
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Just maybe, when a person has a stroke, the first diagnoses by the ER docs, in most cases is high cholesterol, followed by high BP. Then stress becomes a factor. All 3 was my diagnoses, and I never, that I know of, had high BP or was under any stress. I had taken meds for cholesterol and was determined to be ok.


    So now, I tell those who ask me what happen, that it was a stroke caused by high cholesterol and BP. I still feel stress is not a factor for me. I don't get upset or excited about a damm thing, especially money, bills, relationships or what I can or can not do by myself or for myself.


    Now you know to keep it in check along with your BP.

  2. PAM, your mind, like mine, is showing signs of recovery.


    Isn't it funny how time brings about changes and can make adjustments? I always have said, "the mind is a terrible thing to waste>" I never wanted to be a drop out. It took years for me to finish college.


    I attribute my 4 marriages to that fact. I just didn't want to give up on married life, I figured, I should have enough sense to get it right sooner or later. Then, here I am, 45 years of married life and handicapped. Sometimes, you just can't win, or it seems.


    I think, I'm the one of the four insane now, don't you know. Oh Well, it's gotta be me.

  3. Sue, I remember when Australia was not about race or orgin, you had to bring something to contribute, like being a teacher, doctor or open a business. Not be someone needing welfare or looking for handouts from the government.


    Maybe, by now, the laws are somewhat relaxed, even for summer visitors, you needed money to pay for hotels and food, no begging or hustling allowed then. Obvously, the Arab kids got money.

  4. Sue, you said "if you want to see a world of wonder and delight, see it through the eyes of a child" That's been my concerns since my childhood days. Now it does this old heart so much good to still see the eyes of children light up Christmas morning. My little grand daughter is really ready, she won't leave the tree or the presents under it alone. It's like she knows something there is hers.


    I still remember the plays and speeches we had to learn for school and church plays. Even at Easter time, and we know the bunny rabbit don't lay the eggs. So it's a special time of year for me as well.


    Sue, do you get into the Aboriginal outback very often? Remember, I told you I spent lots of time with them on my R&R from Vietnam. You should have seen me trying to drive on the left side, I finally got a bicycle. Australia is so intriging, and so much to see and do, except me dealing with the crocks. I'll leave that to Dundee.



  5. I have noticed it only takes one day for a Blog to make page two. After about 4 days I can't find it in the first 3 pages. More people are blogging these days, including me...


    Maybe you'll get a long handle back scratcher under the tree from Santa. That's what I use, or my long handle shoe horn I got from hospital rehab. happydance.gif

  6. Can you imagine this same woman in a long term care facility? Which may or could happen once she leaves your house. Looks like if they don't want to do what's right and proper, get out of the business, fine some job you like better. That's a sorry person in my book, man or woman. I could not do anybody like that.


    That's why I've been married 4 times, before I mistreat a woman, I will leave, I'm not going to prison, and I'm not killing somebody's daughter under any circumstances.

  7. Sounds like a good $1,000,000 resolution, especially for the New Year, lets hope, no, lets pray you hit the lottery. I have been taking the first step, I bought a ticket.


    Remember the Blonde inspirational joke I wrote last week? Well, I make sure I buy the ticket now. Happy Holidays!!!

  8. Gary, I like his first bold typed line that he is living proof that there is life after stroke. I'm sure his books are helpful and informative in nature. I read the book by Cleo Hutton, and there is only so much that can be said that we don't already know or haven't experienced in some form or fashion.


    Thank for finding the site, see being awake and up at 3am ain't so bad after all. Here in Texas, it was almost too cold to leave from in front of the fireplace. Had my computer been downstairs, I probably would have been awake at that time aslo.

  9. Susan, Rolly will miss you, I'm glad you are able to talk every day. Wal-Mart got those little 27 exposures, one time use cameras under $4. You can bring lots of pictures for Rolly to see the new addition. I have a grandaughter here, and she is loads of company for me at 15 months old.


    Hope you can take the Texas weather, much different from California, atleast here in Killeen, central texas. At night we are freezing.

    Congratulations on #3, Susan. cloud9.gif