
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Glad you are back on the board and still surviving as I am still surviving too.... 20 pounds in six months seems like you are not starving yourself any..... I am just existing and my grand daughter's little dog had six puppies we kept one girl so she would have company for a long time....


    So now I got company all day long while she is in school and I'm still training the little one to use the pad to tt and poop as she see her mom do plus they enjoy riding outside with me on the scooter and across the street to the cluster mail box... They look forward to being outside with me..... 

  2. Sue, 


    I said to myself I wasn't going to comment on this subject you wrote because one day I could be in the same situation should I go before my loving wife.... It took me four tries to get the wife I got now after the others all left so any holiday by myself would be devastating to me in my condition with this stroke having a hold on me.... It just wouldn't be the same kind of holiday....

  3. Well for me I really don't know what to say this time around but when you said " I wonder if it would be different with a roommate you like more"...I thought about what you said then put myself in your place and I came up with "If it was me in that situation I probably wouldn't last a full day in a nursing home"....


    I would have to be in a private room like I was in the hospital and again my wife knows I will stay home until I die, no nursing home for me.... In your case you probably couldn't have said or even think like me being with wife..... So I understand your position and I pray you can make the best of what you may think is a bad place to be right now....


    "You say self examined and found guilty" What can I say????

  4. Lynn,


    I tell you it's hard being a survivor or even the care giver of any stroke survivor because a stroke is almost in my opinion a active life ending affair in so many ways..... I am the only one from a family of 4 girls and 8 boys to have had a stroke and we were all very hard workers and farmers.... I knew nothing about strokes...


    Just continue to take care and you will be alright not hurting your ankle or falling....

  5. Thanks, thanks to each one of you for your kind comments, yes, it's a bit of a struggle and adjustment I have to make or I am making fast as possible to get back to where I once was years ago on board.... So bear with me not posting I shall return fully real soon!!!!!!


    I will hang on in there and not lose my grip...... 

  6. Sue, that is how my wife and I know each other so well and she knows what to do for me in all circumstances which is a good thing in my mind..... :dunce:


    Here I am in Texas and saw him on the computer when you had him responding but I will never forget him and you and when I see your picture I envision him too.... :D


    You are so right it is not easy to forget once it's in your brain....

  7. All the reasons my wife knows "I DO NOT WANT TO EVER LIVE IN A NURSING HOME UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES."  Let me die or pass at my house I paid for, over many years and not give any nursing home a penny of what little money I may have left to my name....


    I trust my wife but I wouldn't know any of those people working in those homes and they certainly don't know me so what do they care about taking care of me???.... I understand not every stroke survivor is in my shoes or frame of mind..... " Just my opinion" and everybody has one to my knowledge.....

  8. Jay,


    I look at that situation as one day we all got to leave here we just don't know when or how as my physical condition has really changed but I am walking a little, driving, and got use of my scooters, plus my wife is still working full time, a job she loves at the bank where she has been all her adult life.....


    We had a police chief from a small neighboring city get shot to death in killeen while working security at a night club here..... So we never know when it's our time to leave this world....

  9. George, 


    Glad you got settled in and things are going along great so live your life big guy like you want to and things will be alright I know....


    For me I'm still trying to walk a bit better but rely on my scooter and I still drive so I'm alive and well from that standpoint.... I'm surviving and the wife is still working full time..... I can't complain at all....

  10. Many thanks to each of you, I had to get this off my chest, I know she will do what she wants to do so I hate spending my money to get her a decent place to live and she goes right back to doing the wrong things in her life.... I shall see soon enough and you would think this time a lesson will be learned by her....


    It's going to be her choice, right thing or wrong thing, I have no funds to burn because it will be between her and social security and her ssi check if that's how she want to be with her life.... I will continue to pray for her.....

  11. Thanks to each of you for the wonderful comments and how I made some of you feel better about your own conditions.... I will try to hang on in there a while longer and wait on the Lord to bless me along the rest of journey with a bit more health....


    Elizabethc, I have had my fair share of OT, PT, and in home services to get me back on track but that has all ended for now but I still use my exercise bike to keep my old joints moving and I still have a few more weeks for the attendance to come in for one hour to help me with my feet and legs but that too will soon end... My insurances says they will end payments to that facility soon...

  12. Sometimes when I read your Blog I have to think you may not want to be where you are but for now you may not have many choices in the matter... I say that now because I do choose not to use a home with my wife still living and she knows I do not want to be in a nursing home long as we own a house and we have insurance and Medicare and social security coming in each month....


    Good luck with those nurses just insist they treat you with respect in fact demand respect from them I'm sure you are paying something to be there otherwise they wouldn't be getting a pay check.....