
Stroke Survivor - male
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Blog Comments posted by fking

  1. Where is in all cases, the weakest link when pressure is applied. Something has to let go, release its grip, that's how our immune system operate.


    How much we are affected depends on that zones' strength. Some strokes are not detected by doctors immediately, the normal signs or systems don't show up on the radar screen.


    Some humans get AIDS, live long time, while others die shortly after their contact. We need more research done on strokes and primary causes. Otherwise we all end up taking BP, and Cholesterol meds the rest of our lives, cause that's what they think caused our stroke.

  2. Well Pam, You got it all going your way, you will find the right path. Here is one you wrote about a year ago:It is only the heart one can see rightly--what is essential is invisible to the eye.


    Remember reading that passage?? So you can be Little Princess this time around.


    The who or What is important. I'm on the 4th time around, half of what Liz Taylor accomplished. The Who is invisible to you at present. unsure.gif

  3. Hey, that's good news, I'll still be praying. Hope you get the best of the best doctors, since you now have more to choose from. That's always the scary part, the Picking doctors with the most experience for the job.

    Hang on in there, its getting better, the more you know what's what.

  4. Pam, I agree with you. My computer just stopped and I lost what I had written. I will make this one short.


    I have no schedule either, don't get bored or depressed. I can take it or leave it. I guess I am too dumb to know how to get bored. I just play the hand I'm given. If there is a misdeal, just try again. Life goes on night and day. roflmao.gif

  5. Stan, I agree with you on their attitude about what will help you and what will not. Seem like if its not medicine you take, they disagree on other forms of rehab.


    Mine had blood work ordered and don't see me for another month or more about the results.

  6. Jean,

    you got that right, in fact most of the students in my classes called me Pops or Bill Cosby as a look alike from way back.


    My degree was in business (BA), I was 38, went in Army in 1958 right out of HS at 17, mother signed for me to enter. I started in CA in 1973 after Vietnam and finshed in Baumholder, Germany at the University of Maryland campus set up there for military, DOD personnel and the american dependents graduating from high school.


    Got married in 1960, my first child (dau) was born in Munich in 1964, then my son here at Ft Hood, Tx in 1966. I had 16 years Army service in Germany alone. So I know the struggle in life first hand.


    It takes years to finish when it's not priority one. They used to say "Listen Pvt or recruit or GI", "if the Army had wanted you to have a wife, they would have issued you one". That was when I wanted to go back home in Texas to get married. Thats why I say I have been married over 45 years total with 4 different ladies. BashHead.gif

  7. I never use the "if I was you" statement. You said 2 choices, but listed three.


    "I can feel bad".... "I could be negative".... "or I can breathe a huge sigh of relief"


    Saying thank God sounds good by me, and I would further look to him for more guidance in my life. That's just me and how "my Life" is going now. I'm in no way debt free, but some how, some way, we are making the best of a bad situation. I'm very thankful for a roof, car and food.


    I lost my business + income, my wife had to quit her job to look after me. But giving thanks to my God, almost two years later, we are still making life very liveable. He has worked wonders in our lives.


    Let us inquiry minds know what choice you is or will be, and if thats your final answer. unsure.gif

  8. Bonnie, I would be interested in knowing how your cholesterol test comes out. I'm in the very same boat.

    That zocor made me weak in both legs and arm, the doc said it couldn't be the meds. Went in to hospital overnight for brain test, all negative. So I stopped the zocor and now doing garlique. The weakness has eased up.


    I'm waiting to see the doc about the blood work tests. My cholesterol was down before then. At 19 months out, I couldn't see me getting weaker all of a sudden and in rehab too and the MRI and c scans all negative. I feel it was the zocor and zetia. I shall see.

  9. Tough Times and bad news somehow seem to make people reach out and extend their hands and hearts. It's just human I think. Look at how the response was for the hurricane victims, some losing everything.


    Here we are one family and even your street neighbors usually extend their cares for your concern. They do reach out in their own individual ways.


    I only wish the world was that way. We could all love and care for each other in peace regardless of nationality, orgin, race, or religion, and not in live and death situations. I'm still praying.

  10. I've got the same shoe on the other foot. In fact that's why I'm not at church this morning. She feels if I went to the hospital twice in 30 days, they found nothing wrong, looking at the MRI, and scans, then I'm okay.


    I still feel weakness in my left side and much pain, something is not right, but she don't see it. She says I'm wasting money paying doctors and hospitals. The drs. saying it's not the medicine, I think it is the cholesterol meds.


    Thats the only thing different in the last year. Maybe I had more brain cells to die but the MRI didn't show it, if that's what happened.

  11. Kristen, let me offer this from my own experience as a survivor.


    I say face each day with hope for the possible, not impossible. Just the other day was a post about a person who spoke after 20 years of silence. My own case follows Patrick's situation.


    I was just out of hospital thinking of TIA or something, they couldn't find anything. My eyes are burning, vision blury, ears ringing, nose running, leg and arm paining so much my walking and hand grip is suffering.


    Took my prescription for new glasses and was told to wait, because it was too much difference from what I got now. I would improve plus it wasn't signed by the optimologest. As survivors, we have been told we wouldn't walk, talk or whatever again, we did, so there is always hope for progress.


    We face what's lost now, but with hopes some of it will return. Even though we have loss, we still have hope and still alive so regeneration is always possible. If a leg or arm was amputated, then there is no hope, its a permenant loss. I accept what I can't do now thinking I was slowed down for a reason, only God knows.

  12. I gotta be different, go to your favorite clothing store and buy yourself another black jacket and skirt, same size you had, put it in your closet.

    Your incentive will return. make sure its leather, winter is coming. Now two of your possibilities are covered.


    The others, a Subway sub with 6 grams of fat, whole grain, 2% milk and put your husband in your corner can fix you right up lady.


    Ugly is in the eyes of the beholder, if you feel older, think of how much wiser you are now. See how easy that was. No sweat. You can still meditate, even do yoga, don't look back