke, a couple TIAs and my going is real limited now days. I insist she get out, be with friends, play card games, eat out, go to the casinos or do something she want to do.


    Thats why I said Ray and my conditions are probably real close. I know she loves me still, but she needs time after 2 years to care for herself some and do things without me creeping along.


    I guess we'll see what life brings for all of us. Take it easy.

  11. Sue, my wife is my caregiver, I ruffle her feathers everyday. I get on her last nerve, but My mind is positive, my body is not. I tend to be not doing so good these days. Physically, seems like down hill is my direction of travel. I can only assume Ray is experiencing something along the same lines in being a bit slower these days.


    I hope it comes and goes and it leaves me pretty soon, I'm very tired of this feeling. Anyway, Sandy said, "for her", she uses the acceptance prayer and it works for her. I agreed it works for me as well. I implied to you, with your faith, it may be the way to consider going, in order to keep from putting undue pressure on yourself trying to accomplish different task/chores for Ray.


    Based on my body functions or lack of, I tried to feel what you may be facing from a caregiver standpoint with Ray from what your topic was asking. Ofcourse, you have the other situations facing you too, like your mum and the kids. No doubt your plate is full. My wife is about the same with displaced family scattered all across the US, lost a dad, and my condition is slipping slowly.


    So, with that said, I pray it has some comfort so as not to cause any ruffled feathers. We don't always know what the other person is going thru, but we try to offer our support in accepting the challenge with what we face along the same highway to happiness for the same cause.

  12. I just finished copying holiday blues in the off topic discussion forum. Thats a powerful piece all should get to read soon. That really takes the depression out of the mind, and gets you back to reallity. Highly recommended reading for all members, I think.


    Thanks again Jean for listing it for all to read and consider for the holidays ahead.

  13. Just a thought, consider having a conversation with her mom, maybe the two of you, being adults, can agree on the correct solution since they are very young kids.


    The one thing you don't want to become right now is grand parents. Education on the kid's part, from the parents, is the beginning of their understanding. I bet they will see the reasons and conduct themselves accordingly. This way it becomes a family affair, not one parent or child against the other.